Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1450: selfish people.

1450: Selfish person.

Ling Lan at this time, but not because the debris is in place, it is easy to get down, but because of the energy brought by the hardware itself, it was shocked.

The learning machine of Xiaosi is not an ordinary learning machine. His upgrade is not an ordinary upgrade. The energy impact brought by this upgrade alone is enough for an ordinary person to die. Only those who are super-spiritual will be spared. Even so, they have to pay a painful price.

However, this terrible energy is not too much pressure in the face of Ling Lan, who has a spiritual control method and has touched the gods.

Ling Lan's first three strong impacts, the impact of the back has obviously slowed down a lot, and at this time, Ling Lan really let go of his heart. I know that the learning machine hardware upgrade is successful.

"You are here." Keeping the number one on the fourth, suddenly began.

"Well, the number one tutor." Ling Lan quietly appeared behind the number one, whispered back.

Ling Lan, who has stabilized the energy impact, has this mentality to learn the space to see the follow-up response of this upgrade to Xiaosi.

"The situation in the small four is very good, you can rest assured." Knowing what Linglan is worried about, the No. 1 instructor directly told him.

"Can the energy brought by this upgrade meet the needs of Xiaosi to wake up?" Xiaosi was in a coma for this time, let Linglan know how important Xiaosi is to her, no small four, her whole heart is like Empty is normal. Knowing that Xiaosi may wake up, Linglan, who has always been strong and confident, is afraid, afraid that he is expecting too high, and the fact will disappoint himself.

"Even if you don't wake up now, it won't be too long." No. 1 faint.

"That's good." Ling Lan's eyes were firm. Weakness is only temporary, but strong is a lifetime.

"No. 1, the situation of the small flowers is great." The fifth appeared in the room and looked surprised.

On the 1st, the brow wrinkled and bowed down to Ling Landao: "I will go and see."

Did not wait for Ling Lan to answer, so that the fifth disappeared in place.

The entire room is only a small four suspended in mid-air, and Ling Lan standing next to the small four.

Ling Lan reached out and slender fingers touched the face of Xiao Sifei Dudu. Even if he was in a coma for so long, Xiao Si still maintained his chubby and cute look before he was in a coma.

Ling Lan seems to have emerged from the small four to do the wrong thing to sell and sell the singer, will hold her face charmingly called her boss, will screaming to report a small report, and he wants to drag Li Lanfeng's foot to think carefully.

"Small four, I really miss you." Ling Lan gently said.

No one was present, facing Ling Xiao who accompanied her to know her the most, Ling Lan let himself down.

"Do you know? Dad may have been very hard to leave me. Maybe it hurts me very much. It is you who almost made me collapse. You suddenly disappeared, I thought that I was abandoned by the whole world." Ling Lan smiled, the original cold and indifferent eyes, even out of Yingying water.

"However, I don't believe it, I don't believe you will just throw me away. You said that you have to spend the rest of my life with me, and even accompany my children for a lifetime..." Ling Lan's fingers slid across the cheeks of Xiaosi. The feeling of passing the finger is cold, without the heat of the small four. At this time, the little four is more like a machine-made person, although the naked eye looks like a real human.

"I don't trust a lot of people, Mom and Dad, you, the mentor in the study space, the few friends who grew up together, and the one or two friends who died together... I can trust 100%. Only you. Even Mom and Dad can't." Ling Lan looked up and held back the tears in his eyes. "Small four, after all, I am also a selfish person. I have never paid anyone a hundred percent except for knowing you." Hundreds of trust."


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