Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1347: I don't want to lose.

1347: Don't want to lose. E┡ novel WwㄟW. Ω1XIAOSHUO. COM

"So, there must be some secrets in the colorful palace." Luo Lang's eyes are shining, this is the first time that Xie Yi sacrificed this dazzling light after the sacrifice.

Ling Lan smiled and looked forward: "Is there any interest in exploring with me?"

Luo Lang desperately nodded. He has never seen this phenomenon before, and he must be very interested.

"Let's go." Ling Lan has already felt the starting point of the law of the colorful palace insects, and now it is just free to go and have a look. After all, she wants to turn this into the starting base of her start, and of course the colorful palace can't leave behind.

Ling Lan moved, no need to remind, Li Lanfeng followed behind him, Luo Lang also rushed to follow up.

Seeing that Luo Lang’s mind is all above the secret of the Colorful Palace, the ultimate calm personality breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sneaked back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just back to the sea of ​​consciousness, I felt an arm ring up.

The extremely cool personality of the Tang knife appeared in the hands, and he did not hesitate to cut the past.

"Hey! You are so heartbroken." Only heard a lazy voice, the ultimate cool personality, I saw a black person's evil character has been hiding in the distance, looking at him like a smile.

The ultimate calm personality is a white dress, just like his personality, giving people a very cold and quiet feeling. If he is in other personalities, the most annoying thing is the evil personality that is opposite to others.

"Why are you here?" The ultimate calm personality is cold and authentic.

Evil charm personality brows one pick: "Why, you forgot my conditions?"

"Serving for the main personality, it is natural and reasonable." Extremely cool personality is faint.

"Oh, that's for you, not me." The evil character figure flashed, came to the side of the ultimate calm personality, picked up the other side and gently said, "You know, can let me shoot, only you."

A white light flashed, Tang knife cut very decisively hot, evil spirits laughed softly, once again flashed into the distance: "Every time, you always meet with each other, how can you not talk well."

"You don't move your hands, I don't want to cut you." Extremely cool personality flipped his wrists, rolled up a knife, and gracefully closed the knife.

Extremely cool personality does not know why silly white sweet Luo Lang, there will be such an annoying personality in the body. Every time I call, I will tell you the conditions. When he is resting, he will come and challenge him from time to time. He has been strictly guarded against it, and this guy can successfully touch it and make him annoyed. Every time there is a kind of want to hack him, but he is also quiet.

The ultimate calm personality knows that this feeling should not appear on his personality, but as long as he encounters this evil character, he calmly calms down on the verge of collapse. It is nothing to do with him. Repeatedly, the extremely cool personality perceives that the other party may be stronger than him. Although he is the strongest personality in the name, it is the existence of the dominant personality.

"And, I am tired, I must rest well." Extremely cool personality These days have been warming up the master, Xie Yi's sacrifice hit the main character, let him appear signs of personality collapse, Luo Lang can recover so fast, It is definitely the credit of the ultimate calm personality, but it also makes the extremely cool personality extremely exhausted, and there is an illusion that it is difficult to support it.

The evil spirit personality once again came to the face of the ultimate calm personality, extended his right hand and slowly touched the extremely cool personality of the white face like a jade, with a touch of unspeakable heartache in his eyes, but his mouth smiled and said: "Yeah. What is our relationship, the ultimate, as long as you say, I will help you protect the idiot."

The ultimate calm personality suddenly looked up, coldly staring directly at the evil spirit: "He is not an idiot, he is our master." The owner of his love, never allow other people to offend, including evil spirits.

The evil spirits look awkward, revealing the color of danger, the right hand suddenly grips, seems to want to pinch the dead: "Extreme, don't try to anger me... Master? What qualifications does he have to be the master? We are the strongest Two, if not you, I can swallow him in minutes."

A knife flashed, a Tang knife has been placed in the head and neck of the evil charm, the ultimate cool personality holding the Tang knife coldly looked at him: "Xie charm, don't let me hear this, otherwise, we will not die."

The evil spirit smiled: "Do you think that your strength can stop me? If you say good to me, I can still let him go, but you are so embarrassed, one day, I will be impatient. ”

The ultimate calm personality smiles coldly: "I may not be as good as you, but the protagonist has the existence that you can never beat - Ling Lan boss. He already knows your existence, I don't want to harm you, you are self-sufficient."

After all, Tang knife retracted and turned to prepare to leave the sea of ​​consciousness and return to his resting area.

"Hey!" The evil charm grabbed his hand.

The ultimate calm personality looks back at him, and there is a splendour in the eyes of evil spirits: "You are worried about me, right?"

"I don't want to lose any personality." The ultimate calm personality left this sentence, and then a pickpocket, opened the claws of evil spirits, the next second disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sure enough, you still can't bear me." Evil charm is very evil, can not conceal the joy in his eyes, "Well, I am in a good mood, I will help you see the stupid personality for a few days, the ultimate, you have a good rest, Don't worry."

The voice of evil spirits has been introduced into the extremely cool personality of his resting area. He is extremely calm and silent, and finally sighs, and his eyes are a little confused. He does not know whether he is doing this right or not. This confusion is only a moment, the next second extreme cool personality once again restored his calm and indifference, return to his heart, he really does not want who they are missing here.

At this time, Ling Lan three came to the back of the colorful palace by the position of the rock wall.

The colorful palace is actually built by the mountain, the three sides are the wall, and the back wall is the whole mountain wall.

"It's all walls, I don't see any abnormalities." Luo Lang squatted on the mountain wall, knocking on the left and knocking on the right, but could not find a hollow feeling.

"There is no problem with the wall. The problem is here." Ling Lan stood on the open space five meters in front of the mountain wall The foot gently clicked on a piece of marble in front of him.

When Luo Lang jumped, he came to the piece of marble, and he slammed it down seriously. He heard the solid dull voice. The following is not a hollow.

"It seems to be no problem." Luo Lang was confused.

Li Lanfeng also came over and took a few glances and said: "There is no problem with this piece of marble, but looking at the whole ground, it is indeed somewhat weird and somewhat unnatural."

Luo Lang heard the words and looked at it seriously. Then he raised his mosquito-repellent eyes and said: "How can I not see strangeness and unnaturalness?"

"This is an intuition." Li Lanfeng unrelentingly attacked Luo Lang.

"Cut, you are not Qilong, how can there be Qi Long's animal feelings." Luo Lang refused to accept the counterattack.

Ps: two more! I feel so good, laugh~.

Madame, I have worked so hard. Do you want to reward my wife? Remember the ticket support.

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