Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1469: the life that is being manipula

1469: The life that is being manipulated!

Li Yuyu just looked at the card owner coldly. He is very clear that he has negative emotions and how he can trust each other's words.

"Interesting, it's fun." The card's main wrist turned over and there was an extra card.

Li Yuyu showed a cautious eye in his eyes.

Suddenly the master's finger flicked, and the card was directly ejected and quickly flew toward him.

Li Yuyu was a flash, and wanted to go away, but found that this card was in the shadows. No matter how he retreated, he couldn’t get rid of it.

The card that originally flew in the line suddenly opened.

A laughing and extremely awkward q was revealed in front of Li Yuyu.

Li Yuyu's eyes jerked open, and he even saw the gentle and beautiful mother of the family smiling at him.

"Yu Yu, you can eat." The mother shouted a smile with a smile.

"No, I haven't finished my research yet." The young voice rang in another place.

Li Yuyu saw a stubborn child, looked down at a lot of information on the desk, and wanted to find what he wanted, and he did not notice the loss in the eyes of the mother who was rejected.

"Don't be hungry, eat good food, you can continue to find what you want." A gentle hand covers the book that the child wants to continue reading.

"Mom, don't bother me, okay, I will eat when I am hungry." The child did not realize the love of his mother, and his face was impatient.

"Hey~" The mother sighed softly, with disapproval in her eyes.

"The body is the cost of doing anything for you. Only a healthy body can let you do what you want to do... Do you want to be like you?"

"Mom, don't you say it..." The child stood up angrily. The body of the lobby brother has always been the pain in his heart. He couldn't think of it. His dearest mother will use him as a negative textbook.

Unable to control his anger, he violently pushed away his mother, and the whole man ran out.

The mother is amazed, she can't think of a child she has always loved, and one day she will push her because of an outsider.

"I didn't expect that I was in your heart, but I couldn't compare with an outsider... Yu Yu, Yu Yu..." The mother whispered and whispered uncontrollably.

"Oh, even for a cousin who has only seen a few faces, hurting his mother's heart... I can't understand it." The voice of the card player rang in Li Yuyu's ear.

Li Yuyu looked at the picture in front of him, and soon the picture turned to him to see the cousin.

"Cough, how?? Yu?" The cousin was very poor, but despite this, he struggled to sit up and talk to him greedy.

In fact, the cousin is not much bigger than him, but when Li Yuyu saw him, he felt that he had a dependence and felt that his cousin knew everything well.

"Why do everyone think that you will not be good?" Li Yuyu felt pain in his heart when he thought of his mother. It seems that his cousin is in the eyes of Li, who is not saved.

"Because, brother is ill, refractory. Grandpa, looking for the most, powerful doctor, no, the way." A gentle hand covered his head and gently licked him, seeming to heal his heart. Angry and impatient.

"I don't believe, there must be better doctors, Grandpa they didn't find." Li Yuyu does not accept this answer.

"Oh, my family is working hard, coughing and coughing... Brother, I am also working hard." In fact, the cousin said that every sentence is unfavorable. I have to use all my strength to control my cough, which also makes his words as simple as possible. However, he still gave Li Yuyu the softest smile.

"Brother!" Li Yuyu distressed the cousin this torture, how could he not see the cousin clenched and trembled under the quilt, it is the embodiment of patience, only his brother, never want to worry about them , always showing a cloud of light and light look.

"Nothing, brother, work hard, wait for you, find a cure for the doctor." Brother laughed, "Brother (with) confidence, no grandfather, brother, and you."

Li Yuyu’s tears couldn’t help but fell. The cousin actually knew his situation. Except for Grandpa’s failure to give up, the Li family gave up. However, as the cousin said, even if the grandfather gave up, and his younger brother, he would never let his brother fall into despair.

"Brother, you can rest assured. You still have me." Li Yuyu grabbed the cool hand of his cousin.

At that time, Li Yuyu didn't know what he could do, but the seed that had to cure his cousin had already been planted.

"Hey, your life, is it for this person to live?" The card owner regretted with a trace of pity, "One is manipulated, the will never belongs to one's own life, and you live is really pitiful."

"Poor? Everyone's existence has its own meaning. My meaning is to give him a healthy life." Li Yuyu was unmoved.

"It's naive, do you think this is your own choice?" The card owner laughed. "I don't want to know what the truth is?"

Li Yuyu frowned and turned to look at the card owner who was obviously optimistic about the show.

"In your body, I feel a lot of energy. This energy is not yours. It is invaded by others, and it is not a recent one. It has accumulated over the years..." There is another card in the hands of the card. The smile is more intense, "The time goes back to your childhood."

"What do you mean?" Li Yuyu was cold and authentic.

"That is to say, what you call your own choice is actually that others use these energy to guide you subtly." The card owner smiled, "manipulating your life..."

"What about that?" Li Yuyu sneered. It is too small to look at him to attack his weak points.

"Not how, just want to see a good show." The card owner did not care, the fingers flicked, the cards flew out, and opened in front of Li Yuyu.

"K" Wang, obviously a serious face, but Li Yuyu saw the extremely gentle face of Li Muzhen's smile.

"Yu Yu, come." Still the gentle smile, the cousin extended his hand pulled him.

But this time, he saw that his cousin had a black energy in his hand, and slowly absorbed his hand into his body.

"Learning, how?" The smile on the corner of the cousin looked a bit dazzling at this time.

I don’t know how to cherish the little Li Yuyu, and I was excited to tell the cousin what he had done recently. The cousin nodded frequently, maybe it was pain, and the brow was slightly picked up. But I don’t know why, Li Yuyu actually saw a trace of impatience, and Xiao Li Yuyu, who was excited to chat, did not find it at all.

"Brother, I will definitely find a way to cure you." Xiao Li Yuyu seems to feel the discomfort of his cousin, a serious look.

"Well, then I will give it to Yu Yu." The cousin smiled very brightly, but this brilliant, dazzling glare, Li Yuyu actually saw the smug hidden in it.

"Look, let's see, you are the one that he carefully cultivated. At the beginning, do you really want to be a physician?" The voice of the card player rang again, hitting Li Yuyu's heart.



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