Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1393: You are dreaming!

1393: You are dreaming!

Ling Lan and the atmosphere between the Lord, instantly tense, the war is on the verge.

Suddenly, the two men leaped at the same time, and a long whip suddenly appeared in the right hand, waving to the other side.

One red and one blue, two color long whip, in the air, violent collision.


A loud explosion, splashing a lot of blue and red sparks, two long whip were simultaneously bombed. Their masters also followed Yang Fei.

Ling Lan twisted her waist and landed steadily on the ground. Her right hand trembled vigorously, and the blue long whip flew again, fiercely slamming away from the Lord.

A cold scream from the Lord, his wrist trembled, and his red long whip greeted him.


Once again, the violent collision, the sound is louder than the last one, and the sparks are even bigger.

Ling Lan's right hand probed, and the long whip tail that was bounced back was slightly received in the hand. A rotation, seeing Ling Lan's red robes followed by a spinning dance, and this rotation also successfully defeated the power of the rebound.

He retracted his long whip from the Lord, and he chose to step back two times to counteract the power.

Ling Lan stabilized his body and looked at the Lord faintly. He said: "These two tricks, perhaps, can make you change your mind."

A red flash from the main face, the eyes flashed, and a killing suddenly broke out.

Faced with overwhelming killings, Ling Lan's expression is still indifferent, and they are used to face for twenty years. I want to use this to kill her.... Well, quite difficult.

Looking at Ling Lan's eyes and expressions that are as stable as Taishan, wrinkled from the main brow, the next second, the overwhelming killing will disappear instantly.

"Do you really want to fight with me?" asked the cold cold from the Lord.

"It depends on what you mean from the Lord. If you want to fight..." Ling Lan’s eyes smashed, "I will fight."

This voice said that the war broke out, and a war broke out in Ling Lan, expressing her determination.

A flash of sorrow from the main face, he could not think of it, this blue scorpion did not cherish his life, even if he took the risk of life, and he had to take back the supplies.

It’s bad luck! A dark voice from the Lord, I have to soften my attitude: "What do you want?"

"The goods you snatched..." Ling Lan slowly said.

When I heard this, I felt that I could accept it. When I just wanted to agree, I heard Ling Lan’s words: "Five times back."

"You dream!" angered from the main air.

"Exactly, I also want to know how strong the thirteen masters are from the Lord." Ling Lan extended his left hand and an ice-shaped three-sided army thorn slowly condensed in the Linglan backhand Grasp it.

The right hand of the original whip, the blue long whip, the original flowing water, began to condense and became a transparent Tang knives.

The change of these two kinds of water forms, so that the main face was directly pumped, and the long whip composed of the fire element in the handshake was shaken.

Is it war or not?

The defeat is in front of the Lord, only these two roads.

If you don't fight, you have to give the other party five times the material. If you don't, the young and savvy **** will definitely not let it go. War, it may become a life-and-death battle, imperial class battle, no one can be sure what the final result is.

"Double." From the main bite, he decided to give up one step, but five times, he certainly would not agree.

Ling Lan looked at him faintly. Obviously, she was not satisfied with the number she said from the Lord.

PS: First come to Xiaoyi, no way, the child will only fall down around 12 o'clock, let me know a little more. Next, before 3 o'clock, please look again tomorrow morning.

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