Chapter 174: Terrible ability!

"The Lieutenant of the Sea God of our Federation, the old monster of the Muzi Kanto family, the Makino of the Sundial Empire, and the Rey of the Dorsey, and the farther away, such as the Queen of Helen of the Aoya Alliance, the water sanctuary of the Southern Galaxy, chaos The ice emperors of the zone have similar field capabilities." Su Qing will be among the most qualified and powerful people in the entire human world.

"Similar? It means that these are not..." The dean heard Su Qing's subtext.

"Yes, although the field ability of these strong people is very similar to what I have sensed, it is just similar." Su Qing is very clear that the field ability of those people is still different.

"That is, this is a strong field in the field that has not been recorded..." The dean's brow wrinkled even tighter. "Su Qing, you said, will this be a hostile country deliberately hiding some field masters? Trying to target a conspiracy in our federation."

Su Qing is speechless, and the worries of the dean are not nonsense. Since the Japanese empire set up a murder of the federal god-class sergeant Major Ling, the federal deterrent has been reduced by three layers, everything is possible.

However, he thought about it and said: "It is not excluded that there are new areas of promotion, but we have not received it here." This is the best result, but Su Qing does not hope for this. Because it is still possible to enter a new one, it is obvious that some of the three mysterious field masters are inexplicable.

The dean also knew this. He was silent and continued to ask: "Can you find out the other person's current trace?" No matter what the person is, they must find out each other as soon as possible and take the initiative.

Su Qing heard a bitter smile, "President, you forgot that I am not good at tracking..."

The dean yelled at his head in an annoyed manner, depressed and said: "Oh, confused by these troublesome things... Lu Nan, have you come yet?" he asked several instructors who came to him.

"I am here, Dean!" A mentor shouted helplessly. When can the dean master remember his face? Just beside him. I have to ask if there is no, it is really sad!

Although Lunan had some small sadness, he immediately locked in the most intense water element energy and searched. However, this time he failed because there is no such thing as this energy in the 100-meter space. It is as if the master of the field has never left this place.

Lu Nan did not give up, did not hesitate to lock that somewhat empty. But no matter how he locks. I can't capture the ethereal energy at all. After trying five or six times, Lu Nan had to choose to give up and lock in the uncomfortable energy that made people somewhat contradictory.

Lu Nan originally thought that it might not be successful once, but he did not expect to lock it all at once. Without waiting for the route search to start, he found that the energy was contaminated with energy in his field, and there was no wind and smoldering, and he began to devour his energy source...

This strange scene made Lu Nan's face change. He decisively interrupted the energy source that locked the energy. His reaction was already fast, but in this short time, the terrible energy directly sent him. The energy source swallowed up a fifth of the amount.

The dean saw that Lu Nan’s face had changed greatly, and even after a few steps back. The whole person looked a little languid and couldn't help but ask: "Lu Nan, what happened to you?"

Lu Nan’s face was embarrassing: “I’m sorry, Dean, I can’t find the other person’s whereabouts...”

"What is this about?" The dean slammed his eyes. The heart is in doubt.

You should know that Lunan's ability to track is not the first in the Federation, and it is more than enough to enter the top three. As long as he comes forward to track, even if it is as strong as a field-level master, it is difficult to escape his search. Originally thought that Lunan would find some clues this time, I did not expect that he could not find a way.

"Su Qing said that the strong person in the field of water elemental energy has never left the space of about 100 meters. This allows me to check... and another empty energy, I can’t lock it at all, and another ......" Lu Nan's face was white and white, and his face was scared. "The energy is too horrible. Once locked, it will ignite spontaneously, as if it were to swallow all the energy sources. Fortunately, I decisively abandoned my part of the energy source. ,otherwise……"

If there is some disappointment in the heart, worry a little more, a few seconds late, maybe even he will be burned out by the terrible energy, leaving no traces... this is terrible! Lu Nanyue wants to be more and more afraid. He has never seen such a terrible energy. Who is the strong person in the field who has this energy?

When Lu Nan’s words were heard, everyone’s face became clear. Everyone’s face changed. Some even couldn’t help but step back. It seemed to be afraid of being contaminated with this terrible energy and causing disaster for themselves.

When the dean listened to Lu Nan, the whole person was silent for a few seconds, and then said faintly: "You said, will the strong person in the water element die in this person's hands?"

The words of the dean made everyone stunned, and this would explain why the power of the water element did not leave this place.

"There is no body at all here..." one of the instructors said inexplicably, but he only stopped for a while, because he thought of the characteristics of the other field, perhaps because it was contaminated with this energy, the water element. The field powerhouse is directly burned out?

Everyone thought of this, couldn't help but shudder, they looked at the **** place, a chill in the bones, I can't wait to leave here immediately.

The dean said that this did not require the answer of other instructors. He looked at the place where the fighting was fierce. He sighed: "I only hope that the two mysterious powers are not directed at our Scouting Academy. s student……"

The voice of the dean just fell, the whole person suddenly opened, and he said with a serious statement: "Su Qing, immediately return to the main control room, apply to the main brain for all-round warning of the red level, and ensure the perfect end of the big fight!"

"Others, free to choose the scope of monitoring, be sure to fully cover the area of ​​the big fighting area, pay close attention to the process of the big fighting, if there is any suspicious circumstances, you can directly apply for the assistance of the college armor team!"

The dean issued a series of orders to allow all field-level mentors to take action. This time, the mysterious field powerhouse unexpectedly appeared in the Scouting Center College, so that those who have been hidden in the depths of the college have appeared one by one, and all the gods are guarding the big fight! Because of their existence, the big fighting has always been in their grasp, so there is no big casualties, which is an unexpected surprise for the students of the two grades.

Somewhere in the grove of the college, a young man in white, slightly short, and a tall, thin-skinned teenager slammed into each other, making a dull crash, then bounced off each other and fell heavily. Fall to the ground...

The white boy stood up and smacked the blood of a corner of his mouth. His eyes stared fiercely like a wolf, staring at the red boy who was equally difficult to stand up.

They are the seventh-grade white Xie Yi and the ten-year-old red dress Yuan Chen. Yuan Yuan Chen thought that solving a seventh-grade white dress is a very simple matter. I didn’t expect Xie Yi to hide deeply, and its strength is not at all. Under him, the two played very hard and fell into a deadlock.

At the beginning, they also played tricks, you come to me, a stunt and a trick to complement each other, but after the two, they consumed most of their endurance, they did not feel entangled, so they chose hard and hard, think Defeat each other with their own strength.

In this way, the intense confrontation that has been repeated many times has been repeated twenty or thirty times. It should be said that when the two men hit the present, they have already reached the end of the lamp, and they can see if they can't support it.

"md, the tenth grade red clothes are really difficult to do, I still looked down on them..." Xie Yi spoke a **** mouth, thinking in a depressed mood.

Xie Yi is a person who likes to play pigs and eat tigers, so he has been forbearing in class B. Although Class A’s Qi Long, Wu Hao and Zhang Yingjie’s reputation are very famous in the grade, he is not in the heart. He is confident that his strength will never be lost to the other party. The only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that they are The innocent king of the grade is Ling Lan.

Xie Yi has always believed that the strength of the Scout Academy is not really strong. Only in the Men’s First Military Academy in Heiner, it is the real enchanting gathering place. The top enchanting people from all the stars in the Federation are the strongest in the world.

Therefore, from the age of six, his goal is the men's first military school, he has tolerated until now, just want to apply for the men's first military school, a blockbuster!

"It seems that I have to use my killer, although it is a little troublesome to use..." Xie Yi is not an indecisive person, feeling that after the current state can not solve the opponent he is ready to throw a note It is.

Xie Yi put out a fist to prepare for the action, just like before, but his body flashed a glimmer of purple light, and with the flash of this purple light, the muscles on his face slammed and looked awkward. There seems to be any discomfort.

"Death!" Xie Yi screamed and slammed out, and Yuan Chen, who was in the tenth grade, was also ready to attack. He almost shouted this sentence at the same time, and the two men’s fists met again.

"Ah!" Yuan Chen screamed, the whole person was charged, and the whole body violently twitched.

Xie Yi's situation is better than Yuan Chen, the body is also trembled, and the pain on his face is clearly visible.

After a few seconds, the two bounced off at the same time and fell to the ground. At this time, Yuan Chen's appearance was extremely miserable. His whole person was already unconscious, and there was a faint smog in the mouth of the micro-extension, and the body would twitch from time to time.


... plus more? 150 pink plus more? Tears! Even still code...()

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