Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1426: temptation.

1426: Temptation. Dust ↖ ↗ ↗ √ ??

If you do the Lord, Ling Lan is not smiling.

I don’t care, now it’s not her decision. Besides, Li Lanfeng and Luo Lang, both of whom prefer to go forward and retreat with her, let them escape, is the insult to them.

Not long after, I saw Li Lanfeng and Luo Lang, accompanied by the Lord, and walked in with a faint look.

Seeing Ling Lan, without standing, he spontaneously stood behind Ling Lan.

The main eyes of the main light are bright and more interested in Ling Lan. At a young age, you can be impressed by your peers. This can be very resistant.

He looked up at Li Lanfeng Luo Lang and pointed to Ling Lanxiao and asked, "I don't know, let you come in and die, it is his decision. What do you think?"

The lord was interested to observe the three young people in front of him and see if there would be some interesting things because of his words.

Luo Lang heard the words and looked at the Lord with a confused look.

And Li Lanfeng, from the beginning, with a touch of light smile, the curvature of the corner of the mouth, has not changed at all, it seems that the words of the Lord, never said the general.

The main faintly stunned Li Lanfeng and looked at Luo Lang who had responded in the first time. He asked, "If you are satisfied, you may be able to open the net and let you leave alive."

"Then my boss?" Luo Lang looked at Ling Lan sitting in front of his eyes.

"He is my guest, of course I can't go." The master smiled back.

Luo Lang heard the words, a shrug and spread his hands. "What else to say."

The owner is amazed. "How do you say this?"

"Where is the boss, where am I." Luo Lang seriously said, "And, I promised a person, who wants to hurt my boss, first stepped on my body."

The words of Luo Lang are arrogant, and the whole person is like a sword that is about to be squirted.

"This is the case." Li Lanfeng smiled and matched.

Obviously this person has a mild atmosphere, no lethality, and Luo Lang, who is full of Xiao Xiao's gas, has formed two extremes, but the main subject has slightly frowned, with a trace of scrutiny, and carefully looked at Li Lanfeng.

But there is only such a glance, in the position of the invincible existence of the lord, even if it is the emperor of the emperor-level field, it will not be too much in mind, let alone the two small characters in the field of title, give more to this eye, It is also because Li Lanfeng and Luo Lang have not been affected by his speech, and still trust their boss 100%... This firmness makes him move so much.

In fact, the lord seems to be a simple sentence. In fact, he has used a mentally suggestive attack to shake Li Lanfeng’s trust in Ling Lan. He thought he would see the result he wanted, but he unexpectedly failed. Let him be surprised.

Spiritual attacks at the **** level, as long as there is a lack of trust between each other, there is a weak point in the state of mind, it will be infinitely magnified in an instant, and finally break.

What the Lord did not expect was that Luo Lang grew up with Ling Lan from a young age. This friendship and trust have already penetrated into the bone marrow, and Luo Luo’s master is pure, one is one, two is two, and it is clear. Like a person, trust a person, will not make any reservations, 100% investment, how can there be loopholes in the mind?

Besides, Luo Lang's magical talent, the existence of everyone's personality, his mental power is not as good as Ling Lan, Li Lanfeng, but also not much worse, and mental attack, the lower the mental strength of the attack object, the higher the success rate On the contrary, the success rate is lower. Even if Luo Lang is not such a single pure character, if he wants to break his heart, it will not be a sentence, he will succeed.

As for Li Lanfeng, compared with Luo Lang, it is the other extreme.

Luo Lang is the ultimate purity of pure, so there is no loophole, and Li Lanfeng's mind is complex and dark to the extreme, his heart is full of all kinds, power, status, and the people he wants, everything is there, it is everywhere flaws. . But also because his greed has reached an extreme, unless his life is the door of his life, otherwise, his heart can not be shaken.

The direction of the main attack is not right, of course, there is no gain.

Ling Lan did not seem to notice the temptation of the Lord. It was as if he did not care about these temptations. He just looked at the Lord with a smile.

"Haha, yes." The dry master laughed, did not hide his temptations, and was open-minded, and people couldn't help but let go of their guards... The simple Luolang followed and laughed.

Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng kept a smile and still could not move.

"Well, children, can talk about your thoughts now, why do you think that it is our decision?" The leader suddenly converged his smile and stared directly at Ling Lan.

Just looking, Ling Lan felt like he was scratched on his face with a knife, and finally fell into the eyes skin, both eyes have a feeling of pain.

Ling Lan eyes flashed a cold mans, the body slightly shocked, in the world that could not be seen, she successfully broke the terrible sight of the lord.

It seems that only the two eyes are looking at each other. Only she and the lord know that the two have silently attacked a move. If she can't resist it, I am afraid that her eyes will be hurt.

“Thank you for the help of the No.1 tutor.” Ling Lan’s consciousness in the sea thanked the No. 1 instructor. With her ability, there is no way to break the sight of a god’s supreme sight. The emperor’s level is stronger, in the eyes of the gods, although not Ants, but also with children, there is not much resistance.

"No problem, I will shoot at the crucial moment." The voice of the first mentor came to the sea, and the voice was cold, but it made Linglan feel a certain heart, and there was no more concern.

"I originally thought that the thirteen masters started the war, it is to raise the cockroaches ... to cultivate the top-level combat power." Ling Lan laughed. "But later, I found that it was not the case, open the war, just to facilitate your rule."

The main sneer sneered. "You should have read the disorderly historical documents in the colorful palace. You must know that the annual war is the most hoped that the central countries will see. If you do not take the initiative to start this war, it is estimated. Not long after, we will usher in the alliance of the nations."

"The disorder has not enough benefits, so that they are so motivated." Ling Lan punctuated.

"Even if it is not so fast, they will arrange the scorpions inserted here to create turmoil and create hatred. The war will still open." The lord faintly said, "It’s not as good as the innocent people, but not so much. Being able to train soldiers can also avoid civilian casualties, and it can be considered as one thing."

Mrs. PS is now a big fat man, so if you say something to me, please ignore it.

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