Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1460: the highest killing order!

1460: The highest killing order!

Ling Lan smile suddenly condensed, and the whole person suddenly burst back.

"Hey!" A loud noise.

The whole ground burst open, Ling Lan dexterously set foot on a flying earth and stone, flying in the air, looking at the indifferent looking at her No. 1 mentor.

The No. 1 instructor extended a hand and pointed her at the void.

Ling Lan suddenly appeared in front of a square black, infinitely extended, just to separate her from the space of the No. 1 instructor.

Can be useless, suddenly a large hand formed by energy wears a void, directly in front of Ling Lan, under the hood.

An ice mirror suddenly appeared in Linglan, and the big hand was hard to resist.

"Hey!" The violent swaying sound once again caused the entire space to vibrate, making Ling Lan seem to be in a hurricane that was over twenty.

"Giggle..." The huge hand crushed the ice mirror below, and it was deadlocked for a long time. The ice mirror finally couldn’t stand it, and it began to appear a slight crack.

Ling Lan looked up at the ice mirror, his eyes suddenly darkened, and it seemed to be like a whirlpool. Looking at it carefully, Linglan’s eyes were turned into yin and yang fish, and they swung fast. If the eyesight could not keep up, it was only Can see the vortex, or dark.

With this eye, the original crack of the ice mirror suddenly stopped, and then began to close, and finally restored to the beginning as intact.

After a while, the giants bounced back and eventually disappeared in front of Ling Lan.

On the 1st, the instructor saw his eyebrows slightly, and he took back his hand. At the same time, Ling Lan also withdrew his space and enchantment, and the whole space returned to its original appearance.

"I am still afraid that your foundation is unstable. Now it seems that this problem is not big." No. 1 instructor is afraid that Ling Lan has problems in this regard.

"Fortunately, thanks to the help of space, let me make this part of the reluctance." This time in the space, the cultivation of countless years of retreat is not useless, and finally manifested when it was promoted.

"After all, this cultivation mode is like talking on paper. If you want to stabilize your realm, you need a real life-and-death battle." The first mentor knows what Linglan’s biggest hidden danger is, although Ling Lan seems to be like Advance to the **** domain, in fact, this is only a false promotion, you must need a divine-level opponent, carry out a life-and-death battle, under the pressure of life and death, let the realm of the **** domain stabilize, survive, it is the real God domain honor.

If there is no such opportunity, the false promotion can only be retained for three days. On the fourth day, the energy gradually declines, and finally returns to the original level on the seventh day.

In this case, it also means that Ling Lan will no longer be able to advance to the Divine Realm.

Only once, chances are that Ling Lan has caught it.

This kind of decisive battle, the No. 1 tutor could not give Ling Lan, although he can ignite the killing, but did not kill.

Because the No. 1 tutor will not let Ling Lan really die, the No. 1 tutor knows that Ling Lan also knows that to their realm, there is no such thing as killing the heart.

"It seems that you are all planning." What did the first mentor think of?

Ling Lan nodded: "Once I am in the body, the one can feel that he does not know my reality, so I will solve it before my realm is unstable."

"They are also ready, this is a fierce battle..." asked the No. 1 instructor.

"They are ready from the beginning." Ling Lan smiled back.

"This war can only be relied on by you, we can't help it." No. 1 instructor sighed, "Go!"

Seeing the No. 1 instructor wielding his right hand, Ling Lan was popped up by him.

This is also the result of Ling Lan's abandonment of resistance. Otherwise, Ling Lan's current realm is inferior to the No. 1 instructor, but it is impossible for the No. 1 instructor to expel her so easily.

Ling Lan consciousness returned to the ontology, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly rose wildly, and the originally dead swamp, suddenly shaken and swelled.

In the distance, the main palace is squatting, and it is calculating when Ling Lan’s owner of the lost property will suddenly look at Ling Lan’s direction.

"There was a successful promotion to the Divine Realm... Then you can't stay." The main eyes of the Lord are slightly glimpsed, and a killing pass flashes.


The other eleven masters of the disorder suddenly received a supreme slaughter order that they had never issued since the establishment of the thirteenth.

"At last I have to start with the new lord!" The demon smiled.

"The boss said, go all out." The ghost owner opposite the video reminded.

"Know it, I know... I have long seen that he is not pleasing to the eye, and this can be a good thing to kill." The eyes of the demon Lord gradually became red, sparkling with strange light.

The earthquake master received a slaughter order and stood up suddenly...

"Is it still not good?" He walked back and forth a few steps with anxiety. "What can I do?"

He suddenly stumbled and decisively entered a string of contact codes that he had been useless for a long time.

"How come you find me? Don't be afraid to be known by your family?" The face of the old man appeared across the video. Some are disgusting.

"The lord has just issued the highest slaughter The sinister ignores the disgusting face and directly opens the door to see the mountain road.

The old man frowned suddenly: "Hey!"

"Yes, he wants to scribble the roots, and the grass does not stay."

"For so many years, he is still so embarrassed, do not give opponents a chance." Laojiao knows this person too.

"How do we do this?" The main face of the earthquake is a bit gloomy. It’s hard to find the top of the federation and send the top power to settle down. But who can think that disorder is no longer the disorder that the federal thinks, and the master is no longer It is the one who can be trusted.

"You are on the way, I will bring someone over." The old man decisively replied.

"You are crazy, what are you doing? I want to find death!" The main screaming, there is fear in his eyes.

"I should have done a good job with him." The old man said faintly.

"Wood brocade, you wake me up, unless your family is uncle, Mu Shuiqing, no one can solve him." The earthquake is about to explode, one by one is unsafe.

"You are too small to look at our wooden house. He didn't kill me in the past. He didn't care about his companion's feelings, but he didn't dare to take risks." When the old man finished speaking, he would not hang up the communication directly. .

"呃?呃!!!!!" The main viewer looked at the black screen, some dumbfounded, the next second, directly to the communication video to the ground, violently thunder: "Your TM wood brocade, hang me phone, you will So I like to hang up my phone... I also let me get on the job, how can I change my TMD... MD, in this life, I will be in your hands."

After all, a lame foot disappeared in the same place and went straight to the battlefield.

The top lid explained that yesterday, my baby was asleep, not deliberately broken, don't blame me, blame, please blame my family's two treasures, please hit the fire to condemn her, she refused to sleep.

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