Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1335: The Lord is now!

1335: The Lord is now!

Luo Lang looked at the black beetle in front of some self-destructive positions. He smiled lightly. He didn't care if it was just the left-wing worm. He only needed to kill one of these black beetles.

Seeing his hands stretched out, the smoke of his body suddenly swept away to the black beetles. Seeing those black beetles escaping wildly, the instinct of the insects made them clear, they couldn't hold these poisonous mists, even if they were poisonous insects themselves.

The whole situation suddenly changed. In front of Luo Lang, the overwhelming black beetles chased and fled, and now they fled into black beetles.

"What is the composition of those poisonous cigarettes?" The wise angel sitting next to the night knight saw this and couldn't help but ask. Here, only the night knight really has a trick with the other side, and only he may be able to feel one or two.

The night knight glanced at him and then pulled out the knight's sword at the waist to reveal a black blade inside.

The wise angel glanced at him, his face changed slightly, because the Knight of the Knights of the Night Knight was actually smashed, and it was corroded, and the corrosion continued, and it did not stop.

It can be clear that the sword of the Knights of the Night did not really touch the smoke of the other party. The two swords of the night knight, one sword to save people, one sword to block, are all sent out of the air, not the body of the sword, then how does this corrosion come from?

"It's a water molecule." The night knight explained that only his true opponent was clear about where the corrosion came from.

"That is the water system?" The water system can indeed purify a special branch of poisonous water, which can explain, is the two-line rule that the boy really masters, and can freely transform without hindrance?

"More than just poisonous water, it can't erode my sword. This sword is blessed by the laws of my family." The night knight shook his head.

"What else?" asked the angel of wisdom.

"I don't know, I will report back to my homeowner when I go back, I hope the domain owner can give an answer." The night knight's eyes flashed, and so on.

When the wise angel sees it, he will not ask. Like the night knight, he is also prepared to ask about the Lord.

Insectization is indeed very powerful, and even in many cases, it is an invincible existence, but encountering the opponent of the gram, the poisonous fog of Fang Luolang, the black beetle of the left-wing insect has no way.

Although the black beetle hides quickly, how can he escape the percolating poisonous mist? When the black beetle is contaminated with poisonous mist, it will become a blood pool. As time goes by, the black beetle becomes less and less. To be slaughtered by Luo Lang, and then stand up and shouted in accordance with the incomprehensible Ji Ming: "Stop, we admit defeat."

Even if you lose your face, go back and be punished, you can't let the disciples who are valued by the Lord lose. Which result is even more terrible, Ji Ming is very clear in Shang Fei’s heart.

Ji Ming’s voice only exchanged for a smile of Luo Lang’s evil spirits, and his hands did not hesitate to direct the smoke to the last batch of black beetles. Clean up these, it is estimated that the death of the left can no longer die.

Although the evil character who presided over Luo Lang came halfway, the other side wanted to put him to death in the dead, and he felt completely in the moment he took over the body. As a good killer, how can you let go of the enemy who has a sense of killing yourself? In the evil character personality, killing one is not enough. It is the truth to scribble the roots.

Not just a left-hander, these are good-looking, and those who want him to die, one will not stay.

In the eyes of Luo Lang, the **** gas appeared, and the corner of his mouth showed a sly smile. This is him. Since the ultimate cool personality puts him out, he does not kill a **** river, and he is sorry that those who have been locked up in the dark house these years. Boring time.

Seeing that the poisonous fog is close, those black beetles suddenly disappeared, and a figure appeared. It was Zuo Ming. The face of his face was terrified, and he rushed to Ji Ming’s side. He hoped that Ji Ming would stop the enemy and save him. once.

"It’s late!" Luo Lang both hands and index finger, two smokes rushed to Ji Ming in Shang Fei, and the rest all flocked to Zuo Ming.

The two smog is to prevent Ji Ming from surviving, and this time, Luo Lang wants to kill is the left note!

This first half of the cat chased the mouse and played his little bugs - no one dared to play him in this world. Ok? You said that he had not appeared before, not counting. Oh, there is the existence that he can't give up, the same can't be forgiven, you must kill and kill!

Seeing that Zuo Ming is about to die in Luo Lang’s attack, Luo Lang heard a loud voice in his ear: “Let’s go!”

"Hey ~" Luo Lang directly spurted out a stream of blood, this sudden attack, so that his attack suddenly eased.

A figure appeared in front of Zuo Ming, and Zuo Ming was surprised and shouted: "Teacher!"

Ji Ming and Yu Shangfei’s face were just right, and they quickly bowed down: “Welcome to the Lord!”

Almost at the same time, everyone stood up and greeted each other: "Respect the Lord!"

The lord is a two-spotted old man with a cold face. He is wearing a black robe. He coldly glances at Luo Lang, who was injured because of his explosive drink. He said indifferently: "The worm is a small skill, and he dares to be a murderer here. Let's die of death."

With one wave of his hand, a giant snake suddenly appeared in the air, slamming his mouth open and biting into Luo Lang.

Luo Lang waved with one hand, the smoke directly greeted, the poisonous fog that made the black beetle tremble, the giant snake turned a blind eye, swallowed it directly, and smugly sat down.

Luo Lang's face changed He couldn't think of the invincible poisonous smoke, and the face of the lord turned out to be so unbearable.

The lord looked at Luo Lang indifferently, and the giant snake was given instructions, and once again opened his mouth and bite at Luo Lang.

Luo Lang retreats at a rapid speed, but it is not as fast as the giant snake. Seeing that he is going to be swallowed by the giant snake...

Bai Nuo moved manually, but he was held down by the people around him, shaking his head. The lord did not appear, they could still shoot, and the lord showed up. They were the following murderers. The only ones who could come out to stop the lord were their stunners.

Bai Nu couldn't help but look at the heavens. Only the one who saved the young man's life was the captain. Of course, the premise is that the captain has the ability to resist the main blow, otherwise it will not die, but die two.


Suddenly, the serpent in the air was slammed into the ground by an invisible force, and it was dusty.

The lord looked up indifferently and looked in a certain direction.

The people in this direction felt an invisible force to drive them away. In the end, two young men in black trench coats jumped into the crowd.

One should be very long, but the overbearing momentum can make people involuntarily ignore his face. The invisible pressure brought by the other party makes people dare not look down. The other one has a half-section, a smile on the mouth, and a gentle breath. The heart is good. Two very different styles, but unexpectedly compatible and harmonious.

PS: The second one, today's share is all about it. Everyone has a good weekend!

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