Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1407: misunderstanding?

1407: Misunderstanding?

Luo Chao received a good news from the front line early in the morning, and did not consider whether this time was too early. Ling Lan did not get up yet and went directly to Linglan’s bedroom report.

"Boss!" Luo Chao in Linglan here, has been free to enter and exit, so did not knock on the door, go directly into the inner room.

The big bed, covered with a thin layer of sand, has a person lying there, looming.

Luo Chao didn't care, and picked up the gauze, but saw the thin cover of the boss's often covered, revealing a worldly face, closing his eyes and sleeping.

This is a person who is absolutely impossible to appear here!

"Li Yinfei?" Luo Chao exclaimed.

Her voice woke up the beauty of the bed, and saw Li Yinfei's eyes tremble, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Luo Chao looked at her with horror, and smiled with a hint of confusion.

But even if this smile is beautiful again, and can't resist the shock and doubts of Luo Chao, I listened to Luo Chao and shouted: "Who are you? Why are you in the bed of the boss?"

If her boss is really a man, she may wonder if she is a boss, and Li Yinfei will directly come to be Mrs. Zhai, but her boss is a girl who is exactly the same as her. How could she like a woman?

Unless the old man is dressed for a long time, is he wrong with his gender? I can always follow Ling Lan's Luo Chao clearly feel that my boss has no such tendency.

Therefore, this person should not be Li Yinfei, but also the light is sleeping in the bed of the boss.

"Ah, it's you, Luo Chao." The beauty of the voice was unexpectedly low and very familiar.

Luo Chao is a very smart girl who reacts very quickly. When she thinks about it, she thinks who this voice is: "He is the head of Li?"

"Ah..." The beauty seemed to think of something. He reached for a light touch on his face and found that he did not wear a mask. He immediately showed a smile of apology. "I forgot to wear a mask. Sorry, Luo Chao, this is not intentional." Lie to you."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh At this time, I couldn’t calm down. "He is the head of Li Da, why is it in the bed of the boss? Last night, did you have a bed together?"

The boss actually went to sleep with a man. This man is still a super beauty. The key is that the boss is a girl... Luo Chao’s head is full of these contents. It feels that the world is collapsing and she is crazy.

"Yesterday, the boss left me." Li Lanfeng asked, couldn't help but smile, this laugh is really a hundred thousand times, the content is unlimited, there is more shame in spring, really a little flashing eyes.

"" Li Lanfeng’s smile hit Luo Chao, she didn’t know how to be good for a while.

Li Lanfeng smiled slightly and asked calmly: "Yes, Luo Chao, what are you doing here?"

Li Lanfeng put himself in the position of the master of this place in a word, and it is no longer a blow to the "love enemy" in his eyes.

Luo Chao's face was blue and red, and she moved her lips, but she couldn't think of how to ask. Finally, she asked very weakly: "That, where is the boss, I have something to report."

Upon hearing the question, Li Lanfeng slowly sat up and the quilt slowly slipped down, revealing that he did not wear a coat, and his white and bright half-breasted, Li Lanfeng reached out to cover his face, avoiding his spring sigh, and regretted back: "I'm sorry. I was tired yesterday. I don’t know when the boss left me."

Tired? What did you do to be tired? Also, this Li Lanfeng did not wear clothes... What happened last night? Is it really difficult for the boss to block the beauty, and the head of Li Da started?

Luo Chao Ming Ming told himself not to think about it, but Li Lanfeng showed her pictures and every word of her, which made her unable to think about it.

"That, then I, myself, go find it yourself!" When Luo Chao left, the footsteps were a little embarrassed, and his expression was also hit hard.

Looking at the back of Luo Chao, who almost fled, Li Lanfeng's mouth was slightly tilted, with a hint of coldness.

Since he shot, he did not want to let Luo Chao and Han Zengya have the opportunity to stay with Ling Lan.

Luo Chao rushed out of the palace, and the cold wind outside made her calm down, only to be able to think about where Linglan would go.

Ling Lan has a habit of doing morning classes early in the morning, basically in the highest Ziyuntai in the colorful palace.

Luo Chao quickly searched for it, and sure enough, there was a red robes in his face, and he was looking at the various shapes and shapes of the clouds in front of him, corresponding to the sentiment, and looking for the next opportunity.

Feeling the sound behind him, Ling Lan turned around and saw Luo Chao, then raised his eyebrows slightly, slightly different: "Luo Chao, what about me?"

"Hey..." Luo Chao originally wanted to ask Li Lanfeng directly. You can see Ling Lan's like a light and windy look. He couldn't even ask She stunned, and finally she said It is a business official: "Just got the frontline battle report, the battle of the Mech ace regiment, Xiaosheng. The battle of the field, the victory, the battlefield of the Ink, defeated two games, won four games, defeated those two games, it is said that the enemy camp later No feedback."

Having said that, Luo Chao laughed: "I guess it should be Zhao’s head to find a chance to shoot."

"Well, Zhao Jun seems to understand his way of fighting, so it is very good." Ling Lan turned and continued to look at the clouds in front of the eyes.

"That, that... I just saw Li Datou in your bedroom." Luo Chao hesitated for a moment and finally asked about Li Lanfeng.

"He hasn't started yet?" Ling Lan frowned, and Li Lanfeng is getting more and more lazy.

Hey, Luo Chao was hit hard. It turned out that the head of Li Da said that it was true. The boss really shared the bed with him.

"Boss, you are headed by Li Da... This is no problem?" Luo Chao tried to squeeze out this sentence. She never thought that the flower of Gaoling in her eyes would be touched by people... Luo Chao’s head was a bit muddy. This came too fast and too suddenly, she couldn’t calm down for a while.

"What's the problem?" Ling Lan puzzled, not let the half bed sleep for Li Lanfeng for one night, what can be the problem? At this time, Ling Lan, she did not think that she is the body of her daughter, and it is not on the battlefield, or the situation is compelling when the task is over, and it is impossible to get the shock point of Luochao.

Is this ok? Boss recognized? Luo Chao, the whole person, did not know how to say goodbye to Linglan, leaving Ziyuntai.

Ling Lan, who stayed at Ziyuntai, saw a half-sounding cloud scene and suddenly screamed.

"Just, Luo Chao, is it a misunderstanding?" Ling Lan at this time thought of her daughter's body, Luo Chao knows.

PS: The second one will be around 2 o'clock. You can see it tomorrow morning, what?

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