Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 1481: Rebellion died of talking

1481: The rebellion died of talking too much

With the strength of two people, they barely wound the main leader. But Ling Lan and Mu Jinyi did not come without a price.

Ling Lan's right hand, the Xingyue element was eroding the space element she applied to her hand, and Mu Jinyi, the hand that attacked, was already bloody, and the Xingyue element also continued to damage his arm.

Ling Lan lowered his head, his right hand shook suddenly, and the stars and moon elements were shaken away, and her space elements were also dispersed.

At the same time, Ling Lan flipped his left wrist, the Mu Shui Qing over there, the other hand that was intact suddenly probed.

Seeing a potion appeared in his hand.

Seeing this familiar appearance, Mu Jinyi knew what it was. Without asking, he poured directly into the mouth.

A few seconds later, the originally **** hand suddenly began to heal. The Xingyue element that was still eroding the arm seemed to have encountered some obstacle, and it broke away from Mu Jinyi's arm.

Seeing this scene, the Lord's eyes narrowed slightly, and after scanning the potion, he looked at Ling Lan.

"What is that?" It is absolutely impossible to restrain the elements of God's Domain.

"Pharmaceuticals." Ling Lan said lightly.

The Lord's anger suddenly ignited in his eyes. He didn't believe that Ling Lan didn't understand the meaning of his question, so the answer was absolutely deliberate.

Ling Lan looked at God Lord with indifferent eyes, as if telling God Lord that he was deliberate.

"Hahahahaha..." The angrily and smiling Ganzhu looked up to the sky and smiled, Mu Jinyi's face changed, and he burst back hundreds of meters.

But it was too late. The Lord had already come to him and grabbed his throat hard.

When it was said that it was too late, a black blade of light suddenly fell from the sky, and directly slashed at the hand of the master who grabbed Mu Jinyi's throat.

The Lord Master felt the huge spatial power, snorted coldly, turned his wrist, and directly grabbed the black knife that fell from the sky.

"Bang~" It was obviously only the contact between the hand and the knife shadow, but it was like a huge mountain collision, and the huge energy generated made the entire main hall violently shake.

"Your opponent is me!" Ling Lan coldly said as he looked at the dry master who was holding the black knife that he realized.

"Don't worry, none of you will stay." The Lord said coldly.

"Senior Mu, leave it to me here." Ling Lan said indifferently.

Mu Jinyi was stunned when he heard this. Although he was wounded by the adversary and terminated his training, but this time because of Ling Lan's potion, he took care of the old wound, and his strength at this time has also been restored. Half-step God's Domain, although he is not the opponent of the Lord, but with him assisting in the attack and interfering with the other side, Ling Lan, who has entered the God's Domain and is a little short of his foundation, is not without hope of victory.

But if he leaves, Mu Jinyi is sure that there is no other possibility except defeat for Ling Lan.

"Other places need you more than me!" Ling Lan seemed to understand Mu Jinyi's confusion. She glanced at the auxiliary halls below. Although her expression was still indifferent and her eyes were so calm that she didn't care about life and death, Mu Jinyi actually felt Ling Lan. The deep and surging feelings below the calm.

Mu Jinyi had struggled countless times between her thoughts, and finally stomped her foot silently, and disappeared in place in the next second.

"Unexpectedly, you are so naive to ask Mu Jinyi to save those ants?" The Lord sneered, "It's useless to rush over now, dead, dead, waste, it's better to stay here, you might have more Live some time."

"Do you know a law?" Ling Lan suddenly asked with a straight look.

The Lord was taken aback by Ling Lan's sudden question.


"Well, according to the law, all villains die from talking too much." Ling Lan replied very seriously and seriously.

The Lord was puzzled, and instantly realized, "Go to hell!"

The furiously swiped grab was far more turbulent than every previous attack.

"The domain is open!" Suddenly Ling Lan's surroundings became pitch black, and there was no other element around.

"Boom bang bang bang..." The Xingyue element waved higher and higher like a tide, rushing fiercely towards the realm that Ling Lan opened.

With each impact, Ling Lan moved backwards uncontrollably, and when this wave of attacks passed, Ling Lan was severely beaten back hundreds of meters.

The attack may only be in an instant. In the blink of an eye, this wave of attacks seems to have passed. Only those who have actually experienced it know how painful and difficult it is to bear this wave of attacks.

"Cough cough." Ling Lan couldn't help but cough, and mouthfuls of blood spurted out uncontrollably.

"Is there no chance for Ling Lan?" The nine instructors have been paying attention to this battle. Seeing that Ling Lan was seriously injured, No.9 couldn't help asking her own voice.

Everyone was silent. According to the current situation, Ling Lan was indeed hopeless.

No. 9 looked at No. 5 unwillingly. No. 5 was speechless, so she could only turn her face away, not daring to look at her anxious and helpless face with tearful eyes.

"Number One!" Number Nine looked at Number One in a low voice.

Number One, who had been closing her eyes and seemed to no longer care about everything, finally opened her eyes.

"No. 9, you need to practice again." No. 1 said lightly.

"After that, you can punish whatever you want. I just want to know if Ling Lan has a chance." No.9 could no longer control her emotions and shouted.

"What if there is no chance, so what if there is a chance?" Number One said coldly.

"If there is no chance, I will accompany her." No.9 looked at No.1 coldly, his eyes determined.

Number One stared at Number Nine coldly, and Number Nine looked at Number One stubbornly.

Number One slowly lifted her right hand, his index finger pointed to Number Nine, and Number Nine stepped forward without fear.

"Pop!" A hand knife directly stunned No.9, No.5 helped No.9, and said with a smile: "No.1, No.9 is emotionally unstable, I will take her to calm down first."

No.1 stared at No.5 coldly. When No.5 felt that he was going to be solved by No.1’s eyes, he heard No.1 say: “No.4, take No.9 to wake up.”

"Got it." No.4 smiled charmingly, and in a blink of an eye he took the No.9 in No.5's hand and disappeared in place.

Number 5 quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead, just about to focus his attention on the battlefield outside. I heard the sound of No.1 sounding in my ear: "From now on, stay away from No.9."

"Huh?" No.5 suddenly turned back, and saw that No.1 had closed his eyes, it seemed that the voice just now was only auditory hallucinations.

Is it really an auditory hallucination?

"Ling Lan's chance, UU reading lies in death." The number one voice sounded in the ears of everyone.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, but quickly realized.

"Then this opportunity is not there." The third wailed.

"That's not necessarily." At the moment when the perennial graduate student died on the 5th, his eyes lit up.

"Really? But how to find the vitality after death?" The second also felt that this was a problem.

Number One opened his eyes again, looking at Ling Lan who was still struggling to fight outside, a wave of worry flashed in his eyes.

Ling Lan, it is not that simple to understand this talent. This battle is about life or death, and it all depends on whether you can grasp and understand another profound meaning.

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