Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1455: Who are you?

1455: Who are you?

"Ling Lan, look, do these flowers look good?" The ebb and flow of smiles held a flower from the door and slid in.

"Well, it's pretty good." Ling Lan looked up calmly.

"Low tide, can you not be so loud, Ling Lan's ears will not stand." Han Zunya did not breathe a glance at the tide.

Although this experimental remedy saved Linglan's life, it was not without sequelae. Linglan's hearing was weakening every day. According to Li Yuyu, if there is no solution, Linglan will completely lose his hearing.

Now, Ling Lan is not only hearing impaired, but also sounds a bit shocking. This is very contradictory. If you want Ling Lan to hear clearly, you must say loudly, but the sound is too big, and it will cause Ling Lan’s ear. hurt.

The ebb tide heard, the smile suddenly converges, looking at Ling Lan's gaze with a trace of distress.

"Nothing, can survive, better than anything." Ling Lan laughed, brilliant.

In this world, she is an ordinary girl, she has no responsibility. She naturally wants to laugh and laugh, no burden.

"You can think so, just fine." Han Zengya followed the smile, and his eyes were somewhat relieved.

In the past five years, the bits and pieces accompanying Ling Lan have made her clear that Ling Lan seems to be weak and her character is strong. Dr. Li once said that this disease may fall on the man who is extremely tough, and may not be able to persist until now. Even if Ling Lan is strong enough, but he loses his hearing, Han Zengya is afraid that he will bring a fatal blow to Ling Lan and collapse.

"Is the weather outside good?" Ling Lan turned to look out the window, the breezy, sunny and let her have some heartfelt desire to go out.

"Well, the weather is so good, and all the flowers in the garden are open..." The tide saw Ling Lan's intentions and urged: "I will ask Dr. Li, can you go outside for a walk?"

"Oh..." Ling Lan still had time to stop it, and the ebb tide was like a gust of wind.

"It will be too cumbersome." Ling Lan frowned slightly, and she knew that she had to break out and want to go out. She had to do too much preparatory work, and she was definitely called a laborer. Even if these people used to be familiar partners, here they are still the most familiar strangers, no one has no reason, so trouble is overdone. In fact, in the bones, Ling Lan does not like to trouble others, which also develops the habit she is used to solve.

"No, maybe this is good for your illness." Han Zunya seems to be greatly embarrassed, but it can be thick and thin, to see what Linglan is worried about.

"..." Ling Lan is speechless, this child's tone, is it so in their eyes, she is so good?

In the past few days, she has learned that she is in the eyes of the ebb and tears of Han Zengya, but she is a girl who is full of hope and beauty.

Unexpectedly, she will be foolish and white as a partner one day, which is really strange and familiar.

Why are you familiar with it? Ling Lan looked up and thought, like the future world, she once played such a role. At that time, the little friends said that he was superb in acting and played a silly and sweet performance. Now he wants to come, it should be the brand of this world, in order to survive, In order to get the treatment resources, she did make herself the person that the doctor nurse likes, and persevered that even she herself believed that she was such a person.

"Come back, let me see what kind of person I am? It is really **** and whipping." Linglan smiled, returned, peeled off the false face, and re-examined the original self... This is really not a good thing. Experience.

After some complicated preparations, Ling Lan finally sat in a wheelchair and was launched by the ebb tide Han Zanya. Of course, Li Yuyu, who has a lot of time, has to put down his work and follow him with a serious expression.

This time, the danger should be extremely high, otherwise Li Yuyu will not have this expression, but what makes Ling Lan curious is that Li Yuyu, who is concerned about safety, is persuaded by the tide, and even agrees with such a dangerous proposal.

"I thought you would refuse." Ling Lan looked at the look more and more serious, from time to time to check her physical condition Li Yuyu.

Li Yuyu, who was checking, suddenly became stiff. He took a deep breath and continued to check Ling Lan’s situation. He also said: "I thought I would refuse."

"But you still agreed." Ling Lan laughed. At this time, she laughed like a little fox.

Li Yuyu’s face was red and red. She didn’t want to be careful when she was seen. She quickly transferred the topic: “Do you want your parents? And your brother?”

Ling Lan asked: "Are they not coming for a long time?"

This time, the ghost gate closed and walked around. In this world, the three closest relatives of her family have never been exposed. If Li Yuyu mentioned it, she forgot the world and there are three people.

Ling Lan’s question was exchanged for the silence of the three.

"It’s been a long time. It’s been a long time since they have forgotten my daughter.” Ling Lan looked flat. When she was promoted to the emperor level, she had already broken the affection of her previous life. At this time, these three people, like the can no longer give her a touch.

Such an expression, such Ling Lan, but let the three misunderstood Ling Lan was hurt by family, Han Zengya gripped the handle behind the wheelchair, seriously: "Ling Lan, you have our friends."

"Well, Ling Lan, we will accompany you to overcome the disease." The tide also fell down, looked up and looked at Ling Lan seriously, told Ling Lan with his eyes, even if the world does not want Ling Lan, they will also be in her By the side.

"Is it so lyrical?" Ling Lan touched the top of the ebb and laughed silently. "And, do you really recognize me?"

Looking at Ling Lan in an incomprehensible way, I don’t know why Ling Lan said so.

"You... I have never mentioned your parents and my brother since I woke up." Li Yuyu suddenly said.

Ling Lan turned to smile and looked at him, motioning him to continue.

"In fact, before you stun, you will ask at least once a month, even though the way you ask is different." Li Yuyu's eyes became deep.

Speaking of this, Han Zunya’s eyes are a bit unbearable, and with a trace of anger, the girl who was faintly abandoned by her relatives is distressed and wronged.

"You at that time, how to cover up, can not conceal the eyes you want them, but now, mention them, you have no emotions." Li Yuyu perceived more things than two girls.

"The injury has accumulated to a certain extent and will die." Ling Lan said faintly. "As a doctor, you know better than me."

The low tide Han Zengya heard this, and the pity in the eyes was even worse.

"Yes, this time is too short... And, you seem to have forgotten a lot of things... especially for the five years." Li Yuyu kept a close eye on Ling Lan. "So, who are you?"

This question shocked the two men who fell into the tide, and they looked at Li Yuyu with a look of horror.

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