Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1463: demon Lord!

1463: Demon Lord!

"I didn't expect that here is the two of you guarding the temple!"

"There is no such thing as keeping it, but we just got here." Luo Lang said lightly.

He didn't want to be with Qi Long, but it was so unfortunate that the result of arresting was always so unexpected.

In fact, his combination with Qi Long is not the best. In the small partners under the boss, Qi Long, he, Li Lanfeng, Zhao Jun belong to the first file, Li Yingjie is a little bit worse, Han Jijun, Lin Zhongqing are both poor. Li Yingjie has an equal order... It may be more reasonable for him to have a weaker one with Qilong.

But at their level, it’s not just luck, it’s probably a fate.

Therefore, he and Qi Long proposed to split, but also rejected by the public.

But now it seems that, fortunately, there is no split, no matter who brings them, I am afraid that it will be a disaster.

In front of these two people, it should be the tornado in the thirteenth Lord - the Lord, and the rain in the sky - the lord.

The strength of these two people, although not the strongest in the thirteenth, but also in the middle, super and Qilong at least a realm. If the non-Qilong passed the other side, the calculation succeeded, and the gap between the two was pulled back. I am afraid that this battle, he and Qilong are also fierce.

Sure enough, this time, as the boss expected, the thirteen masters all dispatched, Luo Lang could not help but worry about other small partners.

The two large pillars at the entrance of the Purple Temple are leaning against one person.

One looks up at the starry sky, where the starry sky is closer and farther brighter than the federal, with the illusion of a star that can be picked up by a hand.

But the star in his heart seems to be getting farther and farther away from him...

"Do you regret it?" The other person suddenly spoke.

"What do you regret?" People who watched the stars retracted their sights and asked.

"Come here, look for our original regret, but unfortunately this is only our regret, that person does not care..." Even if it is dark, he can detect the confusion and loss on his face.

"This is our own knot...Ning Yu!" Another person suddenly snorted.

They are just looking for an answer, and they will not hesitate to hide their identity and dare to come to Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran.

Tang Ningyu stunned, the next second is a cold sweat: "Chaoran, thank you."

If it were not for that drink, it is estimated that he will fall into a disagreement and be trapped here forever, unless he can see it on his own.

"Ling Lan did not owe us. In those days, we used the fake identity, but he had passed us, and we didn't marry him! Finally lost to him!" Mu Chaoran was sober, "We are here, Of course, it is for him, I want an answer, but why not for myself, want to completely solve the hidden dangers, and finally can go further?"

"In the end, we are still for ourselves!" Mu Chaoran sighed, their acquaintance with Ling Lan, from the beginning is a wrong beginning, so they want this situation, it is more difficult than others.

Mu Zhaoran is envious of Qilong Luolang, their correct understanding, correct understanding, correct growth and accumulation, and the water has become a partner, Ling Lan is in his heart.

He also envied Li Lanfeng Zhao Jun, they joined, joined together, joined the battlefield, and died together, this life and death experience, and ultimately let them become loyal friends of mutual trust.

These are the things that he and Tang Ningyu can't have, so they are just passers-by who Ling Lan passed by.

"Ling Lan, he has to do too much." Tang Ningyu sighed.

"The pressure of life and death is the most people to grow up." Mu Zhaoran replied. It is precisely because of this that Ling Lan will become so strong, they are called the pride of the sky, the peerless enchanting people, compared with him, it is really shameful to get home.

"You said, who is our opponent this time?" Tang Ningyu asked. "Li Lanfeng is wishing us good luck... The good luck of that guy is not really so lucky."

"No matter who? This is a battle of life and death, perhaps the time we can find the answer." Mu Chaoran feels stronger and stronger.

"Do you feel it too?" Tang Ningyu said strangely, he thought it was just his illusion.

"This may be our robbery, or perhaps our chance..." Mu Chaoran suddenly said.

"Hahaha... chance? It's so funny." A pretty laughter rang around them.

Mu Chaoran Tang Ningyu stood up straight and looked at the source of the sound.

Seeing a person wearing a skirt appearing there, who are very familiar with the Thirteen Lords, suddenly understand who this person is: "The demon Lord!"

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