Chapter 108: A dangerous man!

"Also, but I like it more than modern science fiction." Ling Lan smiled, and the familiar environment of the building made her feel relaxed and relaxed. The fatigue caused by high-intensity training for several months was swept away. air.

Xiaosi heard that Ling Lan liked it here, and the nervous worry suddenly ran away. This is not a mistake. Thinking of this, Xiaosi is somewhat proud: I really are the smartest intelligent life, even if I accidentally made mistakes, it is so perfect!

Not to mention the joy of Xiao Si, Ling Lan took a small four in this Kyoto to take a good tour, of course, she only can not buy. First, this identity has no docking central bank account, there is no way to pay with credit. Although Xiao 4 has a way to get it, Ling Lan thinks that more than one thing is less important. The most important thing is that she is afraid that the central bank will not Regular scans, if exposed, are troublesome for her.

Second, this identity does not have a hidden security address, is it necessary to send the store directly to the Lin family? Wouldn't it be a waste of effort for her to make such a fake identity?

Ling Lan is like a prisoner who has just been released. No matter what she sees, she is very energetic. This time, free shopping is the dream of her two.

The past life has been on the sickbed, she dreams every day to have the opportunity to go out and take a street, but unfortunately there is still no line of sight, and this world has been restricted from home since birth, and later limited to Scouting Academy, although Scouting Academy There are also shops in the virtual world, but the things inside are very simple, only related to the learning aspect. Plus the shops inside are too sci-fi, so Ling Lan has no feeling of shopping.

However, this Kyoto is not the same. The antique buildings and the furnishings in the shops are also very close to her past life, which makes her feel like a road, and the mood is really beautiful.

If she didn't enter the store every time, she would automatically jump out of the store's introduction. She really thought that she was walking on the street in reality.

Kyoto really does not deserve to be Kyoto. No matter what you eat and eat, you will be full of everything and you will be full of excitement. When Ling Lan looks at the relish, the people who are shopping around, suddenly feel like they have received information and stopped. Steps, a look of excitement. Several of them even made a horror that was difficult to make.

Soon, they changed their original arrangements and rushed toward a place.

"What is going on?" Ling Lan saw, some inexplicable, and quickly asked Xiaosi.

Do not say a little four or two, first searched for a moment, then looked surprised and said: "There is actually a organic fighting, and it is still a j6 leapfrog challenge to j8, really fake?"

Ling Lan, who knows the world outside almost equal to zero, is confused: "j6?j8? What is this?"

Xiaosi slammed himself on his forehead, and he remembered that he had forgotten to tell Ling Lan about this aspect of the matter, so he briefly said about the related knowledge of the Mech Fighting.

In the virtual world, this mech-fighting game that all people can participate in is actually a fighting game, as long as citizens who are 13 years old can enter the mech fighting game. The Scouting Academy, after the age of thirteen, will be able to lift the seal of the Scout Academy and enter the real virtual world. That is to say, according to the process, Ling Lan can only be lifted after he is 13 years old.

No matter what age, the rookie who just entered the game, the level is unified j0, must learn to control the mech, carry out related combat training, only to develop the rookie competition, after gaining 100 points, successfully enter the j1 level, after the points accumulate 1000, then Entering the j2 level, and so on, the points entering the j9 level are astronomical.

Xiaosi told Ling Lan that there were very few mechs who successfully advanced to the j9 level. The entire federal population of tens of billions was only three or four thousand. Of course, there is also a higher level than j9, but this kind of character does not appear in this popular machine fighting game. There is no detailed explanation for this matter. He thinks these things are too far away from Linglan.

"Fortunately, can you overcome the challenge?" Otherwise, according to the process, a little accumulated points, if you want to enter j9, do not know what year and month to go, just look at the number behind the number of zero, Ling Lan feel a little dizzy.

"But yes, but the leap-level challenge is very demanding. If it fails, the punishment can make people regret to commit suicide..." The voice of Xiaosi told Linglan that the cheap is not so good.

"The leap-level challenge is not only a challenge, but you must defeat the randomly selected senior opponents three times in three days. Only when you are successful in the leap-forward challenge, you really enter the ranks. But if you lose, the points are deducted. Absolutely embarrassing, just like the j6, it is likely to be deducted directly into the j3 level, and even j2 is possible." Xiaosi explained the leap-level challenge related regulations and penalties.

"It's still worthwhile. Even if you fall into j2 and j3, he will challenge j7 and j8 three times next time. Isn't he coming back?" Ling Lan didn't think it was authentic.

"Which is so simple, a person has only three chances to leapfrog every year. Unless he wins three times, he will have to return to the starting point to regenerate and accumulate points as long as he loses. It is well known that the points in the Mech Fighting Competition are super difficult to take. It depends on time and competition to accumulate. More importantly, the so-called leapfrog challenge can only be a level one challenge, that is, j2 can only challenge j4, j3 can only challenge j5... even if he waits for the previous year, he still does not return. To the original position, the boss, you said that such a leapfrog challenge is not worthwhile?"

The words of Xiaosi let Ling Lan swear: "It turns out that the leap-level challenge will not become a kind of decoration? It is estimated that few people will choose the leap-forward challenge?" It seems that there are drama makers who hate people taking shortcuts and set up so More restrictions and difficulties.

"Of course, otherwise how can people here be so excited, there may be a lot of leapfrog challenges at the beginning, but high-level leapfrog challenges are rarely seen, especially this j6 leapfrog challenge j8, said to be a hundred years It’s rare to see it, Boss, you’re really lucky.” Xiaosi told Ling Lan about the search, telling her that this mech fighting is really hard to come by.

"Let's go check it out." Ling Lan was interested in the words of Xiao Si, and then followed the crowd to the destination, a seven-storey pagoda building.

"Oh, I still have to buy a ticket." Ling Lan just wanted to walk into the entrance. She jumped out of the line and made her depressed. It was originally entered here and she had to buy a ticket.

Xiaosi is also the first time to enter the fighting venue to watch the mech fighting, so it is not clear that there is a ticket to say, when you hear Ling Lan, directly throw a sentence: "Wait for me." Then it disappeared.

Ling Lan thought that Xiaosi would leave for a while. I didn't expect it to be a few seconds. Xiaosi came back and raised the v-gesture gesture: "Boss, everything is done."

While the little four was talking, another person in a black trench coat who just wanted to buy his favorite ticket number saw a line of information in the contact: "Sorry, the ticket number you selected is an invalid number. Please re-select."

"Oh? Strange, someone is faster than me? I was preempted..." The man stunned and had to choose the next one in the position and saw the words of successful purchase appear. This closed the contact and left. Into the fighting venue.

Xiao Si was very good at this time. He finally caught the opportunity. In front of Ling Lan, he showed the ability of a versatile younger brother. He generally exists, and he has no choice but to escape.

Hey... No, Xiaosi is a baby, not a evasion ticket. He is a face-lifting face and a visit to the face.

Ling Lan got the affirmation of Xiaosi, and then walked into the door of the fighting hall again. This time, the words in front of me are no longer, can't enter the information that needs to buy tickets, but thank you for coming, your seat number is **** area **** Line xx.

Ling Lan once again lamented that Xiao 4 is really useful. Now, regardless of reality or virtual world, she can't do without the help of Xiao Si.

Ling Lan stepped into the entrance, and felt that the picture was turning, and then she found herself standing in a passageway with rows of seats in front.

"Please let me please?" A cold voice rang behind Ling Lan, Ling Lan quickly turned around and saw a man in a black trench coat standing behind him. What surprised Ling Lan was that the man’s face was covered by the big hat of the windbreaker, only the lower jaw and two thin lips with slight curls.

"Oh...sorry." Ling Lan embarrassedly bowed his head and quickly turned his side to open the way. Ling Lan, who bowed her head, did not let the other party discover her shock. She pinched her fist and annoyed her own intentions.

Just now Ling Lan did not notice that there was someone behind him. For the first time, he was quietly approached without knowing it. If the other party had a malicious attack, she would definitely be directly, and the dead could not die any more.

And when I really faced this Ling Lan’s heart raised a dangerous word, which was the first time she felt dangerous in a person.

The man did not speak, but thanked Ling Lan for his slightest nod, and then went straight over Ling Lan. It seems that he is also an audience watching the fighting competition.

Ling Lan did not immediately go out, she was a little jealous of the man, decided to keep the distance is better. The man finally walked away and couldn't see the figure. At this time, he listened to Xiao Si and said: "Wow, this guy is a hacker... No, it is probably a legendary emptiness."

"Small four, what you said is virtual, is that the existence that can directly erase the consciousness of people in the virtual world?"

"Of course, the breath on that person is very similar, it is a spiritual variation in the hacker's virtual aspect." Xiao Si confirmed.

Even in the virtual world, Ling Lan listened to this and felt that his forehead was cold and sweaty. It is no wonder that she felt that the person was very dangerous. It turned out to be the kind of silence that could kill people. Hey, this virtual world is really dangerous.

Even if Ling Lan can have thousands of such people in reality, in the virtual world, she must retire from these people. Rs! ~! ()

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