Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1383: the identity of the guest!

?1383: The identity of the guest!

Li Yuyu looked shocked and could exhaust so many daughter-in-law 2 generations of pharmacy. At that time, the boss had multiple injuries? Everyone thinks that the boss is the pride of the sky. If you want something, for example, now, when you enter the disorderly zone, you will be able to sit on the throne of the thirteen masters. It’s so easy, who knows? This position is the boss’s life.

Thinking of this, Li Yuyu secretly rejoiced that he had come right this time. At the very least, when the boss was in charge of the expansion of the territory, he could protect the body of the boss.

He quickly opened the box and took out two cans of the niece he brought to Linglan.

Ling Lan took it and drank it directly. With the help of the niece, her recovery speed can be much faster. In this crisis-ridden place, it is the safest and most correct way to recover as soon as possible and guarantee your own strength.

Ling Lan silently digested the efficacy of most of the scorpion remedies, and the rest must be slowly digested. The amount of medication given by Li Yuyu is very accurate. There are more, and there is no way for the body to absorb it, but it is wasted.

After all, this is not a federation. Li Yuyu has the ability to make medicines. There is no raw material, and there is nothing to help. Nuwa Pharmacy is still very precious, so try not to waste if you don't waste it.

Feeling a lot better, Ling Lan only focused on the two people Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran. Yesterday, Ling Lan had to deal with the temptations of the two masters of Qiankun, and they did not talk to them. Now, after the crisis, Ling Lan has a mood to have a good chat with them.

"What do I want to do, you should understand it roughly, let's say, do you want to go back or stay?" Ling Lan asked at the door.

"Zhanshan is king?" Tang Ningyu disapproved of authenticity. "Does this make sense? It is better to return to the federation with us. The head of the 23rd Army is waiting for you. Your future cannot be wasted in this wild land. ”

"What answer did the military give to my father's sacrifice?" Ling Lan asked coldly.

"..." Tang Ningyu is silent, do not know how to return.

"Let's say, although I can think of it, I can also confirm the definition of the military department." Ling Lan pulled his sleeves and looked extra cold and cold. Tang Ning Yu Mu Zhao seems to feel that the cold and the eternal Ling Shao will return.

Tang Ning Yu Mu suddenly looked at each other. In the end, Mu Chaoran gritted his teeth back: "Let the enemy to sway, to privately ruin!"

"Okay, okay, good! Hahaha..." Ling Lan angered and laughed, and the momentum suddenly broke out.

"Hey ~!" Tang Ning Yu Mu Zhaoran chest as a punch, a blood directly sprayed out.

Fortunately, Ling Lan’s momentum is just a flash, otherwise the two are not just spitting a blood. On the other hand, Li Yuyu and Han continued the Yaluo tide, but there was no influence. Ling Lan was extremely rational despite the anger, and the momentum was extremely perfect. It was only for Tang Ningyu Mu, and injured three others.

"Oh, this is the military! In the Japanese, what is my father's step is not a magical calculation? If it is not from the military's calculations, how can he abandon the good battle of the sun, and rushed to save me?" Ling Lan sneered, " In the end, the military will not only push the responsibility, but also deduct all the crimes on my father. You said that this completely rotted military department, I went back, what can I do? I am afraid it will only become theirs. Knead the cockroach, let alone brush my shame for my father."

"Yes, you are here, there is still no way to wash the grievances for Ling Da." Mu Zhaoran shouted. He does not want Ling Lan to go into extremes. How strong Ling Lan is, he is more afraid that the other side will go on the wrong road, which is absolutely a disaster for the entire human world.

"Now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future." Ling Lan has calmed down and looked indifferent. The anger of the sky just now seems to have never appeared before.

Tang Ning Yu Mu Zhao and the two listened to a sigh, Mu Chaoran reacted very quickly, his face changed greatly: "You want to be unordered, this is impossible."

Only by becoming the king of disorder, Ling Lan is qualified to negotiate with the Federation through this power, and hopes to let the military retreat and be fair.

"Why not? I am now one of the thirteen masters." Ling Lan asked.

"It is absolutely impossible, whether it is the Federation, Caesar, or other countries, will not sit down and watch a disorderly king." Tang Ningyu is very sure, as a new generation of leaders who are trained by Long Xiang, Tang Ningyu knows There are still not many things, such as some secrets about the disordered zone.

"I know that here, there are many customers in the country. Once they are found to be dangerous, they will be inside and outside, creating some chaos or bloodshed." Ling Lan has been watching the events in the disorderly zone during this time. More or less let her discover some rules.

Tang Ningyu’s mouth moved, but in the end he did not say it. In his mind, the status of the federation was higher.

"I also know that these passengers have climbed to high places, for example, the protection of the thirteen masters, law enforcement and so on..." Ling Lan said while observing the expression of Tang Ningyu, "more even, has become A member of the thirteenth..."

When this sentence came out, Tang Ningyu’s face suddenly took a moment, although it was very subtle, how could he escape Ling Ling’s eyes.

Ling Lan's eyes were slightly stunned and his mouth curled up. Sure enough!

These days, Ling Lan is also thinking about this problem. It is obvious that the two masters are so powerful. Why have they never thought of unification and disorder? With the strength of the two masters, you can definitely do it.

Unless the lord is not in the legend, the one who may step into the domain of God... But, in terms of the deeds of various records, there is very little chance that the lord will not enter the oracle.

Ling Lan, who has fought with Kun, is very clear that the other party is definitely a person who enters the half-step domain, and can make a half-step **** domain so respectful... except the **** domain, it cannot be explained.

The battle with Kun is not only to give the lord a wrong message, but Ling Lan also speculates on the true strength of the lord.

Both sides are calculating each other. Perhaps Ling Lan is also the illusion that the other side deliberately created, but Ling Lan has always been cautious, preferring to think the other side is more powerful than to ignore the opponent.

The only thing that the lord does not dare to reunify is that he knows what is behind the thirteen Lords, or that the lord himself is a guest.

This inference seems ridiculous, but you can think about it carefully, but it is not without it.

PS: The second one is sent, today is like this, everyone good night, what?

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