Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1453: her choice (Happy April Fool&#0

1453: Her choice (Happy April Fool's Day)

Ling Lan stood at the top of the snow-capped mountains, looking at the endless white color.

If the red sun is slowly sinking at the end of the round, Ling Lan may think that he is blind.

She didn't know how many sunrises and sunsets she saw, nor how many landslides she had experienced.

The power of nature has made Ling Lan, who has entered the half-step **** domain, think that he will die in those natural disasters, but fortunately, they have all survived.

Slightly sighed: "Is it still not okay?"

Ling Lan’s original cold and clear eyes dimmed. Life and death were originally the easiest time to break through, but this time and again the crisis of death, but did not bring Linglan what she needs.

"Isn't the precipitation enough? Even if the chance is in front of me, I can't touch it?" Linglan's mouth showed a bitter smile.

As time went by, Ling Lan knew that his chances of entering the domain had become more and more rampant.

"I am not willing!" Ling Lan eyes suddenly cold, she is very clear, what is the result of not entering the domain.

"I said, I don't allow the tragedy to repeat itself again!" Ling Lan fiercely clenched his fists. "Master, I am sorry, the taboo of God's control, I have to use it."

With this sound, Ling Lan's whole person sank into the snow, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The number one closed for cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes.

"You don't stop it?" The shadow of No. 1 suddenly made a cold voice, the second.

The number one eyes flashed and finally closed slowly: "This is her choice."

"Advance to the **** domain, for Ling Lan at this time, it is too reluctant." The second is not optimistic.

"Not reluctant, just live a few more days, die early and die late, are all dead, it is better to fight this." A fascinating voice rang on the other side, and saw a crack in the void, the fourth from the graceful The inside came out.

"You can't even sit still?" No. 2 ridiculed.

"We and Ling Lan were originally a whole. She is in trouble, can we be good?" No. 4 smiled.

"..." No. 2 is speechless, and I don't want to talk to these already selfish, intelligent bodies. The next second disappears from the shadow of No. 1.

"It’s very fast to run.” The fourth snorted.

"That is because you are too lacking in facts. He doesn't want to talk to you." The voice of the fifth sounded behind the number four.

"How come I have no facts?" On the 4th, I took a look at the fifth.

"Ling Lan died, we return to zero at most, and when the four halls are awakened to find a new host, they can start again." On the 5th, they showed the characteristics of their learning machine.

"Yeah, if there is no evolution in the four halls, and Ling Lan is in trouble, what you said can be established, but now, if the four halls are awake to know that Ling Lan is dead, the cliff will come to self-destruction, then we will all finish "The fourth is not to be reluctant to rebut.

"You forgot, what is the meaning of our existence?" No. 5 reluctantly replied.

On the 4th, I was stunned. If I couldn’t find a rebuttal, I had to look at the No. 1 anger: "On the 1st, you said, will you use your final authority?"

On the 1st, slowly opened his eyes, only in the space, all the tutors came unconsciously, and Ling Lan’s movement seemed to make the tutors calm.

On the 1st, I snorted and said coldly: "Go back!"

"Well, I am going back. Anyway, it is useless to stay here." On the fifth, I laughed, and it didn't matter.

On the 9th, he kicked the ball directly. Without seeing the result, one of them disappeared.

No. 5 licked his teeth and touched the knee he was kicking. He walked a few steps forward and disappeared into the space.

"Since I didn't have a good show, then I also left." On the 3rd, he yawned, his face was heartless, and the voice disappeared without a trace.

"You guys, it’s really hard, it’s so boring." On the 4th, I touched my long, wave-like hair, and I stepped into the cracked mouth, and the mouth slowly closed, and I restored my original appearance.

Several other instructors, after saying that they went back on the first day, disappeared one by one, and the shadow of the last one gradually faded, and finally there was no trace.

The whole space returned to calm again, and on the 1st, it slowly closed its eyes.

"No..." No. 1 lips fretting, it seems to say these two words, and it seems that this is just an illusion, never appeared.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." The intense pain made Ling Lan tremble. This pain seems to come from the depths of the body and seems to come from the surface of the body.

"Fast, fast, fast, n27 bed suddenly sick, fast painkiller." A voice of a female voice came from the ear, with a hint of panic and panic.

"Ling Lan, don't be afraid, Ling Lan, don't be afraid, you are brave, you have to believe in yourself, this time, you will also smash the past." Another female voice gently wiped her forehead with a cold wipe. Because of this, Ling Lan thought that he would faint in the past, but still can continue to be awake.

"Ling Lan, you are the strongest girl I have ever seen, you can certainly stick to it." Farther away, there was a girl with a cry of tears, cheering for her.

Ling Lan felt that his arm was tied, and then the cold liquid was hit in.

But all this has no effect, Ling Lan still feels that she will die in the past, this pain, even let her intolerable,

"Ah..." Ling Lan finally shouted out.

"How is the situation?" A familiar male voice suddenly sounded.

"Dr. Li, we just had a painkiller, but the effect didn't seem to be good." The female voice eagerly replied.

A warm hand is checking her: "How is the situation worsening... I don't control it as soon as possible, Ling Lan will not be tonight. "The male voice is still a little dignified.

"Oh... what do you do?" A female voice actually cried.

"Ling Lan is so good, I don't want to see her having something." The other also had a hint of whimper.

"All of them cheered up, you are nurses, even you are panicked, who is the patient still expecting?" The male voice suddenly shouted Yes, yes, what do we do? "The voice of the female voice is so powerful that it seems to be awakened by drinking.

"Continue, the painkiller input, remember not to exceed the maximum limit." The male voice commanded in an orderly manner," Han nurse, you immediately apply for the latest experimental drug."

"But that is not to say that there may be irreparable sequelae? The above instructions can not be moved." Han nurses hesitated.

"In this case, I still consider what sequelae." The male voice is very firm.

"If something goes wrong, Dr. Li, your responsibility will be big." Han nurse is not sure.

"If you do something, you will do something. Regardless of the outcome, I will bear everything." The male voice calmly replied, it seems that using this is not his decision in panic, but a choice to calmly think.

"Okay, Dr. Li." When Han nurse saw Dr. Li think clearly, he no longer dissuaded him and turned to apply for the experimental drug.

"Ling Lan, hold on, soon, the new potion will come, you will be fine, so you must hold on. "In the ear, the gentle female voice has been cheering her, this voice is also very familiar. It seems that every time her pain is unbearable, this voice always accompany her.

However, she never gives up, why are people here afraid that she will give up and desperately encourage her to stick to it?

Although Ling Lan is so groggy and dizzy, his mind is still flexible, which is somewhat confusing.

Surprise? Is the thorn not irritating? April Fool's Day update, is it somewhat unexpected? Of course, for the words that I promised to update the day before yesterday...when the April Fool’s Day program is not working? No matter what the line is, the fact is that, since I like Ling Lan so much, then the wayward lady, you can only suffer and suffer. Is this countless to make the princes? Touching everyone, my wife is really bad, despise her together.

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