Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 114: : God level teacher Ling Xiao!

Chapter 114: God level teacher Ling Xiao!

Ling Lan was surprised: "Don't Dad's father have reached the king level?" God, my father is so enchanting!

Xiaoyiyi’s face is depressed, can’t the boss be bold enough to guess?

The depressed little four did not remind Ling Lan, but told Ling Lan about the contents of a military report he searched: "The Federation originally had twelve god-level teachers, only 8 years ago, the accident fell. A god-level sergeant, and the youngest god-level sergeant in the Federation, who sacrificed his death channel when he was in the enemy’s sundial..."

8 years ago? Death channel? It’s a coincidence, and her father died in the same year, the same place... Ling Lan frowned, and Xiao 4 would not say something that is irrelevant, is it related to her father?

I haven't waited for Ling Lan to react. The next sentence of Xiaosi made Ling Lan stunned: "The armor of the god-level division, named!"

For a long time, Ling Lan asked with a twitching voice: "You mean, is that god-level teacher is Ling Xiao?"

Xiao nodded: "Yes, in the past ten years, the only person who has advanced to a god-level sergeant is also the youngest person in history to advance to the **** level. This person is Ling Xiao."

"Cheat!" Ling Lan suddenly retorted.

Xiaoyiyi, he thought that Linglan’s reaction would be so intense and even resisted this information.

"If he is a god-level teacher, how can he go out? You are not saying that the king level is not allowed to go out at random? And, is the god-level mech is not the ultimate weapon of the federation? So powerful weapon, manipulating him How can people be so easy to die?"

Ling Lan, sitting in the rabbit's mech, couldn't control his fists. If Ling Xiao is weak, he is so sacrificed. Ling Lan can still accept. The Ling Xiao in the small mouth is too strong, so such a powerful man has died so simply. This made her feel a bit ridiculous. "

"According to the top secret files I found in the military department, it took only six years for Dad to advance from the ace of the prince to the **** level. The star sky calendar successfully promoted to the king's division in 4725, and the star sky calendar successfully promoted to God in 4728. The level master, but the father began to advance to the king level, these news was blocked by the military, it is estimated that at that time, the military has plans to let the father conceal the order to the enemy.

"So, Dad went out in the same year. It was the sergeant's identity. This is why the father is only the rank of major general. If it is the status of a god-level division, at least it must be given a rank of general." Fourty regrets, if the above general shoes are sacrificed, Linglan can inherit more resources.

The simple little four did not expect, as he thought, the people who see this resource are not a small family like the Ling family, it is likely to be a stronger person. At that time, Ling Lan probably didn't really have a chance to continue.

The regret of Xiaosi is just a flash. He continued: "The federal dispatched Ling Xiao to fight, originally wanted to steal the day and change the day. In one fell swoop, the life force of the historical enemy ceremonial empire was wiped out. However, I don’t know why, the military high-level officials will give up Ling Xiao led the fleet. From the death channel to the rear of the enemy, preparing for the front and rear... but unexpectedly in the death channel. I encountered an energy riot from the depths and accidentally sacrificed."

"Really so good!" Ling Lan's mouth at this time contained a sneer, so that Xiaosi actually felt a little cold in his heart. It turned out that Ling Lan was unaware of it. It even revealed the murderousness that was plagued by the learning space.

"Well, it’s clever to doubt, in fact, the military’s orders are indeed problematic, and the energy riots of the death channel are not naturally formed.” Xiaosi set the mind and continued to tell what he searched. Ling Lan.

The search ability of Xiaosi is undoubtedly powerful, which proves that he is indeed the virtual **** in his mouth. Of course, the reason why Xiaosi is so hard is because Ling Xiao is now his father of Xiaosi. He has to figure out all the things that his father has, so that he can be asked later and he can't answer. However, he did not expect to take such a serious investigation, but he really found some problems.

"It seems that this is a conspiracy against my father." Ling Lan believes in the ability of Xiaosi. Since Xiaosi said that there is a problem, there must be a problem, and Ling Lan originally felt so many coincidences. It is no coincidence.

"Yes, I can be sure that the father of the family did die under the conspiracy." Xiao Siguo said, "The original fleet of Ling Xiao was completely annihilated, and the morale of the Federation was greatly affected. The military responded quickly. Directly announced that Ling Xiao is a god-level teacher, and revealed the cause of death of Ling Xiao, because of the design of the Japanese Empire, which directly upgraded the war between the federal and Japanese empire, and truly reached the point of endlessly, and now it has been played continuously. In eight years, I have not seen the possibility of a truce, and the soldiers of the two countries have been killed and wounded."

Ling Lan is a bit strange: "Why does the death of Dad have this consequence?"

Xiaosi sighed: "Boss, you don't understand the status of the god-level division in the hearts of the federal soldiers. The god-level master is the existence of God in the eyes of the soldiers, and Ling Xiao is the youngest one. His success has inspired all the soldiers. It can be said that Ling Xiao is the idol of the whole army. And because Ling Xiao is the youngest of the god-level teachers, the development potential is better than other god-level teachers. It is almost certain that he will be the next forty or fifty years. The patron saint of the federation."

"You think about it, the patron saint was sacrificed by the enemy's design. How can the federal soldiers be willing to give up? So they can only fight without death, unless a country has no ability to fight again."

Ling Lan heard this and fell into meditation. She thought of being robbed when she inherited the military. The military unexpectedly chose the fact of watching, and thought of the assassination at the time of enrollment, as well as the father’s mission, designed Countless ways, that is, I want to find myself unconsciously... She has some insights. The top of the military department who killed the squad did not relax the monitoring of Lingjia. He did not want to see the people of Lingjia appear in the military.

"Small four, it seems that we have to find out the top of the military that killed my father." Ling Lan sneered.

"Ah? Why?" Xiaosi puzzled.

"First, I have a **** stream in my body, and I am learning the inheritance of Ling Xiao. No matter how good or good, I have to give Ling Xiao a hatred. I can’t let him be so vain. died."

"Second, in the past eight years, I believe that the other side has been monitoring us. As long as we are in the military, we will definitely obliterate us without mercy. I don't want to have this knife hanging forever."

Ling Lan’s words attracted the same enemy of Xiaosi, and immediately said: “The boss is assured that the virtual world will be handed over to me.” Xiaosi thought of the monitoring of the mission, repeatedly warned himself, be careful and be careful, absolutely can not be exposed A little bit of flaws, to the boss of his own to blame.

Xiao 4 followed up and worried: "But, that person can not be exposed until now, can unconsciously design the father to die, is definitely a conspiracy, can we do him?". Xiaosi does not think that his boss is a conspiracy.

"One can't, then find a few more helpers." Ling Lan mouth sneer, originally she did not want to be a boss, but the reality is that she did not have to do it. To confront the military and political tycoons, no help is done.

Yes, Ling Lan has targeted the target of Han Jijun. Ling Lan has great confidence in his combat effectiveness. He believes that if he works hard, although the **** level does not dare to say, the ace king level still has the possibility of success. However, Ling Lan is not sure about the intrigue, and the opponent is still a master in this respect, so she can only find foreign aid, and Linger’s few younger brothers, only Han Jijun’s IQ is superhuman. It has gradually evolved toward the belly black.

It seems that she has to push another hand, so that Han Jijun becomes more black... Ling Lan thinks so.

Ling Lan made these decisions and put this matter aside. After all, it is still very early to find out the other party. Ling Lan will not find the trace of the person when he is not fledgling.

Ling Lan, who was temporarily put down, began to carefully watch the control method of the rabbit armor and slowly tried to control the mech to walk. After all, this is the first step in manipulating the mech, have you seen the mech that will not go, but will you cut the knife with a knife?

Well, the walking of the animal-shaped mech is by jumping, especially the rabbit. The hind limbs are designed to be much thicker than the forelegs, and Ling Lan has to learn how to make the hind legs jump. Fortunately, Ling Lan is only a finger control, so there is no The feeling of maladaptation.

After falling countless heads, Ling Lan finally mastered the walking function of the rabbit armor. Of course, the current jump can not be done in a straight line. Ling Lan obviously saw that he was jumping east and west, never in a straight line. Going over, she is a bit shameful.

In this way, Ling Lan was completely immersed in the mech training, and after the reminder of the small four, it was time to return to the line, but it was time to go offline.

Ling Lan had a line in the mech training hall because of the cover of Xiao Si. She walked out of the login cabin and quickly took a shower and went downstairs.

In the dining room, Lan Luofeng is swearing with a dish. Of course, these dishes are made by servants. Lan Luofeng is a good show for everyone who can not touch Yang Chunshui. At most, they can also fire eggs, but they cannot guarantee quality. It is likely to be unfamiliar or too familiar.

Seeing Ling Lan down, Lan Luofeng laughed: "My baby ~ You will not come down, I will come up to call you."

Ling Lan heard the words helpless, because several times before, when she was online, she was called by Lan Luofeng invincible, and her mother was not going to give up until she reached the goal. Patience, Ling Lan's self-confidence is not big.

Ling Lan and Lan Luofeng ate as usual, Ling Lan did not have a few mouthfuls, could not help but ask: "Mom, Dad is a god-level teacher, you know?".

Lan Luofeng nodded: "I know, what happened?"

"Why don't you tell me." Ling Lan was depressed. (To be continued...)

Ps: I got sick since yesterday, especially today, the headache is terrible, the whole person is groggy, although I have a chapter, I don’t know how to write, I don’t feel anything.

I think that after I am in good health, I will re-examine the texts written during this time. If I am studying the text, I will definitely inform everyone.

Today, that's it... forgive me! People! I have to sleep, I feel my head hurts, **** it! ()

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