Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1447: No interest.

1447: Not interested.

"Where are you going to be better with that person?" The person in charge calmed down his mood and said indifferently. "Give it to you, give him a different kind of experience, and we have nothing to do with disorder."

"Good things are best for yourself, but they don't have the ability to stay... it's a curse, not a blessing." Ling Lan stood up, went to the person in charge, and took a lot of pictures on his shoulder. "When these people in the 11th district are dead, cut off the inheritance, after decades, do you think the term Aboriginal still exists?"

The person in charge suddenly changed his face.

"For an uncertain future, I would rather ruin the future of the disordered aborigines. You are a little stupid..." Ling Lan leaned over and looked at the person in charge, laughing and laughing.

The person in charge is even more ugly, his mouth is moving, he wants to say something but he doesn't know what to say.

Half-sounding, responsible for the person to stabilize himself, asked: "Tell you, can you let us go?"

Knowing that there is no room for choice, the responsible person began to look for opportunities for them to survive.

Ling Lan shook his head and smiled. "You are too naive. Whether you say it or not, you all have the same ending. However, I promise you will not kill the civilians in the 11th district. Also, you tell this secret, maybe There will be a possibility for us to kill each other. You, death, may be more valuable."

"Ha ha ha..." The person in charge suddenly laughed and laughed, only staring at Ling Lan, coldly said: "Since all are dead, I tell you that you are a fool."

"Well, then, I don't have to tear my face with him, it's good to continue to be my lord." Ling Lan looked indifferent.

The person in charge stared at Ling Lan so much that he wanted to find some hesitation and hesitation from her face, but he could see what came out. Instead, he looked more and more and believed that this was the real idea of ​​Ling Lan.

The belief in the support of the responsible person collapsed, and the whole person was unable to lean against the back of the chair.

"You won!" The person in charge smiled bitterly.

His right hand suddenly pulled out a dagger on his waist and slammed into his left shoulder.

The blood burst out and his partner couldn't help but scream.

And Ling Lan three people looked at the person in charge indifferently, and did not move at all.

The person in charge sighed that the disordered aborigines were strong and much stronger than the average person, but those who came from outside were simply not human, but a group of perverts.

The person in charge was sighed and sighed, but the action in his hand did not stop at a slight moment, and the neatness was very good.

I saw him directly scratching the shoulders of the meat, revealing the shoulder bones, only to find that some of his shoulder bones were actually made of metal.

Because the control of his own muscles is excellent, the responsible person, despite such self-abuse, does not have much blood.

He bite the bite, and the tip of the squeezing force pressed a certain position on the metal shoulder bone, and the metal suddenly opened, revealing a black hole.

The cockroach pointed to the black hole and picked it up. A black object bounced from the inside and flew to Linglan.

Ling Lan suddenly appeared innumerable silver filaments, quickly woven into a net, and directly grabbed the black object.

The person in charge endured the pain and gasped: "All you want is inside. As for whether you can decipher, you can see your ability."

Ling Lan looked seriously at the black objects hanging in front of her own eyes in the silver screen, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"I hope that you can do it and let go of the civilians in our 11th district. As for us, we must kill it casually." The responsible person smiled bitterly.

"This thing, he also has one right?" Ling Lan answered.

The person in charge suddenly slammed and looked at Ling Lan’s eyes, which was extremely complicated.

"This thing, it started to be interesting." Ling Lan stood up, with a hint of helplessness between the eyebrows, and there was a hint of almost invisible surprise.

"I can finally go back. I have to take a break this time." Ling Lan turned and walked to the door, not looking back.

Luo Lang Zhao Jun followed closely.

The person in charge looked at the back of the three people in amazement. When the three of them were going out of the door, they finally couldn’t help but ask: "You, don't kill me?"

"No interest. As for whether the 11th district can survive, it is your business, not me."

I didn’t see a figure in front of me, but the ear of the person in charge, but I heard the cold voice of Ling Lan...

Said very cold and ruthless, but it makes people feel a heart... grateful?

Let's take a chapter first, and see if there is a time code word at night. My goal now is to keep improving. I feel like I am falling...

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