Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1359: what's that?

1359: What?

"If you want to speed up and not reach it, you will force yourself too much, but it will be a bad thing." No. 1 instructor reminded.

"I know that every decision I make now is not only responsible for myself, I will not be reckless." Ling Lan turned back, his eyes were sharp but clear, and he was not lost because of concern.

The No. 1 instructor lowered his eyes and gathered the praise and satisfaction in his eyes. He just said, "Go."

Ling Lan decisively stepped forward and left the study space in a blink of an eye.

"Ling Lan, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight. This is the road you choose. If you want to go anyway, you must go firmly." The first teacher faintly said this sentence, the next second will break the space, back Go to your own area and sit down and practice again.

Ling Lan returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness was still dry and devastated.

"Can't go on like this, you must find a way to restore your mental strength." Ling Lan took a deep breath and sat down quietly. Even knowing that using spiritual training would bring great pain to her. At this time, she must persist.

Sure enough, as soon as I was working, Linglan’s head was like being hit by an invisible hoe. It was so painful that the pain from the brain’s outstretched made her really want to stun herself.

But this is impossible. Ling Lan clenched his teeth and stood up against this kind of inhuman pain. It was hard to condense out a fine spirit that could not be fine.

Thanks to Ling Lan’s super-hard endurance for two generations of self-abuse, for a person, the cliff was directly stunned and failed.

Ling Lan commanded the mental power that was almost broken and dissipated, and slowly cultivated and cultivated with the method of spiritual control of spiritual control. Over and over again, every time I run it, Ling Lan's pain deepens. The silver teeth forcefully seem to break the teeth. Perhaps because the bite is too hard, the gums are cracked, and the mouth is instantly bloody.

These Linglan have been unable to take care of it, she is desperate to keep her consciousness awake, do not lose to the pain that hurts the soul. In this way, an hour passed, and two hours passed... Ling Lan’s insistence finally succeeded, and the dry sea of ​​consciousness began to emerge from the spirit spring, slowly moistening the dry ground, and the springs came along The more Ling Lan’s face, which was painful and expressive because of the pain, slowly returned to calm.

The biggest difficulty has passed!

Ling Lan slowly opened her eyes and a smile of satisfaction appeared in the corner of her mouth.

If it wasn't for his father, Xie Yixiao, who was waiting for her to save, she might not be as embarrassed as herself. People really are forced out.

However, Ling Lan remembers the warnings of the No. 1 instructor, but the speed is not up to speed. The same is true for spiritual cultivation. Zhang Lan has a way. Ling Lan decided to temporarily stop practicing and return to the colorful palace to see what happened in the past few days.

Seeing Ling Lan opened his eyes, Xiao Bai, who had been guarding, suddenly screamed joyfully.

Although it knows that its owner is practicing, the shadow given to it a few days ago is still there, and the owner is afraid that it will not respond for a few days.

Ling Lan smiled and hugged Xiaobai, and did not abandon the mess of white hair, and smashed two with his face.

Then the swamp ground was reopened and Ling Lan slowly came out.

The swamp is still a swamp that is all "reed". It seems that nothing really happened. Ling Lan hung in the air and disappeared in the next second.

Returning to the colorful palace, I saw the attendant who was in the palace. After seeing her, she was ecstatic: "The lord of the Lord, the Guardian Law has a good report on the law."

"Oh?" Linglan raised her eyebrows. The two men were sent out to preside over the things on the main site. They took a circle and didn't have ten days in half a month. How come back so soon?

"Well, let them wait for me at the main hall." Ling Lan said. Anyway, see you before you see it.

"Yes, the Lord is the Lord." The attendant left in a respectful manner and went to summon Jimmy to fly into the temple.

Ling Lan brushed it at random, and put on the red robe that the maid was sent to.

Just want to go to the hall, Ling Lan thought of something, and asked the same white white and tender white road: "Little white, how many days have I entered the swamp to practice?"

Xiaobai pulled his little tentacle and replied slyly: "Seven days, master."

It turns out that the time has passed seven days. It seems that it is not too early for Ji Ming to return from Shang Fei.

Ling Lan flashed and came to the main hall. Her red robe glimpsed and fell from the sky to her ice chair.

The cool and beautiful face is matched with the dazzling red robe. Even Ling Lan, who is usually short of black hair, is also thrilling, so that Ji Ming, who is waiting in the main hall, is shocked by Shang Fei.

This is the first time they have seen Linglan's face, but there is only one chance for this. In the next second, they will look at Linglan again, but they can't see it clearly.

But the glorious glimpse of that moment is memorable and unforgettable.

The two men were shocked by the heart and respectfully bowed to the ceremony: "Welcome to the Lord."

"What?" Ling Lan sat down, and Xiao Bai jumped lightly into Ling Lan's arms. As long as everyone in the colorful palace knows that the new lord has a very cute pet, it is very popular with the Lord. Of course, people in the colorful palaces like it very much. From time to time, they give things to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai is also a visitor. Ling Lan does not care about it, it is a white stomach that has no taboos. Some people want to use food to harm it... It is also a waste of effort.

The new lord is always concise, and Ji Ming Yu Shangfei has only seen three or four times with Ling Lan, but he also understands the style of their new owners.

"The building blocks, moths, and heavenly plains under my site are in charge of the three major forces, and I want to meet the Lord." Ji Ming quickly replied.

"Why?" Ling Lan raised an eyebrow.

Ji Ming took a look at Yu Feifei, and before Shang Feifei stepped forward, he bowed his head and said: "It’s all the fault of the subordinates. I drank too much on the banquet hosted by the head of the building block. I accidentally said something about the Lord. Adults' things Please blame the Lord."

Ling Lan’s hand touched Xiaobai’s hand suddenly stopped. Ji Ming’s two people only felt that a cold mang was screaming at them. Ji Ming’s heart was awkward, and he slammed down, and Yu Shangfei’s hands were on the ground. Did not dare to lift up to see Linglan's eyes.

"What did you say?" Ling Lan finally spoke when the two felt unable to withstand the pressure from Ling Lan.

"I only said that the Lord is more powerful than before, nothing more." Yu Shangfei's forehead cold sweat dripped into the ground of the marble, and soon fainted a beach. This is just an oppressive oppression of the Lord’s adult. If the Lord’s adult is really angry, Yu Shangfei does not know how he will die.

"Ji Ming, how to punish you know, don't need me to say more." Ling Lan's cold eyes faintly sweeping to Jiming, Ji Ming quickly nodded: "Yes, the Lord."

"In addition, after three days, let them meet here." Ling Lan said, the whole person disappeared.

PS: There is something in the evening, and it is like this today. To drink a drink of wine tomorrow, it may break even more, first remind you. However, as long as I am not tired and have time, I will update it, but I am still not sure.

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