Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man: One extra

Fan Wai 1

The first graduates of the First Military Academy of Lanzhou passed the assessment of the major legions and finally reached the time for their future development.

"Right, which army do you want to go to?" The students gathered in the square waiting for the virtual big screen to distribute information, and those who saw the idea could not help but ask.

"Of course I want to go to Ling Tianjun under my king's command, that is our strongest army, the real emperor." This makes everyone excited and excited, into the Ling Tianjun, the emperor guard, is definitely a step into the sky.

"You don't want to be whimsical, you can enter Ling Tianjun, but you have to go to the various levels of the military. Not only do you have to be superior in personal strength, but your political appearance is still too strong. There can be no problems at all. We are not qualified at all." Some people clearly understand the selection criteria. I can't help but open my mind to break everyone's daydreams.

"I know, just think about it. The biggest goal of my life is to enter Ling Tianjun." The 20-year-old boy is full of dreams.

"Cut, who is not, we have successfully established a country from a backward enslaved area, and have a place in the United Nations, all brought by my king. Who in the country does not worship my king?" In Lanzhou, Lan Wang But the idol of everyone's heart.

"Don't you say that your dreams are good? Ling Tianjun is completely impossible. You should choose at least a legionary legion... Can you all want to have a random allocation of the system?" Can you still chat?

"Of course I don't want to. I heard that I was not taken by the Legion, or I didn't apply for it. In order not to let them lose the opportunity to enter the army, the King of Lan has extra enlightenment, so that the system is randomly assigned to various legions, hoping to bring them together. ”

"In fact, many legions are good, like the big army of Qi Dajun, the iron armor of General Zhao, the one-word army of General Luo, the wave-changing army of General Xie, the Chinese strategy army of Han Dajun, and the loyal army of General Lin... ...and Li Yuanshuai's Mu Fengjun." Some people have said that the most famous large army groups in Lanzhou, these army leaders followed Lan Wang together to fight the world.

"The other legions are okay, but Li Yuanshuai is there. It may not be a good place now..." Someone regrets.

When the words came out, the atmosphere suddenly condensed. It is said that everything in the country is good. Only Lan Wang and Li Yuanshuai have some problems.

In particular, Lan Wang had recently married a Wang Fu, the federally sentimental and pro-object, the first family of the Federation, Li Jiada, Li Muzhen, and the relationship between Lan Wang and Li Yuanshuai was somewhat dangerous.

Legend has it that they were originally lovers of love and affection, but the old men in the parliament were afraid of the combination of Lan Wang and Li Yuanshuai, fearing that they would be powerful and fearing that no one could balance the Lan Wang, and then proposed a motion. Wang Fu could not have the military power. If Li Yuanshuai is with Lan Wang, he must abandon his current status...

Imagine a man, or a heavy hand, how can the marshal who controls the military power be willing to give up the real power status and become a male-like role?

In the end, Lan Wang broke with the Marshal, but unfortunately, without waiting for them to ease, the Federation sent a enchanting man and a pro.

The hero is still saddened by the beauty!

Although they all regretted the marshal Lan Wang, they have to admit that the current Wang Fu is really amazing, and the Lan Wang heart is really normal.

But in this way, the Lan Wang and the Marshal really turned their heads, and some of them love each other. This also makes the Marshal's Mu Fengjun not so beautiful.

"No matter what, as long as you don't go to the Mulan Army." Compared with the Mu Fengjun, the military school students are more resistant to the army of the Brigadier General Wang.

It is said that the Legion is actually a small toy that Lan Wang gave to his husband Wang. The soldiers inside, regardless of their physical fitness or ability, are the kind of crane tail. The old and the weak are sick and the fighting power is simply the kind of slag. The quasi-military who graduated from the military academy did not see it at all, let alone the people of their first military academy.

"Oh, I hope God bless!" When the words came out, they immediately resonated with everyone.

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