Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1441: All gods are destroyed!

1441: All gods are gone!

"Emperor level, who are you?" The cold eyes of the lord stared at the cold and extreme, and felt like a cold boy who was not in the human race. ┡Ω『E┡小Δ』 says Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

As far as he knows, the three kings in the adventure world, like him at most, are the elites in the imperial class. It is precisely because of this that the three kings of the adventure world, although they want to get involved in disorder, are not daring to come up, they can only do some small moves in secret.

An adventure group, it is impossible to appear the second emperor-level field powerhouse, if there is, or officially split, become the fourth king, or directly force the palace, kill the old, and become king.

However, the lord could not combine the beautiful young boy in front of him with the white emperor, the love of the seven passions, and the king of Taiji yin and yang. The three kings, the information he collected, whether it is the law of the field or the age of appearance , no match.

Ling Lan just looked at him indifferently, his right hand slowly rose, and the entire colorful palace began to float down the snow, only a few seconds, the ground accumulated snow.

But these have no influence on the Lord. In the area where the giant clam and the appendix sway, the snow can't penetrate.

"You are not a colorful person." Only this answer can explain.

Being able to be the master of one party, but also a stupid person, before the singer and other people were biased by the false news released by Ling Lan, did not go deep into the digging, once the doubts were made, they quickly inferred the truth.

Ling Lan did not answer, but the curvature of the corner of the mouth slightly tilted, so that the lord understands that his inference is correct.

"Who are you?" Which forces, dare to fake the colorful people, invade the disorderly zone. Since the lord entered the emperor level, for the first time in many years, he felt guilty for the first time, and he insisted on finding the answer.

"War." Ling Lan's right hand slammed, and the airborne snow and snow suddenly turned into an ice blade, and it was shot over the head. Ling Lan’s trip with the unsuccessful will become the heart of Renren, winning, telling the other party that his identity has no meaning, and losing, it is even more meaningless.

"Give me a go!" The main hand slammed his hands, and the poisonous insects broke through the ground, and they all greeted the ice blade.

The imperial-level duel is terrible. Whether it is paving the way, you can tie everything into a broken ice blade, or you can devour all the poisonous insects. This battle, the group attack on the group attack, the domain law energy is the top, no strength and weakness, the ultimate victory, only look at the purity of their own laws, whoever persists, who can win.

The Lord is confident in himself, and the field rules he has accumulated for decades will never lose to a young man. Moreover, here is his territory, he has a place to exist.

Although the appearance can use technology to maintain the appearance of a young moment, the breath and the magnetic field emitted by the human body will still change with age. At their level, they will not be blinded by appearance. The boy in front of him, his breath is too fresh, the cliff is a young man who is only 3 years old, and this is still guessed by the Lord.

Imagine a 3O-year-old field powerhouse. How can you be enchanting? If you enter the field, you should be in your teens. Well, exaggerate it. If you are ten years old, you can enter the field for up to 20 years. How can you compare them? Entering the elderly for five or sixty years. The lord believes that this is a hard battle, and the victory can only be him.

With the confrontation between the two forces, the air has fallen into countless blood and ice slag, quickly dyed the snow below.

Finally, the ice blade stopped, and the poisonous insects were running out. The Lord snorted and waved his hands again, and countless poisonous insects broke out.

"Haha, come again, I see how long you can support." The lord laughed at the sky, and the reason why the colorful palace is the colorful palace is because it can endlessly supplement the rules of the field he consumes.

Each of the thirteen masters has this ability, which is why they are invincible on the site. Even if other Lords come here, they are not the masters.

Ling Lan looked up and smiled deeper in her mouth. She began to dance with her hands and fingers. The original empty space, the bright white jade hand, even a few rays of light.

He looked at his eyes and his face changed slightly. He had already seen it clearly. When he did not know when, the other ten fingers had ten crystal clear strings extending into the air in front.

This cliff is not a good thing. The first feeling of the lord is this. Sure enough, as the other side dances, the original transparent space has no space, and there is a transparent string that is densely distributed around him, just like a spider web. He wraps around in a circle.

At this time, the lord knows that the other side's ice-blade attack is not a simple group attack, but the ice blade is used to arrange this celestial net.

This technique made him a little familiar. Suddenly he thought of Ji Ming reporting to him. This man's men, the chain boy who is fighting with Ji Ming and others outside, seems to be the same.

"Hey, I want to trap me? You Tm dreams." The screaming of the Lord, with a wave of his right hand, saw the endless poisonous insects on the ground rushing to the strings, biting the bite, spraying the venom, grasping and catching It is to destroy the Linglan network.

The lord does not want to attack Ling Lan directly, but the premise of attacking Ling Lan must also destroy this network, otherwise the poisonous insects will not be able to attack.

It can be said that at the beginning, the lord lost the calculation, let Ling Lan arrange successfully, and the lord is like the prey in the net, want to counterattack, in addition to breaking the net can only break the net, there is no second The road can go.

Ling Lan saw it, and his expression was unmoved. I saw her hands begin to fly, and the movements were extremely beautiful. If it was not in the battle, it would be doubtful. Ling Lan only danced once.

As Ling Lan’s arms danced, the transparent strings in the air began to sway and dance. The original tight strings in the air fluttered with Ling Lan’s movements, which shook the poisonous insects that attempted to bite and break it. The venom that was sprayed. Even if you are accidentally broken, a new string will suddenly appear and re-condense them together.

At this time, Ling Lan, like a nine-day fairy, dances gracefully in the air, the long silver wire fluttering, perfectly blends with the flying wind clothes. If the learning space has not lost contact, this scene will inevitably make the No. 4 tutor tears. Let her see the first-line opportunity for her debut.

With this sound, the transparent silk string in the flying dance suddenly tightens, revealing its fangs, and the layers that are opened to the main python are covered in the past, without cutting corners. .

Ps: Today, there is no accident tomorrow, it will be double. Did the lady perform well recently? No breaks (yes, the lady does not recognize). So, if there are small tickets, don't forget to support them.

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