Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Crossing to the Future, it's Not Easy to Be a Man Chapter 1309: the armor army!

13o9: Armored Army!

Qi Long heard Zhou Lirong’s vision of Lingtian’s future, and his eyes were slightly cold. This arrangement is completely opposite to the Lingtian type that the boss originally envisaged. If the exhibition is set up according to the other party, Ling Tian will only be annihilated. The public finally lost its glory.

After Zhou Lirong finished, he took a step back and nodded to Luo Zhiqun and Qi Long.

Luo Zhiqun smiled and went forward. Like Zhou Lirong, he expressed his admiration for Ren Yanlan, and then elaborated his own ideas. He and Zhou Lirong’s views are slightly different. He believes that the current Lingtian possesses arms. After refining and stabilizing, slowly expand other combat arms. It should be said that Luo Zhiqun’s approach is much milder than that of Zhou Lirong, clearly guaranteeing the status of the existing veterans of the Lingtian Independence Army, and then using the veterans as the backbone to expand the various arms. In the end, the Lingtian Independence Army became a mature and comprehensive army.

Luo Zhiqun’s approach is easier to get the recognition and support of the original independent military officers. It may take a little longer than Zhou Lirong. It may not be effective in a short time, but there will be no flaws and it will be very stable.

This is the difference between a full-time and a deputy eye. One knows clearly what to do to make the following soldiers calmly accept, to eliminate some possible problems, while the other is more idealistic, eager to see results, and radical means. Some.

However, although the two people's practices are somewhat different, the ultimate goal is the same. They all want to establish the Ling Tian Independence Army into a comprehensive army, laying the foundation for future promotion into a formal army. The commander who did not want to be the head of the army was not a good commander. For the idea of ​​Zhou Lirong Luo Zhiqun, the representatives of the military were very recognized, and the words of both of them were warmly applauded.

The last words are Qi Long, Zhou Lirong, Luo Zhiqun's words, so that Qi Long's eyes become cold, he will never let the person who subverts the boss to become the successor of the Ling Tian Independence Army.

Qi Long stepped forward and stood in front of the stage. He looked down at the military, government and other representatives below, and looked at them quietly, but there was no words.

There were still some cluttered voices that quickly disappeared. Everyone looked at Zilong, who stared at them on the stage, but did not say anything. The scene was silent and the atmosphere seemed to condense.

Qi Yaoyang saw it, slightly raised his eyebrows, and he was sitting in a relaxed position.

Seeing this expression of this kid, he knew that this kid had to be embarrassed, and it was unfortunate that the words were not surprisingly endless.

I felt that everyone’s attention was concentrated on him. Qi Long’s cold voice: “For Major General Zhou Lirong, Major General Luo Zhiqun, I have deep understanding of Ling Tian’s in-depth understanding of this passage. ”

Unexpectedly, when Qi Long came on the scene, he opened fire on Zhou Lirong, Luo Zhiqun, and let a few big men who thought that Qilong was young but knew how to score, they frowned.

Although Qilong has a wonderful and beautiful resume, he is still too young, and at the crucial moment, he is unsettled and too far-sighted.

"If you really understand Ling Tian, ​​you must know what Ling Tian's predecessor was - the original 25o machine group."

"From an ordinary 25o machine group, become an armored independent group, and then to a mech independence army. From the beginning to the end, Ling Tian's fundamental is the mech." Qi Long smashed the tunnel.

"Our commander, Lieutenant Ling Lan, told us on the day that we became an independent army in Lingtian. The Lingtian Independence Army will be the only independent armor of the Federation. All units will be one. The service of the arms is the mech division. The Lingtian Independence Army will be the most powerful armor of the federal battle."

The words of Qi Long, said the sigh of relief, let all the representatives below move, they seem to return to the time when they fought **** battles, the kind of **** moment.

"In the future, no matter what the Ling Tian Independence Army will eventually be, whether it is an independent army or a formal army, it will not change its nature. Ling Tianjun can only be a mech army, but also a mech army. It will be the first echelon to rush to the front line of the battle, and it will be the last line of defense to hold the position.” Qi Long’s right hand holds his left chest and piously said, “It will be the strongest combat armor of the federal army and will become Let the enemy be scared of existence. This is the original words of Ling Zhongjiang, I will never forget."

"So, I will inherit the belief of our commander, let Lingtian become a unique armored army, build a legend that belongs to us, and leave the glory of Lingtian in the long river of history. I am finished, thank you! "Zilong a solemn and solemn salute, representing his attitude, he said to do it."

The following silence, Qi Long’s remarks are undoubtedly breaking the convention. The independent group may have its own characteristics, but it has been promoted to the army. The change will always become one, and eventually it will become a comprehensive army. It may retain the original. Some of the features, but other arms will be enhanced ~ ~ eventually go hand in hand, and progress together.

The behavior of Ling Tian’s Independence Army completely subverted the definition of the Legion and truly became a single-armed corps. At one time, these representatives did not know how to judge and say wrong, but thought that if it really became a The huge combat force, the invincible and overwhelming mechs, they can't restrain their emotions, feel the blood, and can't wait to see the results immediately. But if it is correct, a leg-armed armored army can really fight alone and go further?

Just when everyone was confused and silent, suddenly heard a applause.

Everyone looked at the past in unison, and they saw Ren Feiyu’s mouth with a smile and his hands applauded slowly.

"Yes, I have an idea. For me who has already seen the same comprehensive army, I feel very interesting about Qi’s statement.” Ren Feiyu applauded a few times, then put down his hands and said slowly, “Federal Comprehensive Legion There is not much more than a few days, and there is not a lot of Lingtian. I would like to see what a mature armored army looks like."

Long Xiang’s highest-opening support, and several military leaders who have a good relationship with Ren Feiyu, also followed the opening statement and expressed their expectation. And Qi Yaoyang, do not let the position to support their own son.

Several big-mouthers expressed support, and there were still some military departments and government representatives who were hesitant to support them. This was boldly applauded.

The third marshal, who had always been dignified, only showed a smile and pushed Qilong up. It was their decision of the faction. If Qilong came up, he would lose his face. Now it seems that Ren Feiyu’s Neutral, the idea of ​​aligning is very optimistic, this is an unexpected joy.

Ps: At night, one person with two baby, certainly can not be updated. So, today's update is over and will continue tomorrow.

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