Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1369: go side by side!

1369: Walk side by side!

In short, all kinds of unequal treatments make the younger brothers clear that they are rotten grass and mud everywhere, and the two sisters are the milk tea that the boss holds in his hand... milk tea? What the hell? Erase it, it is a treasure.

So the boss is holding the baby in the palm of his hand, the boss really feels free to let them go solo, go to the charge? Han Jijun is somewhat unimaginable. He always feels that Qilong is thinking too much.

"Although the boss has been very good at protecting Luochao, but have you found out that the boss has arranged for them two ways?" Qi Long asked Han Jijun.

Han Jijun was very intelligent. He didn't care about this before, so he didn't think deeply. Under Qilong, he found the problem.

"It turned out that from the very beginning, the boss was training Luo Chao and continuation." Han Jijun said.

"Just for them, the method is different from ours." Qi Long stood up and went to the window and looked at the sun that had been hung up in the east. "Aggressive and conservative, but the effect is very good."

"Men are still suitable for radicalization. If you let me and Luo Chao continue to be like this, I will definitely die." Han Jijun thought for a moment and thought that the radical training mode was better for them.

"So, the boss used two different methods to train us." Qi Long faintly said, "From the beginning, the boss did not want Luo Chao, Continuation to become a weak person to protect us, he wants them to be with us. Walk side by side."

"I only serve the boss in my life, because he never thought about abandoning any one of us, including the synonym of the weak in the eyes of the world - a woman." Qi Long clenched his hands, and he discovered that he was with the boss. They are really inferior.

When they ran forward with their hearts, when they were all brothers, who ever thought about the two sisters who were gradually falling behind?

Only the boss, always remembered behind them, there are two backs watching them running, want to keep up but do not know how to keep up, and finally hurt the sister of God. In the end, he was also the boss, holding the hands of his sisters and taking them step by step.

"I am not?" Han Jijun came to Qilong's side and stood side by side. "Sometimes, it is our luck to find a boss who is worthy of trusting sincerity and trust."

Qi Long nodded. He just wanted to say something, but he saw two uninvited guests, directly flashing through the security guards who blocked them and broke into his office.

"...Do you think that Ling Tian is your site for Long Xiang, and you want to come?" Qi Long sinks his face. When they are fully prepared for the materials needed by the boss, it is definitely not a good thing for these two people to come to him suddenly.

"Say, get so much supplies, where are you going?" Mu Zhaoran sat on the sofa, tilted his legs and opened the door to see the mountain.

"Hey!" Zilong had the urge to pinch this person. "What are you always staring at us?"

Mu Chaoran has two hands: "No way, the two words, the scope is too big, I can only stare at you, get more useful news."

"Don't you be afraid that I have nothing to do?" Qi Long was a little depressed.

"How is it possible that you are the most trusted brother of Ling Zhongzhong, and will definitely contact you, but it is only a matter of time." Mu Zhaoran has a good path.

"In fact, everyone knows this. If it weren't for our Long Xiang, do you think that you can get through the surveillance of the dark parts of the military?" Sitting on the side, the expressionless Tang Ningyu said coldly.

In order to protect that person, they struggled with their minds before they misled the nails around the Lingtian base. Of course, this is a big reason for the support of their top leaders. Otherwise, they alone will not be able to cope with so many piles.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Qi Long turned back and went to the opposite side of Mu Chaoran Tang Ningyu. He sat down with a golden knife and asked.

"These substances, is it necessary for Lingzhong?" Tang Ningyu looked straight into Qilong and insisted on an answer.

"Yes." Qi Long did not suffocate and directly admitted it.

Han Jijun slightly raised his eyebrows. Although it is not clear why Qilong is so simple, he is extremely trusting in Qilong. He knows that Qilong must have his intention to do so. He will stand on one side and watch silently.

"We have to go too." Mu Zhaoran leaned over and pressed one hand on the coffee table in front, staring at Zilong with his eyes, and he refused to accept it.

Qi Long heard the words, holding his arms in his arms and looking at him with a smile, but did not answer.

"Reassure, the order we received was protection, not the other." Tang Ningyu also sat up straight and looked serious and serious.

"I believe, but go there, you will lose everything you have now, no name, no identity, maybe you can't come back in your life, it doesn't matter?" Qi Long asked.

"In fact, from the time we took over the task, we did not belong to Long Xiang." Mu Chaoran seriously back.

This made Zhaolong feel amazed. It seems that the head of Longxiang speculated something, otherwise it would not make such an arrangement in advance.

"Well, in another two hours, the loading of the materials is completed, and the starship is officially set sail." Qi Long did not deliberately make it difficult for Tang Ningyu Mu Chaoran to directly promise.

"Great." Mu Zhaoran slammed his palms with some excitement. Suddenly he looked up and asked, "Why is it so easy to agree? I thought you would let us promise anything and allow it."

"What are you promised?" asked Qi Long with an eyebrow.

"For example, to listen to the command of Lingzhong, you must not do anything that harms Lieutenant General... or other." Mu Chaoran said Hehe! Qi Long laughed. "Do you think that with your strength, can you threaten my boss?" Besides, in the hands of the boss, you dare not obey, I can only say that you are probably enough to live. ”

Qi Long’s words made Tang Ning’s anger in the eyes flash. As a new generation successor to Long Xiang’s heart, Tang Ningyu has absolutely no arrogance. Obviously, Qi Long is looking down on them, so he will simply let them follow, is to make sure they are not threatening Ling Lan.

"Don't be angry, I am just telling the truth. Although you are excellent, compared with the boss... it is the difference between the moon and the firefly." Qilong was faint.

Tang Ning Yu just wanted to stand up and drink, Mu Chaoran held him down, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were only cold. He said, "I know Lingzhong will be a rare day." Pride, but this, Ling Zhong may still be able to say, but you are not qualified enough..."

PS: Today is still a double, I don't know how long it will last, but if I can, I will continue. Also, please invest more in the monthly vote, the power still needs to add a little, haha.

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