Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1377: Do you want a battle?

?1377: Do you want a fight?

"In business negotiations, to change things, we must estimate the rate of damage of goods on this road. From the absence of one hundred and one hundred, it is the best result to retain a six or seven points. The price of goods is high. This is also the reason. I bought the disorderly materials at a 50% discount. It is already the conscience price I gave. Kun, I am not black. You should know that if other merchants exchange goods, the price will be more. Low." Ling Lan is very familiar with the business. She said that she did not know how to refute it.

"But this price, other owners will definitely not agree. If your soul domain wants to integrate into disorder as soon as possible, you must pay some price." Kun's attitude is gentle, "You still think about it."

Ling Lan’s face showed a hint of helplessness: “Kun Lord, then you can say, what price can you accept?”

Kun is faintly authentic: "20% off."

Ling Lan decisively shook his head: "The price is too much, and it may be okay once or twice, but in the long-term cooperation, the Emperor will never agree."

“Is it really not?” Kun’s main brow wrinkled, and the temperature in the entire hall suddenly dropped.

Ling Lan stared at Kun without fear: "I really can't do it, beyond the bottom line that the Emperor can accept."

The main pressure of Kun is lower and seems to be angered.

"Kun, don't be anxious, and say something is not good. Now the lack of materials is disorder, not us. Although we want to stand firm in disorder, but do not represent the soul domain, there is only a disorderly choice? Hard to let If one party suffers from losses, it will not be able to cooperate for a long time. Only a win-win situation can be achieved. What do you say?" Ling Lan did not panic.

Kun retired for a few seconds, then slowly said: "Then, what is the bottom line that you can accept? Don't talk to me, I want to hear the truth."

Ling Lan thought for a moment, then bite his teeth: "70%, this is our limit."

Kun’s main mouth showed a smile: “Okay, that’s it.”

Ling Lan suddenly woke up and suddenly smiled: "Kun is the Lord of Kun. In front of you, I am still tender."

"As you said, the win-win is not very good." Kun master smiled.

"Yeah, it's really good, but I have to be taught by my emperor." Ling Lan's face showed helplessness.

"If you want to teach you the emperor, you will let him come to us." Kun main seems to be a false comfort. At this time, his eyes swept to the corner, where it could grow in the cold. The extremely lush green plants, "unstable" uncontrollably, came to the next second.

"This plant, I have never seen it." Kun’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, stretching out the long, slender hand and gently picking up a long leaf.

Before he could wait for him to eat, the long leaves seemed to have a feeling, and even the "嗖" would automatically shrink back.

"There is a feeling..." Kun was surprised. He once again tried to pinch the plant that he wanted to escape. A white jade hand had firmly held his wrist.

"Kun, Lord, in front of me, so unscrupulously teasing my pet... Is it too much?" Ling Lan raised his eyebrows.

"Pet?" Kun master looked at the green plant that had disappeared without a trace. The breath just now is obviously a plant system. Is it true that, as the legend says, plants will have ideas and can be refined?

Ling Lan is not so kind to the Kun master to confuse, she just looked at Kun master faintly, hoping that the other party can close the hand in time, do not harass her little white body.

"If I say, I must see it?" Kun is a person who does not swear by the end, but will not stop because Ling Lan's suppression.

The words of Kun’s master made Ling Lan’s eyes look awkward and leaked a dangerous atmosphere. She said coldly: “Perhaps, do you want a fight?”

The two men looked at each other with cold eyes, and the original harmonious atmosphere was swept away. Instead, it was a sudden tension.

"Hey!" suddenly burst into a loud noise.

The rulers of the two who were erupted from each other repulsed back.

Ling Lan waved his red robe on his body and landed steadily on the ground. His right hand, a Mitsubishi ice thorn, instantly condensed.

The main owner of Kun was floating on the ground. As he landed, the ground broke through and there were several green rattans. The top of the bowl was also full of dazzling red flowers.

"The laws of the plant system are really rare." Ling Lan’s eyes showed a cautious approach. The rule of the No. 5 mentor was similar. With the No. 5 mentor, Ling Lan had not taken advantage of it. Many times, he was coached by No. 5 Miserable. It can be said that the most annoying thing Linglan is is the person who masters this law, and this Kun master, this is not the death.

"You are not bad, even escaped my sneak attack." Kun believes that his sneak attack is very secret, except for the lord, the other masters, want to avoid his sneak attack, but also suffer some injury, pay some The price is not, it will never be like the other party, when he just shot, he found out.

Ling Lan was silent, she would not tell the other party, she could detect it in time, because she died too much under this kind of sneak attack. At the end of her death, her body thoroughly remembered the sneak attack. Ultimately, this is the case, and once this happens, the body automatically enters the self-protection system.

"Responding to the Lord, they are very strong... Since we all shot, let me see how strong you are." The voice of Kun was just falling, and the flowers on the vine suddenly became huge and then bloomed.

Ling Lan saw it and leaped back and forth. The original standing position has become an ice wall.

“噗~!” The red flower suddenly spurted out the bright red flower directly on the ice wall that Linglan condensed, and I heard a squeaking sound, and the ice wall dissolved in the blink of an eye. Into a beach of red water.

"It is a poisonous rule, and the poisonous ability has the ability to disintegrate the laws of the field..." Ling Lan brows, this ability is very similar to the disintegration in her insights, but it is still very large in nature. s difference.

Her insight into the law of disintegrating skills is to rely on a higher level of domain rules to command the opponent's domain rules, allowing the other party to disintegrate and fall apart. Similar to the relationship between the generals and the soldiers, it is difficult to get leadership at first, but once Success, the back is easy.

The venomous rule of Kun is a mode of composition that directly disrupts the rules of the opponent's field, so that the method is flawed or flawed, and the follow-up will not sustain the domain law and completely collapse.

Although the two are essentially different, the results are the same, and the final results are almost the same.

PS: Second, I have to rest. Recently, it seems that the inspiration is not enough... Some are depressed.

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