Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1345: retreat!

1345: Retreat!

"The soul domain?" The main body bite the teeth. "Are you not mixing well outside?" The ball is golden, indicating that the identity of the other party will not be lower than that of the head of the 18th National Congress. E novel WwㄟW.ん1XIAOSHUO. COM

The status of the soul domain, how they are distributed, they are not very clear outsiders, but on the bright side, in addition to the soul emperor, the following are the heads of the 18 major regions, and the 18 people have the same status, no high or low points , can be regarded as the status of one person below 10,000 people.

The Soul Domain is a long-established dark power organization. It has been roughly estimated to have been passed down for more than 10,000 years. Its roots are distributed in every corner and deeply rooted in every corner of every country. Although the soul domain has always been a big problem in major countries, every year, members of the suspected soul domain are cleaned up, but these are peripheral members of the soul domain or the bottom characters, and rarely involve real high-level. And the heads of the eighteen regions on the bright side, although the countries know their true identity, they hate the teeth, but the formal business that is responsible for the people’s face is related to the forces of the parties. They want to move and move. No.

It can be said that the soul domain is the envy of all dark organizations, the goal of all dark organizations to struggle, a dark organization can eat and drink, no doubt has reached the limit. The disorderly zone that is being crushed by the countries is all envious and hateful to the soul domain. Therefore, when the Lord of the Earth sees the mark of the soul domain, it will be lacking.

"Recently, the countries in the central area are working hard to clean up the human hand of the soul domain?" Ling Lan said faintly, "The emperor, you must leave a path for the soul domain."

"Oh, is there a small retreat for your soul domain?"

"The emperor doesn't mind more." Ling Lan laughed back and smiled.

“Looking at us out of order?” The singer sneered, “Is it to thank you for your appreciation.”

"In fact, what's wrong? We just want to leave a way out, and you can have more material channels. Don't say, you are willing to be controlled by the adventure world... Especially now, they have the only material channel." Ling Lanyi The language directly stunned the anxiety in the heart.

As the thirteen masters of the disorderly zone, they certainly do not want to see the exhibition of disorderly zones subject to others. Even if it seems that both sides are win-win, they cannot afford to let go of this alert.

"Then you can send people to negotiate with us instead of using this kind of killing means." The stunned master blinked, Ling Lan, they came up with thunder, or let his heart be vigilant.

"You definitely don't want to see the fourteen masters, and the emperor, the ideal retreat is based on the land, not the passive collaborators. And your thirteen masters will never give in. In this case, simply, we give the decision, you choose Ling Lan smiled, it seems that the attitude is very good, but the strength in the words is quite a bit.

"This is a strong pressure in the soul domain?" The main shocked the blink of an eye, some dangerously authentic.

"It's better to say, to avoid you's dilemma." Ling Lan smiled and played with the golden ball in his hand, faintly authentic. "Now, the thirteen masters are missing one, we just took over, and you are still you... nothing will change. Even more than one channel of our soul domain, the benefits are only more. Of course, you can also choose to fight for the dead lord and our soul domain."

"In fact, we are in the soul domain, not in a disorderly zone with a partner, such as the adventure world..." When it comes to this, Ling Lan’s left hand stretches out slowly and spreads the palm of his hand, revealing a rainbow of gemstones. The Lord knew that it was the token of the White Emperor and represented the promise of the White Emperor. It is this kind of token that makes them misunderstand that they come from all kinds of colors. Because of the cooperation with the adventure world, they have a wait-and-see attitude towards Ling Lan and others. This step is wrong and wrong, but the other party is not determined to join hands to expel. And successfully killed the lord.

The other party can come up with the token of the White Emperor. Obviously, the soul domain and the adventure world have reached a certain tacit agreement. Even if it is not the whole adventure world, it has reached a cooperation intention with the colorful Baidi, no matter which one, it is disordered. For the zone, it is not a good signal.

"At that time, the final result, no one knows, and you will leave a few of the twelve masters? If our soul domain fails, it will fail. At most, we will withdraw from disorder. Who will let us retreat a lot? As for the last profitable fisherman, will it be the adventure world?" Ling Lan’s mouth showed a smirk, very glaring, and the earthquake was very uncomfortable, but he had to admit that the other party said it was very reasonable, they and the soul domain. In the war, the adventure world is absolutely happy and happy, and in the end, will it fall into the rocks, or maybe.

"I thought that you have joined forces with the adventure world." The squad back, just Linglan, but the adventure world is extremely thorough.

"The soul domain, can not be used casually." Ling Lan brows a pick, said the reason she will betray the adventure world.

"Cooperating with your soul domain, it can be said that it is a skin with the tiger."

"Strong enough, maybe you can find that layer of skin." Ling Lan smiled and laughed.

Zhen Zhen and Ling Lan cold eyes look at each other, want to see the loopholes from the other side's eyes, but Ling Lan's eyes are calm and self-confident, and the smile of the eyes is empty and casual, so that the earthquake owner finally has to give up.

"I can't do this alone, I want to see the opinions of other Lords." The Lord finally retreated.

"Yes, I am waiting here." Ling Lan mouth smiled. "By the way, please tell the other masters, the land of the Lord, officially received by our soul domain. If the people below the Lord want to fish in trouble, stir up disputes. I suddenly disappeared and disappeared. I am not looking for an answer. I am very busy recently."

The main face of the earthquake has changed. Ling Lan raised his eyebrows and raised his right finger to point to his brain side, reminding them to shake them, don’t be brain-destroyed.

"Hey!" The main wrath of the sleeves, the next second disappeared into the hall.

Ling Lan just smiled and turned to look at the five people hanging on the beam, faintly said: "Is it clear?"

Ji Ming’s first loud reply: “I am willing to recognize you as the new owner!”

The clever Ji Ming listened to the dialogue between the Lord and Ling and then contacted each other only to bundle but not kill, they know that the other party intends to leave their lives and let them do things for him.

If Ling Lan is only a single-handedly savage, Ji Ming will definitely choose to be silent, preferring to become a prisoner, and will not be a minister. He is too aware of the punishment of the 13th Lord for the traitors, which is more painful than death.

I can only try my best to save myself and try to save my life. I will retaliate again. But now, Ling Lan’s current power behind it is too strong. An adventure world is enough to hesitate the thirteen masters, plus a stronger and more mysterious soul domain than the adventure world. Both blessings allow the other party to have sufficient capital to stand on the ground, and the thirteen masters have to give in. .

The old Jimmy certainly knows that the choice is better for him. Like him, he likes to climb the strong. Ling Lan’s own strength is strong enough to kill the lord. The strength behind him is stronger. The double-power blessings are stronger than the ones he followed, and the prospects are better. How can he refuse?

Ps: The second is coming. After reading, I will go to sleep. Goodnight everybody!

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