Chapter 161: Big Fight!

"The tenth grade! They look at our seventh grade is not good, by the girl who bullied the B class to provoke us..." Ling Lan heard the story of Luo Lang reported that it was a tenth-level purposeful Mawei.

"The tenth grade... Lan boss, you really is the boss, my martial arts completely served you!" Wu Hao originally thought that it was only a big fight with the eighth grade, I did not expect Linglan to challenge the highest difficulty, direct and most powerful The tenth grade is on the bar, and this kind of courage makes the monk completely served.

"Wu Wu, I heard that there are very few people who have a spirit of variation in Class B. Even a small group of A class has no obvious effect?" Ling Lan transferred the topic.

The monk's mood is somewhat low: "Yes, the mental variation of the students has become less and less in recent years. If there is no variation before the age of sixteen, I am afraid that the possibility of maneuvering the armor will be lost..." Without mental variation Even if people control the mech, they can't break through the intermediate machine, so after 16 years old, they will apply to the major military schools, and the school will not accept these children into the A class.

"Sometimes, the cruel battle will make people break through the evolution... The big fight is an opportunity." Ling Lan faintly pointed out the reason why she wants to fight.

Wu Hao’s eyes brightened and he even admired Ling Lan. He immediately said his chest: “Lan boss, rest assured, I will inform all the classmates in the special class...”

Wu Hao is very popular in the grade. He has a good relationship with the various teams. Therefore, the students in the grades have something difficult to do. They generally like to find help from the monks. Only after the incompetence of the monks can they carefully think about Ling Lan. Ask for help.

No way, Ling Lan never gets angry. But the cold face, the faint chill. Indifferent eyes, so that they do not dare to approach. In fact, the bigger the child. The more you can feel the strength of Ling Lan, Ling Lan's strength is clearly out of the scope of the Scouts, so that they can not help involuntarily create pressure, even they feel that facing Ling Lan is more terrible than facing the mentor.

This is also the reason why Ling Lan wants Wu Hao to inform his classmates. Who is good for others? Of course, in addition to knowing the contact signal of Wu Hao, Ling Lan really did not have any other people. She wanted to inform and there was no way to notify.

Ling Lan, who explained everything, left the virtual world, changed the flying pulley, and quickly left the villa.

Ling Lan stepped on the flying pulley and just lifted off. When I saw the Jiaban villa dormitory, many of the students who received the notice flew out on the fly pulley.

"Lan Boda!" Everyone stopped and greeted her with a look of adoration. It is said that Qilong is the first fighter of the 4738th, and the monk is the backbone of the sturdy, then Linglan is the pinnacle of their grades. She is full of confidence in her mind.

"Well, everyone is here?" Ling Lan stopped the fly pulley and hovered in the air. In less than a minute, more than 30 students gathered around.

"Almost, some people have already gone first," one of the classmates said. "There are a few more coming."

"Then let's go!" Ling Lan faintly. Then the gas on both sides of the fly pulley is sprayed out of the air, and it is instantly activated to fly to the canteen of the senior district of the college.

"Go!" Then the classmate shouted. Thirty people collectively stepped on the flying pulley and followed Ling Lan to fly freely over the college.

At this time, in the large dining hall of the advanced area of ​​the college, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old red boys. Or stand or sit, or rely on or rely on. It seems that there is a place to enclose a certain area, and somebody in the middle is sitting on a chair, standing opposite a young boy in a little younger than them. He stands behind him. There are boys and girls of his age, both red and white.

"Why, Qi Long, do you want to take this thing down?" A class A student next to him sneered.

Qi Long grinned his mouth with a mellow smile: "Schoolmaster, no matter how it happened, now it’s hit, and it’s smashed. Is it time to stop?” Qi Long is not afraid, just screaming, really playing A few female classmates in Class B will definitely get hurt and suffer. He will stop and stop, and they would not want to see them hurt.

"Zilong, bold! I dare to talk to the seniors with this tone?" The man jumped up with the words of Qilong with his bones and shouted loudly.

"Schoolmaster, you think too much!" Qilong's mouth showed a sneer smile. At this time, he couldn't see it. The other party originally intended to make things big, and wanted to give them a new grade in the seventh grade.

"Zilong! You..." Qi Long’s attitude made the 10th-level people mad, is this a new high-level student? I thought that when they first came up, when they were bullied by the tenth grade seniors, the attitude was extremely respectful and humble. How did they turn to them and even encountered such a thorny thorn?

"Zilong, don't be too arrogant! Although you are the first person in the seventh grade, but in our eyes, you are nothing..." The person who took the lead looked gloomy. "We want to play with you, just like playing." A poor little bug... I will apologize to me when I know each other!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

One after another, one after another, rang through the canteens of the college. The students in the tenth grade had already joined the enemy, and they all pressured the seventh grade headed by Qi Long.

Students of all grades are afraid to speak out in the corner. This is a scene that occurs every year. It is the first grade of the senior school district to enter the seventh grade of the advanced school district. This is just the beginning. When other people in the seventh grade appear, they will be This kind of treatment... They also suffered in the seventh grade, and the taste is absolutely uncomfortable. But this is the advanced area, who is a big fist, who is the speaker!

Here, there is no such thing as a mentor to intervene in such suppression and disputes. It should be said that when they enter the high school district, they belong to students who can already graduate. The college teaches them all. The future roads are all based on the students themselves. Grasp, so here is a small adult world, a world that speaks purely unreasonable. This is why every year there is a tenth grade of oppression in the seventh grade. Because it has become a black inheritance, it was insulted at the beginning, and now it is coming back from the school.

Therefore, even if the students in the seventh grade are originally the middle class, they are the pride of the sky, but in the advanced area, learn to walk with the tail!

"Hehehehe... Your Majesty? My boss told me that the man can only stand and die, but can't live!" The smile on Qilong's face disappeared. He can give up, but he can't lose self-esteem and pride.

"In this case, I have to look at how hard your Qilong bones are!" The ten-year-old person said this, and the seventeen or eight people in the cafeteria brushed out and prepared for the group Qilong. .

When Qi Long saw it, he immediately set up a defensive posture. In the mouth, he said coldly: "I also want to know how much energy the seniors have, which will allow me to yield to Qilong..."

"Yes, I want to see Luo Lang!" Luo Lang knows that there is no way to delay, and one is standing forward, standing next to Qi Long, raising his fist and preparing to work with these people.

Han Zengya slammed his fist and screamed loudly: "And me, hey, I am not afraid of these bastards!" She most despise the man who bullied the woman and the weak. These ten-grade seniors are all guilty, she hates it. .

Luo Chao faced this kind of scene surrounded by the whole audience. His face was a little pale in fear, but he firmly supported the female student who was injured by him. She will not forget the words that Lan boss said to her, you can be afraid to panic but not to flee!

"It’s a arrogant guy, a top grader in the seventh grade. Is this college his world in the future?" The tenth grade students began to scream, the more they saw this kind of temperament, the more they wanted to destroy, the ones they didn’t do. Why can these seven grades be owned?

"Learn him!"

"Learn him!"

"Learn him!"

The tenth grade students wanted to give the seventh grade a horse, and the whole canteen was caught in the sound of his lessons.

"Since the tenth grade senior wants to teach us the seventh grade, then all of our seventh grade students have taken it!" A cold voice rang at the gate.

Qi Long turned his head in surprise and saw the familiar figure taking the lead and shouted: "Boss, you are here."

The doorway brushed into a large group of red school uniforms, the leader is Ling Lan!

Seeing that there are so many people in the seventh grade, the face of the tenth-level leader has changed slightly: "Don't you want to resist in the seventh grade?"

"Rebellion? In my eyes, you are not qualified enough for us to use this word!" Ling Lan said that the students of the tenth grade are all in awe, oh, this one of the seventh graders is more arrogant than one, it seems It’s not good to teach them badly.

"Since you want to fight like this, as you wish, we will bring a big fight to your tenth grade in the seventh grade!"

"Great fighting?" The tenth grade students were a little confused, then suddenly thought of something, screaming in horror: "You are crazy!"

He looked at the number of people around suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. "No, you can't successfully make a big fight. It's impossible for you guys..."

The big fight must reach 95% of the 100 students in the class A in the grade A to pass.

"Yes, we officially proposed a big fight to your tenth grade!" Another voice rang from Ling Lan's body. The former monk also rushed with a group of students, most of whom were class B students dressed in white.

The reason why the monk was late was that he was in contact with the class B. The number of people who needed a special class A and B class reached 95% to pass, so the monk communicated with the team of the class B and finally reached a unity.

"You are crazy, crazy!" The tenth grade students looked scared. They wanted to give the seventh grade a horse, but they definitely didn't want to open the horrible big fight. It was going to be dead. (To be continued.)

Ps: I voted so much more and more votes... Is it picking me up the mountain? However, you are so embarrassed that I can't see it but I can't eat it... bad!

This is the bottom of today's guarantee, to add more? Hey~← This is a smirk! You know. ()

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