Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1478: What happened to it?

1478: Why does it appear?

I heard the dry master screaming, suddenly the black sky behind the moon, the endless starry sky appeared out of thin air.

Sure enough! Ling Lan’s heart was clear, and the yin and yang fish that had been rotated by both eyes turned more frantically and quickly turned into a black vortex.

The title of the main lord is the sun and the moon, and the strength of the awakening field is also the celestial moon. The sun and the moon, starting from ancient times, is the source of strength, the ultimate place. There is no doubt that the power of the Lord's awakening is the most top and most mysterious force.

"Opening!" Ling Lan heart meditation. The original bright forehead suddenly appeared as a snowflake imprint, and the short black hair was long and long, and it turned into a long silver hair.

When the main sees it, the eyes slammed.

Others don't know, what is this, he is a person who has entered the domain, but he is very clear what this represents.

Unable to control the strong hatred in the heart, the little stars in the comet suddenly burst into the light and quickly merged into the light that attacked Ling Lan.

This almost gathered the light of the starry sky, and took a step back from Ling Lanzhen.

"Double Kaifeng!"

At the time when Ling Lan was unstoppable, she decisively opened up the ultimate skills of the emperor.

The snowflake imprint turned black, and it was covered with Linglan's forehead in an instant. At the same time, Ling Lan suddenly appeared an ice armor and a pair of crystal clear and large ice wings.

The ice wing slammed into the direction of the main lord. The original aggressive light suddenly seemed to be restricted. It was stuck in front of Ling Lan, and it was difficult to walk.

"You got it!" The main star stared at Ling Lan's forehead, and he no longer hesitated.

This person must die!

The lord has thoroughly realized that if the world really has a son of heaven, it must be the young man in front of him. He received too many gifts from heaven, and he was so envious, jealous, hateful, and murderous that he could not control his heart.

The meaning of the Tao! The way to cultivate, the ultimate is to get it, he pursues a lifetime of things, the young man in front of him, but easily obtained. What is even more hateful is that the other party does not seem to understand this. How does this make him not hate?

"It?" Ling Lan stunned, she already felt the change of the main atmosphere, now, is the beginning of danger.

Feeling the sight of the Lord, Ling Lan raised his left hand and touched his forehead. Is this mark?

Although Ling Lan does not understand why the killing of the Lord is due to it, but since the Lord pays so much attention, this imprint does not seem so simple.

Ling Lan is a wise man. I thought it was just some external presentation brought by the skills. It didn't matter, but from the change of the attitude of the main, she quickly realized it.

"What happened to it?" Ling Lan asked.

The main anger smirked: "Do you think I will tell you?"

"Why not?" Ling Lan faintly asked straightforward, and the return is taken for granted.

"Hehehehehehehehe... If you die, you can still stay a little breathful, maybe I will tell you!" The lord could not control the sneer.

The main lord originally pointed to Linglan’s finger, and suddenly the five fingers were flushed, just like the Mount Taishan, and pressed to Linglan.

This is an attack that gathers the power of the main star and the moon.

Ling Lan eyes doubled, the same fingers changed his hand, and pushed to the main, at the same time, the huge ice wing behind him also waved in the direction of the main.

"Hey!" The invisible forces violently collided.

Ling Lan snorted, her figure could not be controlled, and she was shaken off a big step. The ice armor and the huge ice wing behind her began to crack, and the cracks became bigger and bigger. Eventually they all cracked and turned into ice elements, dissipating. In the air. At the corner of the mouth, a stream of blood slowly flows down.

This blow, despite the full opening of the Linglan Ice Department and the strength of the binocular yin and yang fish, still failed to kneel down and suffered a great internal injury.

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