Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1364: Convince me!

1364: Convince me!

Dealing with the three people, Ling Lan's indifferent sight was bet on the seriously injured Ji Ming.

"You are very smart, but very stupid." Ling Lan went to Ji Ming's side, condescending.

Ji Ming resisted the pain and began to struggle to look up. His face was full of sorrows and painfully squeezed out a sentence: "The Lord, the former lord does not trust me, I don't even know they have this thing."

Linglan’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he smiled and said: “I look so good?”

"Yu Shangfei's so-called drunken words... I knew it was intentional, and it was your arrangement." Ling Lan extended his right hand and a triangular ice thorn condensed in her hand. "You think I got rid of it." Lord, let the thirteen masters recognize me as the new lord, and think that your chance is coming? It is really whimsical."

Ling Lan’s words made Ji Ming’s pale face more gray. He couldn’t think of his careful thoughts. Ling Lan knew it early, but he didn’t know why he didn’t make a timely shot. Instead, he let him plan.

Ling Lan’s mouth showed a mocking smile: “Exactly, I also need some chickens to smash the monkeys that are alive and kicking. Since you can take the initiative, it saves me some effort.”

Ji Ming knows that the other party just used his hand to shock the upper and lower parts of the colorful palace.

"Now, you, for me, have no effect." Ling Lan gently lifted the three-pointed ice thorn and pointed it at Ji Ming's forehead.

This thorn came very slowly and extremely slowly. Ji Ming watched the ice thorns getting closer and closer to his eyes. He wanted to avoid it, but his body was sealed and could not move.

No, he can't die! Ji Ming shouted in horror: "Don't kill me, I am also the Chinese Federation."

The ice thorn hovered down and happened to be on the forehead of Jiming. Ji Ming completely felt the coldness from the ice thorns, and directly penetrated from the eyebrows, almost freezing his mind.

"Oh?" Ling Lan raised an eyebrow.

This sound seems to come very far and seems very close. Ji Ming couldn't judge. He only knew that his consciousness was a little slow due to the chill on the ice, but the hungless ice thorns made him understand that he was still alive.

"The Lord of the Lord must also come from the Chinese Federation, not seeing the Yellow River heart is not dead... Even if it is not, it has a great relationship with the Chinese Federation. The Lord, look at the same source, please spare me this time. Ji Ming was excited.

Ling Lan frowned and thought about it. Her hand holding the ice thorn was suddenly loose, and the ice thorn fell directly.

Ji Ming closed his eyes desperately, but did not feel the pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the ice thorns slowly decomposed in front of his eyes and eventually turned into particles dissipated in the air.

Without the threat of life, Ji Ming’s heart was loose, and the whole person fell down. This was a surprise. In such a cold place, his lining was soaked by his cold sweat.

"I will give you three minutes to convince me to leave your life..." I haven't waited for Ji Ming to slow down, and Ling Lan's cold voice came from his ear.

Ji Ming quickly converges on his heart and struggles to sit up. He understands that he can survive. Within three minutes, he finds a reason for Ling Lan to accept.

Ji Ming thought about it and said: "The Lord, I am a Chinese Federation, because of the good talents, I was trained from an early age, from the Scouts to the military school." Ji Ming said here, the corner of his mouth showed a bitter smile," But whoever expected, at the military academy, I accidentally offended a super-powerful descendant, not only destroyed in the future, but also framed by the other party, eventually becoming a sinner, and being exiled to a disorderly zone."

Ling Lan sat on the ice chair and glanced at him faintly: "You still have two minutes, you can think of a better reason."

The meaning of the words, this story, she does not believe.

Ji Ming sighed with sorrow and anger: "The Lord, I am telling the truth, if not, how can I come here?"

"This is the answer you want to give me." Ling Lan leaned on the armrest, and his right hand half supported his head. He looked at Ji Ming with a smile, and the eyes were clear, and the anger and anger of Ji Ming’s face condensed for a few seconds. After that, it slowly fainted until it disappeared.

"The Lord, what do you want to listen to? I am good to compose one." Ji Ming suddenly became not humble or humble, and the image of the former timid and fearful like to hide behind other people secretly counted people.

"This is your true face." Ling Lan said, "How can a person who dares to plan the main throne be timid and afraid of death? It is too late."

"Thank you for your advice." Ji Mingxi sat down. Despite his serious injuries, he still suffered from severe pain. He straightened his waist and was very graceful. He swept his head and bowed his face.

"If you want to die, I am happy to fulfill you. If you don't want to die, you should understand what you have to pay?" Ling Lan touched her hand and jumped to her knees and asked for a touch of white. Care, "I want to get what I want, I have to pay the price... I am not a philanthropist."

Ji Ming shook his fist and his eyes flashed a struggle. But already to this step, let him give up the choice to die, he is not willing.

"I am from the China Federation." Finally, Ji Ming made a choice. He looked up and stared at Ling Lan with a sigh of relief. "This is the truth."

"Well ~ ~ Ling Lan perfunctory should have sounded, did not look up, still seriously touch the white fur, this hair is addictive, the white soft hair is really more comfortable and comfortable... ...hey, she really wants to bury her head with a soft hair. No, she must keep a high-cold image, what a ghost, and wipe this terrible thought directly.

"The words in front are not fake. I did enter the military school all the way, and then entered the army all the way..." Ji Ming’s eyes are complicated. If he chooses him again, will he choose the road he chose in the past? I am afraid it will not.

"That's right." Ling Lan said faintly. "You should have been in the field for 35 years. In the Chinese Federation, this age is a proud son. Even if you have offended the power of a faction in the military school, With your qualifications, there will be other factions willing to take care of you."

Ji Ming’s eyes flashed, and the last point he still hesitated directly disappeared. He nodded: “Yes, although there are some small disputes with other factions and descendants, there are other faction’s top executives who guard me and enter the army. The development was very smooth and became a ace of a certain trump card group, a strong field, and a team captain."

When Ji Ming said that his eyes were proud, this was his own step-by-step achievement. He was a military officer who actually relied on his own ability.

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