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1490: Early warning? Retreat!

Lord Kun frowned slightly, and saw that the ground, walls, and roof of the entire hall were covered with four-leaf clover, and he completely disappeared in the four-leaf clover.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The beating sound did not stop because of this. Instead, it became more powerful as the Lord Kun disappeared. After a while, the entire ground, the main hall, began to vibrate with this sound. .

The four-leaf clover also swayed in rhythm.

But no matter whether it was Lord Kun or this mysterious powerhouse, there was no trace of it.

The vibration became stronger and stronger, and finally the whole ground began to resonate.

The main hall seemed unable to withstand this resonance force, and it began to shake violently, several cracks appeared on the wall in an instant, and the whole main hall began to falter.

Finally, when the resonance reached a certain limit, a "boom" was heard, and the entire main hall collapsed.

Countless dust, countless ruins, and countless four-leaf clover fell from the top one after another.

At the same time, the ground also split, and the ground will be full of four-leaf clover, with a few large openings.

The four-leaf clover swept over again, quickly spreading the large openings, and the whole place was covered with four-leaf clover again.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The resonance continued, and with this increasingly powerful resonance, the four-leaf clover on the ground danced with the resonance like waves.

Obviously, the two sides are wrestling, to see who can't resist first.

Kunzhu sneered, it was impossible for him to tear through his four-leaf clover field with this resonant sound power.

As long as this disordered galaxy still has a four-leaf clover, he can let the laws of the domain exist. But in the disordered world, everything is lacking, only this kind of plant is everywhere.

This is also the reason why Kun Lord can grow up in disorder faster than others. At the beginning, he was willing to take orders and come to disorder, the big reason was that he came for the four-leaf clover all over the place.

In other galaxies, four-leaf clover may be a rare plant, but in disorder, it is impossible to remove it no matter how much it is, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates weeds.

The resonance is getting louder and louder, but Lord Kun is still unmoved. He has made himself a part of the four-leaf clover. The power of the resonance has long been apportioned to every four-leaf clover in the domain, bringing it to His injury is almost equal to nothing.

Just when the Lord Kun admitted that the other party was not working hard, he suddenly felt his heart palpitations.

I heard a bang like an explosion, and it followed.

"Not good! Danger!"

This heart palpitations came quickly and fiercely. This is an early warning of life-threatening that every strong person will awaken after entering the domain. The higher the level, the more accurate and obvious this warning will be.

How could Lord Kun, who has reached the half-step God Realm, ignore this dangerous warning.

He decisively extracted the law energy, and the whole person broke away from this four-leaf clover.

He saw that he had just left the four-leaf clover, and he saw the green and full-bodied four-leaf clover that was full of vitality, instantly shattering, and almost at the same time turning into particles and disappearing into the air.

The master Kun with great eyesight saw the four-leaf clover that had turned into particles, and there was a layer of black that was extremely hard to see around it.

"Bang, bang, bang..." There seemed to be only this kind of sound in the entire space. Lord Kun only felt that the blood in his body was also shaking because of this sound, which made him very uncomfortable. He wanted to use the energy to expel this sound to him. The influence of, but discovered that his law had just appeared, and was prevented and expelled by a layer of black law energy.

What exactly is going on?

Kunzhu suddenly thought of the scene that made him lose his arm...

Although it was not directly and brutally decomposed as before, the black energy had the same breath as the law energy.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The rhythm of the resonance became stronger and stronger.

This law energy is not the same as the black law energy, but the strange thing is that these two different laws can merge with each other, and the power of sound resonance can actually increase the black law energy.

Lord Kun clearly saw that the black law energy was getting stronger a little bit.

But under the power of this sound resonance, he was reducing his law power little by little, and every resonance was an attack that hurt his body.

Lord Kun's eyes flickered, he looked at his arms, and then at the place where Lord Gunner should have ended the battle, but now there is no movement.

Seeing his foot stomped, the whole person disappeared, and the next second he appeared outside the range of Genzhu's Colorful Palace. At this time, his palpitations passed.

"Pay the price of a pair of arms, God Lord, I am worthy of you." Lord Kun does not want to die in the Seven Color Palace. He can live safely until now because he never ignores the warnings given to him by Heaven.

After all, he completely left the battlefield.

Lord Kun officially withdrew from the battlefield, and the sound of resonance in the main hall began to weaken, and finally disappeared.

At this time, if someone passes by the ruins, one can see a place in the ruins. There are two **** people lying motionless side by side, not knowing life or death, but they have one left and one right hand. , But held it tightly without letting go.

Main Hall: Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng are fighting against the four-leaf clover Kun Lord, Kun Lord retreats, Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng are unclear.

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