Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1465: the fire of the blue lotus.

1465: The fire of the blue lotus.

"Damn!" Behind the demon Lord, slowly raised a huge head of a delicate woman with her eyes closed and her hair turned into a snake head.

Tang Ningyu, Mu Chaoran saw this at first, although it was illusory, but those who waved the head of the snake, but the real energy body.

"It's really a toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, don't give you a bit of awkwardness, I don't know how high the sky is." The demon Lord snorted and his right hand slammed his claws out.

Just see the long hair of the snake head behind him bursting out, such as the black cloud generally flew to Tang Ning Yu Mu Chaoran two people.

Tang Ningyu stepped forward step by step, pushing one hand.

Suddenly the screaming of the arc rang through the square, and over the position of their position, an arc of wire appeared in an instant, protecting them.


The black snake head violently collided with the purple power grid, making a deafening sound.

This huge vibration made the ground feel moving.

Tang Ningyu's face suddenly turned red, and then a pale, a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Still in the peak of the title field, he was unable to step into the imperial level, and he could not resist the attack of a strong man in the imperial class. The only thing that is fortunate is that the demon master did not move the machine and left the hand. Otherwise, this move, Tang Ningyu would not die, but also a serious injury.

At this moment, Mu Chaoran, who was standing next to Tang Ningyu, slowly dissipated and eventually disappeared completely.

Tang Ningyu's strength, the demon Lord tried to understand, not his opponent, he snorted, the hand that slammed out violently clenched, and then shot a myriad of snakeheads again, fiercely slamming into Tang Ningyu's grid barrier .

Suddenly, his face changed and he plucked his palms violently. Countless snake hairs suddenly rolled down and wrapped the whole body of the demon.

The sound of "Boom", the three-meter diameter of the position where the demon Lord stood, suddenly appeared purple and blue flames.

Looking from the top down, it turned out to be a purple-blue fire lotus that was slowly blooming.

Among the fire lotuses, the demon Lord wrapped in a black snake slowly splits a hole to reveal his fascinating face.

"Blue Lotus Fire!" His face was dignified.

He couldn’t help but look up on Mu Chaoran.

"Fortunately, all of them have not turned blue. Otherwise, this trick will cause me to be caught off guard and will be seriously injured."

Blue Lotus Fire is the ultimate skill in the field of fire. Its power is also the color of the flame. The red color is the primary, the transition color is purple, the ultimate color is blue, and the purer the blue, the stronger the lethality.

Of course, once the blue lotus fire is completely mastered, it means that Mu Chaoran officially advanced to the emperor level.

The demon Lord did not expect that this inconspicuous Mu Chaoran, who had been hidden behind Tang Ningyu, was stronger than Tang Ningyu and had already reached the threshold of the imperial class.

"It's weird, you are better than him, why should you become his deputy?" The demon Lord's eyes fell on one side and whispered.

In the lord's creed, the strong is respected, so he does not understand Mu Chaoran's behavior of retreat.

"Strong?" A voice with sarcasm sounded, and in the fire of the blue lotus, Mu Zhaoran's figure slowly emerged.

"What's the use of this?" Mu Chaoran sneered, "talent and birth, destined to the beginning of the position."

Tang Ningyu frowned, not knowing whether it was because of injury or because of Mu Chaoran.

The demon Lord heard the words, and the corner of his mouth suddenly brought out a smile: "Oh? This kind of annoying habit, I feel very familiar..."

"I thought that you have already figured out our origins." Mu Chao taunted.

"You are very bold, boy." The demon smiled more flatteringly. "But I like it."


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