Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 1485: Half-step the sphere of God's Domain.

1485: Half-step the orb of God's Domain.

Li Lanfeng was lying there quietly at this time. If it hadn't had a slight rise and fall in his chest, he really thought it was just a corpse. After exhausting the last trace of strength, the mask on his face had long since disappeared. Even though his face was pale, it still did not hurt him. The beauty of the soul.

"Sure enough, it's a monster." The killing intent flashed in Lord Kun's eyes.

As soon as the voice fell, Kun Lord's huge domain law, like a tornado, rushed towards Li Lanfeng on the ground.

Lord Kun made up his mind that Li Lanfeng must be turned into pieces and completely disappeared into this world.

Seeing that Li Lanfeng was about to die completely at the hands of Lord Kun, Ling Lan, who had not been able to avoid the fatal blow to the end, failed to avoid the fatal blow, and a almost unsearchable smile appeared on Leng Ran's face: "Alright!"

The mark on Ling Lan's forehead began to disappear, and the long hair that was dancing slowly returned to the original short hair look. The whole person fell to the sky. She seemed to see her fighting to death with the Lord, she saw herself in the chaotic zone, and her father Ling Xiao In order to save her, I saw Cape Star, the 250 Mech Regiment of the 23rd Army, the First Boys Military Academy, the Scout Academy, the tutors of the learning machine, and the infancy of myself. The final point came to an abrupt end at the moment she came across.

Is this my life? It was really exciting, but she still had a lot of things to do, and she still had too many unwillingnesses. Her partners, her parents, her mentors, Xiaosixiaohua...

And the fat little Bai who looks like a ball...

"Pop!" A huge tentacle will want to go one step further, wanting to make up for another blow, to ensure the foolproof master, directly knocked out.

At the same time, another huge tentacles gently curled Ling Lan's fallen body.

"叽~" The desperate ultrasound shocked the spirits of all the people in the battle, and the attack on their hands was eased.

"Boom!" The huge body fell from the sky, and the Lord's eyes condensed before flashing back.

I saw that the place where he originally stood had been smashed into a huge pit. At this time, a huge round creature, waving countless tentacles, attacked him fiercely.

At the center of the ball, Ling Lan's body has been wrapped layer by layer with its tentacles. Those wrapped tentacles seem to be afraid of hurting her. They are slow and gentle, and they are like two dimensions with other fierce attacking tentacles. .

What was even more shocking was that the two eyes of the ball were dripping with black liquid, as if they were crying.

The Lord and the tentacles hit hard a few I have felt the strength of this creature, and it has the strength of a human half-step God's Domain. The Lord couldn’t help being frightened. You must know that in the human records of brutal beasts, those terrifying brutal beasts and mysterious creatures of the emperor level and above generally only exist in the depths of the universe, which are difficult for humans to reach .

As long as they don't provoke these terrible creatures in those places, they will never come to the human world. Therefore, imperial beasts and creatures have always remained in historical records and legends, and have never really seen them.

The Lord has always been in a disorderly area, and indeed he has never seen such powerful beasts and creatures.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the creature in front of me is just one that has reached the half-step God Realm, and has also appeared in the human world, even ignoring him, the supreme God Realm who is much stronger, and it looks like he will kill him if he is willing to sacrifice his life. . Seeing that it protects the blue sky so well, is this creature related to him?

Ganzhu shook his head. Whether it is historical records or legends, it is impossible for wild beasts and creatures above the emperor level to walk side by side with humans and help each other. According to records, savage beasts and creatures above the Emperor level have their own rules, which are not allowed to associate with humans.

So what is going on?

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