Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 122: : Cheetah Mech Controler!

Chapter 120: Cheetah Manipulator Controller!

Ling Lan finally got bored and let the small four use the spare 10,000 record points, looking for opportunities to earn some back. Of course, Ling Lan also warned in advance, if it is lost, he will squat down the small four pants, slamming on a meal, a domestic violence.

Xiao Si certainly sneered at this, thinking that Ling Lan had no chance of domestic violence. According to him, have you seen God lose money? what? What do you mean? Then you are definitely a brain!

Ling Lan definitely does not do brain damage, so after giving the 10,000 record points to the fourth, he will not consider this matter anymore. Of course, Ling Lan has a bottom in mind. If he really loses, he will let Xiaosi take a risk and exchange the credit point outside to the record point to pay off the debt. Her boss must be responsible for her younger brother.

After Ling Lan arranged all the things in the real world, she continued to concentrate on her mech control. The time was slowly approaching the final deadline, but Ling Lan could not break through the final three-point mark. In other words, Ling Lan used up her highest hand speed and avoided all unnecessary manipulation errors. Unfortunately, time finally stopped in about three minutes and thirty seconds, in her best state, the best. The results are only infinitely close to three minutes and twenty seconds, which is too far from the three minutes...

Controlling to a certain pole, even if it takes a second to improve, it is almost impossible. Ling Lan seems to have foreseen the failure of this mission. The feeling of being shocked by the electric shock to the bottom of my heart is coming again. Stayed a little trembled again.

Ling Lan felt more and more worried, and the subsequent performances of the customs clearance exercise were even worse. This feeling reached the same bottleneck as the father-directed manual training method. Ling Lan thought, is this really the limit of her, in fact, she is not suitable for maneuvering?

Ling Lan’s mentality is not suitable for practicing the mech, and the discerning learning space has mercilessly expelled Ling Lan.

Xiao 4, who was busy earning his career record point, felt that his boss was in a bad mood. He was busy putting down his hands and asked about the reason, knowing that he had encountered a bottleneck again. I asked Ling Lan to go around the virtual world to change the mood.

Ling Lan feels staying in the mission space. I can't find any solution, and the training effect is getting worse. It's better to go outside to distract my heart. I also think that after I learned the mech control outside, I started the mech tutorial of the learning space. Maybe the answer is The virtual world outside is also uncertain.

In this way, Ling Lan and Xiaosi both returned to their first place to go offline, in the mech training hall.

However, at this time in the mech training hall, there were a lot of rookies coming over to practice, and Ling Lan chose the practice room. There are also seven or eight animal-type mechs in which to practice the basic movements, and the leopard-type tiger-type lions are the kind of beast-like mechs that are agile and coexisting. There are also stalwart swords, dragon rhinoceros and other sharp-horned weight-fighting offensive mechs, of course, there are also agile fox-type and other agile-detecting mechs.

They are training the basic movements of the mech, and there are controllers of the rookie who are the first to control the mechs like Ling Lan last time. There are also controllers who have been practicing for a while and have a certain basis to the rookie.

Ling Lan entered the contact room, most of the animal's mechs in the room stopped or slowed down their practice. This is because Ling Lan's mech is a rare rabbit armor on the market. In addition, Ling Lan automatically set the standby state is the rabbit shaking his head holding the carrots held by the forelimbs. The cute shape and the cute movements are of course attracting attention.

Ling Lan designed the mech standby as this action, and it was also a whim. Originally thought that this action will not be seen by anyone, so it is deliberately designed to be cute, and I am happy. Only she did not expect that when she first trained in the mech training hall, it was a special case. Most people were attracted to the Fighting Hall to watch the Mech Fighting Competition, and few people stayed in the Mech Exercise Hall to practice. Only in the room will she be alone.

Ling Lan, although there are some strange ways in the room, there are so many mechs to practice together, but they are not in the heart, although the standby action of the rabbit mech is a bit silly, but no one knows who the man is. Ling Lan does not think that when she chooses the mech with her real identity, she will get the rabbit armor again...

In the training hall, there is a leopard-type mech that completely ignores the arrival of Ling Lan. His movements have not changed, and his basic training is still carried out in an orderly manner. Ling Lan’s line of sight is quickly attracted to the other party because the other party will The mech is perfectly controlled. No matter how fast or leaping, every movement is very simple. The continuous movement is extremely flexible and smooth, bringing a sense of perfect combination of strength and speed. Linglan has an illusion, like the front. The mech is no longer a mech, but a living super giant real cheetah.

Ling Lan’s attention also caught the attention of Xiao Si. He quietly looked at the controller inside the cheetah and saw the familiar figure. He couldn’t help but scream in surprise and let Ling Lan suddenly wake up from the state of seeing God. : "What happened? Little four?"

Xiaosi excitedly said: "Haha, boss, we met acquaintances, guess who is the controller in the cheetah mech?"

"How do I know? I have just come to this virtual world for the second time, but I don't know anyone, is it in real life?" Ling Lan thought about his chin.

"No, it was the last time we met in the virtual world. Boss, you have spoken to the other party. Prompt, the other party is very dangerous..." Xiaosi shook his right index finger and smiled at Linglan.

Ling Lan suddenly reacted: "The hacker with virtual ability?" Only that person can be defined as dangerous.

"Haha, the boss is right, it is him. I didn't expect his mech control ability to be so good... But how can he practice basic control here? Is his age not as big as we think?" In doubt, the man was hiding his appearance, but the feeling was an adult. Did they be cheated?

"Why, the basic controller has an age limit?" Ling Lan was curious.

"This is not the case, but the average beginner is between 13-16. Individually late, and will not be 18 years old, so I feel a little puzzled. The man should feel more than 20 years old." Four times, "But he was originally a hacker of virtual evolution, and maybe he made some false feelings."

"If you are not the boss, you will not let me check his true content, we will not be fooled by the other side." Xiaosi said that this is still a bit unwilling.

"Forget it, it is better to have more things than one thing. He has nothing to do with us. I know why it is so clear." Ling Lan comforted the little four. "However, this person's ability to control the mech is really powerful. It seems that I have a lot of look at the manipulation methods of some mech masters, maybe I can find some breakthrough inspiration."

Ling Lan feels that some time ago, some cars were closed behind the door. One person was ruthless. Many manipulations were taken for granted. Especially when I saw the control of the cheetah controller, Ling Lan felt that some of his operations were too much, some too It’s too complicated.

"Ah, he seems to be carrying out the basic action assessment task, let's go check it out." Xiaosi did not wait for Ling Lan to answer, and took Ling Lan's rabbit armor to follow the other party into the assessment task space.

"It doesn't matter if we come in like this?" Ling Lan looked at the cheetah mechs that were preparing for the assessment, and I was worried. After all, the other party can erase the virtual evolutionary ability of brain waves. If the other party has set a limit on declining viewing, they will enter it so clearly. Isn't that a provocation? If you make a mistake, it will be dead.

"Nothing, this kind of assessment task is open. Anyone can choose to watch. Many people will watch several other people's assessment tasks before the assessment and absorb some experience." Xiaosi nodded back.

Xiaosi’s answer made Ling Lan’s heart relaxed. She looked around for a week and found that she was alone. This made her somewhat doubtful whether the words of Xiaosi were open-minded...

However, seeing the other party turned a blind eye to her arrival, Ling Lan would not be able to go anywhere, and even if the fourth is to lie to her, she can't quit, and the assessment task has already begun.

In the assessment task, the entire space is filled with various disorderly obstacles, and the cheetahs are shuttled through these obstacles. There is no slight stagnation and obstruction. All the movements are free and smooth, and they are natural and not pleasant.

Just as Ling Lan thought that the other party had completed this customs clearance task so lightly, the originally forbidden obstacles suddenly moved irregularly. This sudden change made Ling Lan also let the cheetah The controllers are somewhat unresponsive.

A stone pillar suddenly popped up and pulled up from the ground. The cheetah just jumped up at this moment and saw it hit. At this time, the cheetah’s airborne front and rear limbs slid to the stone pillar, and the force was used to make the armor. The body leaped in the other direction, just to escape this stone column impact.

Ling Lan’s original high hanging heart relaxed slightly, but the following situation made Ling Lan’s heart lift again. The original cheetah mech was not out of danger. Although the direction was changed, the other direction actually appeared. A boulder from the air.

The cheetah controller seems to be very calm, and does not appear to be flustered. He controls the mech in the air to switch movements, the limbs vacant in the air twice, then steadily step on the boulders, and with this force, bounce back, avoid again After the crisis of this collision.


To supplement the chapter of yesterday, there is still a chapter that I can't do before 12 o'clock, but it will be updated later. It is estimated that before 2 o'clock in the morning, it is the chapter of today.

Sorry, I will not preview the update time in the future. It is really something that I can't control. ()

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