Chapter 171: I want to live!

The opponent's hand grasped the right hand of Ling Lan's back to his back without a mistake, and his mouth showed a sly smile.

Counted in! Ling Lan’s heart was enlightened, and the other party’s breath was unstable. The crazy mourning was actually pretending, just to guide her!

Ling Lan’s eyes flashed, no matter whether the other party was deliberate or designed. In fact, at this time, there was no possibility of a sneak attack.

Unprepared, unexpected mental shock, can indeed make the other party lose control in an instant, let her hit a kill, but as long as the other party has preparedness, the attack power is not a strong mental impact, there is no way to completely lose the other party controlling. After repeated assassinations, the other party has long been vigilant. This is also the reason why she chose to smash mentally instead of mental shock when she killed Xiaofei.

At this time, only hard and hard to kill, just hope that before the captain has not arrived, even if he can not kill the other side, but also strive to reinvent the opponent, let him completely lose the fighting power.

Although Ling Lan was caught by the other party, her reaction was extremely fast. Her left hand swept to the other's head and neck, and a slender ice needle appeared in the front of the finger. Faced with an opponent of the same level of strength, even if it does not look strong ice needles, it may give the other party a fatal scar.

The bug was just in contact with Ling Lan, and he knew that this 13-year-old boy, his own strength is not bad, and he is also a fighting master. He didn't dare to take risks. He jerked his legs and flashed away the cold, sparkling ice needles of the other side, and his right hand had to let go of the other.

He thought that the opponent would definitely take the opportunity to escape. The killer who is generally proficient in the assassination method will instantly be far away if he fails. So he just flashed the other's ice needle and made an emergency stop. I want to intercept the other party when it escapes.

Ling Lan’s right hand was free, and he did not escape as he expected, but chose to stay close. A close-fitting person hits the opponent with an elbow.

Because of the choice of emergency stop, the bug has no room to dodge again. He had to cross his arms and he had to intercept the other side.

"嘭"! Both sides have made all efforts, and the two dark forces collided with each other and issued a violent explosion. Because the bugs rushed to intercept each other, the qi was not as thick as Ling Lan, and the bugs felt that their feet were unstable. He slammed the three steps back, which completely removed the darkness, but even so, he still felt the blood in his chest. Almost a bit of blood spouted.

Ling Lan's face suddenly violently collided, but in this collision, she was undoubtedly benefited, so she was not able to follow the pace of the other side. Close again.

"Damn!" The bug had not yet stood still, and he saw that the attack of the other party came again. He shouted in his mouth. He did not choose to dodge this time, but clenched his fist. Hit the other side. He knows that only the offense is the best defense, otherwise he will always be beaten by the other side, completely losing the chance of backhand.

Ling Lan saw the other's fist, did not dodge, but directly used the left hand to hold the opponent's fist, followed her right fist also waved over...

There was a surprise in the eyes of the bug, and his left hand also intercepted the fist, and the two suddenly fell into a stalemate. Undoubtedly, Ling Lan’s choice is beneficial to the worms, and it has become quite different from the original.

At this moment, Ling Lan suddenly dumped the whole person backwards, and there seemed to be a sneer in her mouth...

"Not good!" The bell sounded in the heart of the bug. He didn't even think about it. He quickly retreated and tried to escape the crisis.

But it was already late. He only felt that the abdomen was hit by a huge force. The whole person flew out. In midair, a wow of blood was directly sprayed out. It is Ling Lan’s already used rabbit scorpio, and now the rabbit scorpio is not three times more energy, but seven times.

Rabbit Scorpio is definitely a good skill, powerful and concealed. Unfortunately, this skill can't be used continuously, because the feedback power of the rabbit scorpio is too great. Linglan's body can't sustain this force continuously. It must be buffered for a while, otherwise it is easy to bring Linglan's legs. Hidden dangers.

This powerful kicking power, even if the bug has reached the end of the gas, eat this trick, also suffered serious injuries.

Ling Lan, who was about to fall to the ground, sideways, his right hand slammed into the ground, and the whole person bounced up and threw himself into the airborne worm, waving a punch she had already prepared.

I saw Ling Lan’s right arm showed a slight vibration, and finally conveyed it to the fist. This is the fighting skill that Ling Lan exchanged from the learning space with the honor point in the early days - stacking waves!

Stacking waves is to superimpose the darkness of the body layer by layer on the fist. Linglan can only stack two layers from the beginning to now can be superimposed to six layers, that is, the target is six times more than her own. attack.

Ling Lan is very clear that the strength of a woman is weaker than that of a man in nature. She wants to be a strong person. In addition to fighting skills, she must surpass those competitors, and she cannot lose to men in strength. In order to make up for her insufficiency, she chooses skills that are capable of superimposing strength. This is why she will exchange the sacred points in the learning space.

The worm saw the other's fist hit, the whole face became awkward, and he couldn't use the power to dodge in the air. Only hard resistance, he slammed and slammed his fist, ready to hit Rockland.

"Hey!" A loud noise! The two forces collided, the force spread outwards in a ring shape, and the surrounding trees could not resist this powerful force. They poured out one after another, and there were countless broken branches and leaves splashing outward.

"Wow!" The bug in the air once again spurted a blood sword. The speed of the original flyback accelerated again, hitting a giant tree, which stopped his body.

He slowly slipped down the trunk and fell to the ground! And the impact of the trunk has been cracked outward, showing how powerful the impact.

The two punches touched each other. Although Ling Lan took the lead and had a stack of waves and blessings, he was equally injured. She flew back and returned. After two or three steps, she couldn’t help but spurt a blood. The rushing blood pressure has come down.

"Take your illness to kill you!" Seeing that the other party is already in a serious injury stage, as long as you make up a palm, you can completely solve your opponent. Ling Lan did not feel soft, once again stepped on, and flew to the other side to the arrow. At the same time, I waved a palm, as long as I solved the other party. Ling Lan will hide again and wait for the last opponent, their team captain!

Just as Ling Lan’s palm had just been shot, her heart jerked, and an unprecedented crisis hit her heart... I don’t know when she floated some mist around her.

"Not good! He is coming!" Ling Lan's alarm bell rang, his palm turned sharply. Hit the ground, by the rebounding force of the ground, one fell to the ground, while the legs prepared early were once again mammoth. The whole person, like the speed of light, generally flies away from the distance and instantly disappears from here.

Ling Lan, who swiftly flew 100 meters away, suddenly felt that her body had been hit hard. A blood arrow sprang from her mouth, and the whole person lost control and suddenly fell from the air. He slammed into the ground.

At this time, behind Ling Lan, there was a thick fog, and then a figure appeared, it was the disappearing team captain.

"I didn't expect it to be only five minutes. Just let you kill Xiaolin Xiaofei, and even the bugs almost couldn't escape your poisonous hands." The captain said coldly, "You really are a dangerous person."

The strength of Ling Lan’s body was directly shocked by the blow. She was already weak at the moment, but she did not want to give up, so she slowly climbed up and stood up straight, rubbing the blood of her mouth with her back. Bitterly said: "The field-level powerhouse!" Although the other party has just stepped in, but a gap in the same order makes Ling Lan a trick can not hold back, "you are so lucky, the spot breakthrough."

This explains why the other party will be late for five minutes. It is estimated that the other party is breaking through during this time and cannot catch up.

"Thank you a lot, otherwise I can't find a chance to break through." The captain snorted, and the death of his comrades made his heart grief, triggering a violent shock that was already at its peak, which happened to cause cracks in the shield that had been banned for a long time. Originally, he wanted to kill the other party and then find a place to break through. He did not expect to accidentally fall into a dilemma when he opened the talent, so he had to temporarily choose a breakthrough, which also made him five minutes late and lost two comrades again. . The joy of breakthrough can not make up for the pain of losing his comrades, which makes him hate Ling Lan more and more.

He did not give Ling Lan the opportunity to continue his statement. A flash appeared in front of Ling Lan and his right hand reached Ling Lan’s neck.

Ling Langang wanted to evade the other's hand, but found that her body was blocked by an invisible force, and could not move at all. I could only watch the other hand's hand and grabbed her neck easily.

The captain easily carried Ling Lan and then walked toward the place where the bugs were. The strength of the other side almost directly let Ling Lan suffocate and die, although I don’t know why the other party did not directly kill her, but I want to live, let Ling Lan quietly run to raise the body and mind, and strive to restore their own strength and gain The chance of life.

The captain quickly came to the place where the bug was injured, and dropped Ling Lan to the side. He leaned over and examined the situation of the bug. This was a sigh of relief. Although the bug was very heavy, it was not dead. . He took a dose of medicine from his pocket and poured it on the bug.

Soon the bug turned around and saw the captain, his eyes red: "Captain, Xiaolin and Xiaofei sacrificed." But their comrades, did not die in the enemy's hands on the battlefield, but died in a In the ordinary task object, this makes the bug unacceptable.

The captain's eyes also looked red at the corpse of Xiaolin Xiaofei, who was lying on the ground not far away. He whispered: "Small worm, sorry, I am still late."

The worm shook his head twitchingly: "Don't blame the captain, it's the **** too mean!" He said that his face changed and he panicked and asked: "What the bastard?"

The captain glanced at Ling Lan, who sat on one side, and said coldly: "I caught him. Wait a minute, I will use his blood to pay homage to the few comrades we sacrificed."

The worm screamed and nodded. He stood up hard and slowly walked over to Ling Lan, grabbing her throat, and then dragging her to the place where Xiao Lin Xiaofei’s corpse was.

The captain, who also sacrificed the corpse in another place, also moved over and placed it with the body of Xiaolin Xiaofei.

"Xiao Lin, Xiao Fei, Xiao Lai, see clearly, this is the murderer who killed you. Now I will send him to your world, you have to take good revenge." The captain said, silent tears flowing down, Originally thought to be a small task that was easily solved, the result was that the brothers were separated by yin and yang. He repented and hated Linglan’s viciousness. He jerked cold road, "bug, kill me" He!"

"Yes, Captain!" The worm saw it at this moment, and he pinched Ling Liao's throat and slammed his fingers.

Ling Lan seems to hear the sound of her neck bones breaking, is she really going to die here?

Ling Lan wanted to struggle and resist, but her body was tightly imprisoned and could not make a rebellious action. Ling Lan knew that this was a manifestation of the field, and the other party did not give her a chance to escape.

hateful! I want to live, I want to live! Before Ling Lan fell into a coma, his heart roared!


This chapter, coded 3,500 words, because it feels better to break the chapter! Today, the speed of the code word is a little faster than yesterday. This is a good thing. Does it mean that my little waist is getting better and better?

In fact, I should like to thank those friends who have been rewarding and throwing pink. However, I really don’t dare to sit for a long time. I’m afraid that one of the unfortunate little waists has relapsed, so I can only wait until the end of the month is better. Thanks to the public chapters. ()

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