Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1349: Is it easy to be a pet?

1349: Is it easy to be a pet?

Luo Lang took the lead, and a piece of Tang knife that was morphed in his hand was carried. On the tip of the knife, the tentacles were picked up and a knotted white was hit. E small Ω┡ says Ww』W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Ling Lan is indifferent to Xiao Lan’s accidentally sitting under the ass. However, in order to let Xiaobai understand that doing wrong is a price, Ling Lan does not mind using this method to punish a bit.

The white light of Xiaoying’s Yingying illuminates this passage a lot, about a few hundred meters away, and finally saw the end.

The three men stepped up and walked there, but there were three roads ahead.

"How come?" Luo Lang asked.

Ling Lan’s eyes flashed together and then pointed to one direction: “Here.”

Insight tells her that it is the way to find the answer.

For the boss's judgment, Luo Lang will never doubt, he did not hesitate, then stepped into the direction pointed by Ling Lan.

The three men walked another way, and Luo Lang suddenly stopped.

The front suddenly became an empty space. At first glance, Luo Lang did not know whether this was their illusion or real existence.

"I feel dangerous." Looking at the air, Luo Lang's face was extremely dignified.

I don't know who reminds him in the sea of ​​consciousness that the person is very strange and definitely not the ultimate cool personality.

Li Lanfeng closed his eyes and extended his right hand. He sensed the surrounding breath and opened his eyes again. He had a confused puzzle: "There is a cold and dark energy, but it is not like the kind of insect energy that the original master has mastered."

"Oh, I know." Ling Lan calmly said.

Luo Lang nodded and walked again, stepping into this endless open space, although still firm, but he became more cautious than at the beginning.

After a few hundred meters, suddenly, Luo Lang jumped up, and he just landed in a position, suddenly turned into a swamp, a huge snake head, suddenly rising, biting into the Luolang Tang knife tip It is swaying white.

When Luo Lang saw it, Tang knife slammed it and pulled the white on the tip of the knife directly to the sky.

The faint white that has been shaken, suddenly saw a huge snake head want to swallow it...mLgB, Laozi swallows everything in the world, there will be a guy who doesn’t have long eyes dare to eat it? Really Tm is looking for death.

The angry little white tentacle suddenly became violent, slammed a whip, and threw the giant snake that had already rushed into the air to the swamp.

"Ice." Ling Lan took a move and sealed the swamp under his feet. Luo Lang and Li Lanfeng slowly fell on the ice of Ling Lan's ice, and looked at the giant snake that was rolling in the swamp.

"I remember that the former lord was on the horn horn and had summoned this poisonous worm." The appearance of the giant snake is the same as that of the giant snake that appeared at that time, but the snake is relatively small, unlike the giant snake now. The huge body can almost fill the swamp.

"Not only the giant snake, but also others." Ling Lan looked behind the giant snake, his brow slightly wrinkled.

With Ling Lan's line of sight, Li Lanfeng Luo Lang also saw it. Behind the giant snake, a khaki-colored cockroach loomed half of the head, and the golden pupils of the golden upright were staring at them fiercely because they were similar to the swamp color. Plus the other side did not move, almost let Li Lanfeng Luo Lang ignored.

"Yes." Seeing that the two men's attention was concentrated on the body, Ling Lan reminded again.

When I heard Ling Lan's words, Luo Lang and Li Lanfeng distracted. At a distance, almost at the end of the swamp, I saw two other creatures.

Unexpectedly, there were four distinct poisonous insects in this swamp. The four poisonous insects that could not be compatible were able to live in such a harmonious place in such a place. It was really weird.

These four poisonous insects, in addition to the giant snakes and dragonflies, have a huge dragonfly swimming fast in the shallow waters of the marshes. At the end, a huge spider is fast-knoting the net. It doesn't take long, the net is very big. I will block everything behind.

"If you add the scorpion that the former lord summoned, the five poisons are all complete." Ling Lan thought.

"This may be the reason why the rules of the colorful palace insects are constantly being provided." Li Lanfeng stared at the four poisonous insects. "According to the power they spread, these poisonous insects will not fall below the title field."

"Can explain, but I always feel that this is not enough." Ling Lan looked at the white floating in the air, faintly said: "Next, I will hand it over to you."

"Hey~" understand, master.

With a small white gong, the huge ball directly fell to them. The three saw the forehead suddenly black line, and a backwards was opened in a few miles before they were able to get rid of the small white body.

This guy, without any notice, resumed the ontology.

Xiaobai thought that he would pick up a lot of swamp muddy water, but he didn't expect it to fall to the ground, but it was extremely strong. When he looked at it, he saw that the swamp was covered with a thin layer of ice, which seemed to be thin. But it is extremely strong, even if it is such a huge body falling from the sky, there is no half crack.

Xiaobai screamed excitedly. It knew that the owner must be afraid of it and use the ice rule to protect it. Hey, its owner is the best owner, and Xiaobai loves the most loved one.

The giant snake saw a whip fan flying its enemies finally fell, and suddenly bite with excitement.

But before he was close, he saw that the other person’s original soft hair suddenly surged, and instantly became a giant tentacle with a diameter of ten meters, sweeping over the giant snake.

"Hey~" My mother, this is what monster.

The frightened giant snake plunged directly into the swamp and disappeared instantly.

The little white giant tentacles squatted on the swamp, splashing countless muddy waters, but in vain, they could not cope with the giant snakes deep in the swamp.

Depressed white, looking for other poisonous insects to start, but now the surface of the swamp is gone. Only leave an empty spider web.

"Oh..." You cowardly, I can hardly show myself in front of my master. You actually gave me a hiding, and mad at me.

Xiaobai feels that it is just trying to compete for a pet and express his ability. It is so difficult.

"I want to behave?" The white ear suddenly sounded Ling Lan's voice.

"Oh..." Yes, Xiaobai has to do useful white, the owner please don't abandon me.

Xiaobai’s two big tears are watery, and if he’s not showing it again, it’s really left behind by his master. Xiaobai has not forgotten that his master has forgotten its existence every time he acts, and throws it to his younger brothers and sisters. This is absolutely abandonment. In the end, it is still easy to find the owner by itself. It is easy for this pet to do.

Ps:QQ saw a message with a brain tumor book friend. There was a lot of mixed feelings at a time. Life is valuable, but life is unpredictable. Although we don’t know how the future can live, we can The beauty that will pass every day, like Ling Lan, smiles and faces everything, worthy of every minute of life. I wish you good!

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