Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 159: : Are you still married?

Chapter 159: Are you still married?

Speaking of the four of them, they are now students of the special class B, especially He Chaoyang and Li Jinghong, the talent is a little bit worse. In order to catch up with Ling Lan’s pride these days, they are working hard like self-abuse. After four years of struggle, I finally succeeded in counterattacking and rushed into the highly competitive Super Class B. They have become classmates with the original Yunyun, Luo Shaoyun, Han Xiya, and Luochao, and they have successfully established a small team this year and become a growing team member. In order to commemorate the 072 team that took the exam together, their team name is 072!

The most surprising thing is that the captain of the 072 squad turned out to be the shy, often blushing Luo Chao... Sure enough, people can't be seen.

On the other hand, the Linglan team has always lacked a person. Linglan does not care about this. Qilong will not be anxious.

Behind them, Han Jijun, Luo Lang and Lin Zhongqing were three people. Although they were restrained by their own excitement, their eyes still exposed their excitement. Compared with other people, the Qilong four people knew more about them. The significance of this trip, this will be the first time they have come into contact with the world of the god-level division, especially the legendary lady (that is my mother! ← Ling Lan depressed, this younger brother will actually She ignored it...).

A few people walked into the villa with Ling Lan, and saw a beautiful woman smiling at them. Of course, this era is basically beautiful, but the children still feel a lot in Lan Luofeng. Warmth, let their original nervousness suddenly relax.

A few and a half children are ashamed but politely say hello to Ling’s mother, which makes Lan Luofeng very happy, because her family Linglan is always wearing a face and a small adult, so she sometimes does not have a mother. A sense of accomplishment, now she finally feels... Hey, if her daughter is as lively as the children in front of her, then it’s good...

The meaning brought by Lan Luofeng's eyes makes Linglan's forehead black line. I really don't know where my mother is from these places. These children are all lively? If you don't say anything else, you can say that Han Jijun is good. The serious face is better than her.

can only say. Parents will never be satisfied with the current situation. The old envy of the point that their children have not done, and whether it is suitable or not.

The good mood of Lan Luofeng is of course good enough to make these children feel like a spring breeze, and then compare the tyrannosaurus mother in the family, can not help but envy the happy life of the boss, once again prove that other people's home is always the best.

At the time of eating, Ling Lan first saw the public relations means of her own mother, and she touched the family background of the ten children without any traces. Of course, no one found it, Han Jijun noticed. But he was not surprised. This is a necessary means for a qualified mother to understand the child's friends. Han Jijun had prepared in the heart and responded with the most decent.

Lan Luofeng looked at the children in front of her with great satisfaction. For a long time, she was not so busy. Her children finally had their own friends... I don’t know which one would become the true son of my daughter?

The character called Qi Long is very good. Very obedient, not bad; but that is called Luo Lang is very beautiful, watching makes people happy (Lan Luofeng is Yan control); that Han Jijun is serious, but very smart, doing things very well, with his own The daughter is also very good... The Lin Zhongqing family is a little bit worse, but she knows how to cater to the adults. It is definitely good to eat in the future. Unfortunately, she is a daughter...

Anyway, Lan Luofeng sees which boys are satisfied and likes, and even began to entangle the question of who to choose.

Lan Luofeng’s unscrupulous thoughts were seen through Linglan’s eyes, and he couldn’t help his forehead to sweat coldly: Mom, what is your look at the son-in-law’s eyes? Your daughter is only ten years old now, the most important thing is. Now your daughter is a man...

In this way, under the special reception of Lan Luofeng, the guests at the dinner table enjoyed the atmosphere and the atmosphere was harmonious. The children did not have the restraint at the beginning.

Of course, there are exceptions. The only one on the table with a head down is dare to lick the white rice in the bowl. I don’t dare to raise the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables. Let Ling Lan have some ridicule. Is this little girl ready to eat only white rice?

"Hey, eat more meat, your body is too weak." Ling Lan's position is just sitting diagonally opposite Luo Chao, and a piece of white meat is placed in the bowl of Luo Chao, shy and lovely Luo Chao's skillful let Her heart is soft. In fact, because Luo Chao's mental strength is faster than ordinary people, her physical condition has not been so good. This makes Ling Lan feel the same kind of illness, and I will pay more attention to Luo Chao.

"Thank you, Big Brother!" Luo Chao's face became red, and the deer-like eyes shone brightly, let Ling Lan retract the chopsticks very speechlessly. Little girl, the sister just cares about your body, really nothing else... ...maybe converging in the future, this kind of involuntary care.

Ling Lan’s action made the original lively table suddenly silent, especially Qi Long, Zhang’s mouth, and was shocked by Lan’s sudden good care of Luo Chao. Luo Lang’s face was tangled, in the end it was to isolate the boss and ask his sister. Still let it go... Many other people are licking Ling Lan and Luo Chao from time to time. Is it that when they don’t know, the boss and their little sister have a traitor?

Only Han Jijun looked calm and seemed to have no influence. Unfortunately, the small dish that kept a few chopsticks was not caught, and he knew that his heart was not as calm as his face at the moment...

Ling Lan did not smugly squint at the group of different children, and scared them to hurry and hug their rice bowls and smash white rice, hey, I know that the boss’s good play can’t be seen... Poorly so delicious on the table, I dare not start to pick up the dishes now!

The smile of Lan Luofeng’s original Zheng Xianshu suddenly became stiff and his eyes were a little messy. Didn’t the boys have hope? Will she eventually have a daughter-in-law? No, she seems to be a daughter.

In the end, the song ended in the crowd, the children with a satisfaction to leave Ling Lan's home. In fact, Ling Lan asked them to come to the door to prove that Ling Lan really accepted them, which is the most satisfying point of their trip.

Saying that they finally got to the thighs... Hey, it should be that they finally became the brothers and sisters of Lan’s boss!

Lan Luofeng was not easy to wait for Ling Lan to return the guest. He took Ling Lan nervously and asked: "Blue baby, do you like boys or girls in the end?" Once Lan Luofeng is caught in madness, it will be called Ling Lan. baby.

Ling Lan did not breathe a blank eye, saying that she is still a ten-year-old child? Is it too early for my mom to start worrying about this?

"I remember you didn't make me a man?" Sisters are both women and women. How can they like girls?

"What is that Luochao?" Lan Luofeng still can't let go, saying that she is also rare to receive this kind of care from Lan's baby... Well, Lan Luofeng is a little embarrassed!

"You didn't think she was very well-behaved? It was more lovely than the stinky boy..." Ling Lan replied, "I like this sister!"

Seeing the expression of Lan Luofeng’s big blow, Ling Lan reluctantly added: “Pure brother and sister feelings, mom, don’t think about it.”

After that, Ling Lan will flash directly! Leaving the direct petrified Lan Luofeng, which was attacked by Ling Lan.

Then in the empty hall, there was a hysterical cry:

"Oh ah... Nan Yan, I am going crazy!"

Lingnan rushed out of the kitchen with a shovel in a panic: "Madam, what happened?"

"Hey, Nan Yao, Lan Bao, she really thinks of herself as a man... What should I do next?" Lan Luofeng’s mind is full of pure brother and sister feelings... The girl absolutely refers to Luo Chao, is that brother not Linglan?

When Lingnan heard this, he calmed down and calmed down: "This is the right thing, otherwise Lan Shaoye can't pretend to be perfect."

"But, I don't want to have a daughter-in-law in the future, I want a son-in-law..." Lan Luofeng said with anger.

"Reassured, madam, even if there is a young lady with a young lady, the current technology can make the young lady give birth to the younger brother of Lan..." Lingnan blinked and began to think about this possibility, where to find a place. The sperm of the excellent gene, and then let the young master of Lan and the lady's egg combine with the sperm at the same time, giving birth to a pair of twins. Of course, only the younger brother of Lan is the owner of the Ling family. As for the children of the young lady, it is better to train the younger brother of Lan Xiaoxiao.

Lan Luofeng was persuaded by Lingnan a housekeeper, and it feels right. Anyway, her daughter will not affect her grandchildren, regardless of her marriage or her parents. So she is no longer entangled in her mood. It is.

Ling Lan, who just walked to the corner, heard the conversation between her mother and the housekeeper, and suddenly she had a black line on her forehead. These are all people... I think that they are not on the same frequency as them.

However, Ling Lan did not put this matter in her heart. She is only ten years old now. Whether she is married or not, she is far away from her. It is better to grasp the time and become stronger.

Time flies, three years have passed! In the past three years, Ling Lan has finally drawn a sturdy boy from a short bean stalk into a jade tree. Compared with three years ago, Ling Lan is now in a very special position in the 4738 special class A class. Even if the strength is like Wu Hao, Li Yingjie and so on, it can only temporarily avoid the edge, and willingly admit that Ling Lan is the only boss of Class A.

In fact, Ling Lan has not been so moist in the eyes of others in the past three years. During the day, she is indeed full of prestige, but at night she is completely tragic. In the learning space, she was tortured and ruthed by the No. 2 instructor.


This is today's guaranteed one! Parents are really strong, so prepare for the second in the afternoon...()

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