Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 106: : Vision and hand speed!

Chapter 106: Vision and Hand Speed!

The white paper has been filled with handwriting, that is the marriage promise letter written by Ling Xiao to Lan Luofeng! Each of the above promises proves that Ling Xiao is definitely a wife slave.

The chip is the control chip of Ling Xiao Property. With this chip, all the property can be forcibly transferred to other people's liaisons without the consent of Ling Xiao.

And the keychain is made according to the model of Ling Xiao's mech, what is it in the end, or what is deep, Lan Luofeng did not tell Ling Lan, just told her that the most precious of the three things is This keychain has only become a souvenir now...

Ling Xiao looked at the three things in front of him, his look was complicated, but more of it was an excitement, but he quickly converge on the feelings that would be flooding, and raised his head to give Ling Lan a big smile: "Congratulations, Ling Lan, you have passed, you will get my inheritance... my child, I am really happy today!"

Ling Xiao’s smile made Ling Lan look at it directly. She realized why her mother had made a fool when she mentioned her father. Her father really laughed and really was too eye-catching. In the world of beauty, Dad’s face definitely belongs to the male **** level.

Ling Xiao let Ling Lan come to him. At this time, he was silent, and his expression revealed a slight loss. He said: "In fact, I don't want this inheritance task to appear because it appears and expresses me. Really no. If I can, I want to accompany my wife and grow up with you... I can't bear you. My child, I don't even know if you are a boy or a girl, I want to see your look like you. I am still like your mother..."

Ling Xiao’s gaffe was only restored in a short period of time, and he quickly returned to normal. He laughed at himself: “It’s just getting used to it. Is this the result of the shake of faith? It’s really bad.”

Ling Xiao once again restored his usual smile, looking at Ling Lan, the innocent gentleness in his eyes, let Ling Lan's heart twitch again, all kinds of moods swept their hearts.

Ling Lan is very clear, Ling Xiao is definitely not looking at her at this moment, this is the spiritual solidity 8 years ago, maybe this is to miss the eyes of Lan Luofeng, perhaps with the expectations of the children? I don't know why, Ling Lan always felt that this scene made her very sad. She didn't know if she was involved in this body, and let her face the father of this body, and her emotions were difficult to control.

Ling Xiao said: "I believe that my child is the strongest child. Your mother will deliver it to you. I must make her happy! I am an irresponsible husband and an irresponsible father. I am sorry. you guys."

Ling Lan just wanted to talk, but Ling Xiao did a stop action: "Don't talk, let me fantasize about the beautiful scene, I think you should call me a father intimately, then say I love you."

After Ling Xiao finished saying this, he showed a bitter smile and said: "Is there some dreams in the daytime? I am an irresponsible person. I am too light for me. Why do you want to ask the children to call me a dad? It!"

Ling Lan mouth moved, but still did not call out the voice of Dad, although she knows that Ling Xiao is the father of this world, although her mother has been chanting for seven years, so that she has no sense of strangeness to Ling Xiao. But this father, let Ling Lan, who has adult thinking, really hard to export.

Ling Lan can only blame the man opposite, it is too young, and some of her inexplicable resistance.

The loss in Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed past. In fact, he said indirectly that the child could call him a father. He did not dare to ask directly because he was embarrassed about his children.

It is a pity that the fact is that, as he expected, the child really hated him and did not want to call him a father. This fact made him very hurt. Ling Xiao had imagined many possibilities 8 years ago, and this may be the last thing he wants to see...

No matter how lost Ling Xiao, he started his first course.

Ling Lan thought that the first class should be Ling Xiao's unique body skills, etc., to know that she entered the study space, entered the Scout Center College, the first lesson is the body skills (except theory), after all, the foundation is the most important.

"Is there some people who can't figure out why not teach physical education?" Ling Xiao, who was 8 years ago, felt the confusion of Ling Lan, and asked.

Ling Xiao’s active inquiry, Ling Lan certainly did not hesitate to admit and wait for Ling Xiao’s doubts.

Ling Xiao smiled and told Ling Lan that the basic physique of the college is a set of versatile people. It has been a basic physique that has been accumulated for thousands of years. It is not the basic body. After practicing the great consummation, he will not teach Ling Lan other physical skills, including his unique skills. Many people have not yet done a good job of learning the higher level of physical skills. This is completely the wrong way. Imagine that the foundation has not been laid, and I want to build a building. How can I build a high-rise building?

Ling Xiao is not sure how other god-level teachers are successful in promotion, but Ling Xiao can successfully advance, and has a great relationship with this foundation. At that time, Ling Xiao was only gambling with his father and refused to learn Ling's scholastic skills. Instead, he learned the most basic physics to the top, let him touch the highest level of basal surgery, and found a way to advance to the **** level...

"What is great consummation?" Ling Lan confused and succinct, the basic body surgery has long been clear to the chest, is she still not in place?

"When you pinch this basic body technique, there is no move, and it will almost reach this level. You will understand it at that time." Ling Xiao explained it a bit, but let Ling Lan not be anxious, she is old. Still relatively small, there is time.

"What I can teach you now is the way to improve your eyesight and hand speed. No matter fighting or armor, it is indispensable." Ling Xiao said, "These are hard work, you must rely on your suffering. Practice can improve, especially the speed, you must be able to develop personal limits in the younger hours, when the finger bones are not long dead, very soft."

After that, Ling Xiao suddenly reached out to the palm of his hand, and his fingers were filled with a crystal clear ball. Then the fingers start to dance and let the beads roll freely among the five fingers. At the beginning, the scrolling was very slow, and the speed was getting faster and faster. At the end, Linglan’s proud vision could not see the shadow of the ball. She only saw that Ling’s fingers had become a virtual shadow, but could not Identify which finger is...

Just as Ling Lan looked at the extremes of the hair, Ling Xiao suddenly five fingers together, pinched into a fist, Ling Lan's eyes suddenly changed from static to static, it felt a bit stinging, very uncomfortable.

"Your eyesight has not reached my hand speed, so the burden is a little heavy. You should close your eyes and take a rest." Ling Lan did what Ling Xiao said. After a while, he felt that his eyes did not feel awkward. Only opened his eyes.

"It feels like, where is the limit of your eyesight. From now on, you have to exercise your hand speed, and at the same time let your eyes keep up with your hand speed. This is a little bit of practice, there is no shortcut." He told Ling Lan seriously that the mission was not as magical as everyone thought. There is no way to make people go to the sky. To succeed, you must rely on your own efforts. Only the mission will tell you how to do it will be more effective.

"I understand." Ling Lan nodded and said that he was very grateful for the guidance of Ling Xiao. By guiding the speed of hand and eyesight training, Ling Xiao told Ling Lan that he wanted to become stronger. He had to rely on his own efforts, and others could not replace it.

“Is it the fastest speed just now?” Ling Lan, who is in a good mood, finally has the curiosity of a seven-year-old child.

Ling Xiao smiled, but spread his palm again. Ling Lan saw that his palm was no longer a crystal bead, but a whole nine. Ling Lan secretly groaned, but before she asked her, she saw that Ling Xiao’s fingers began to dance. Nine crystal beads collided in the palm of his hand, and some jingle sounds were heard. The crystal beads collided with each other and began. Irregular rebound, this is the most difficult to control, because you have to judge the direction of the crystal beads, a Linglan no pressure, two Linglan believe that the speed can not be controlled, the three will not be determined.

But Ling Xiao easily controlled the beads, and the fingers flew and intercepted them so that they only rolled freely in the palm of his hand.

Gradually, the speed of Ling Xiao is getting faster and faster. In the end, the sound of the crystal beads colliding has become a piece, and there is no gap. However, Ling Lan can no longer see the scene in the hands of Ling Xiao. I saw a shadow.

Ling Lan thought that this was already the limit, but I didn’t expect that even more amazing things happened. Gradually, Ling Lan even couldn’t see the virtual She seemed to see Ling Xiao’s spread. His palms bloom like lotus, but there are no beads in the palm of his hand.

Ling Lan knows that this is a fake, this is the speed to reach a terrible point, so that the eyes show the wrong illusion, automatically return to the scene that was first seen, this is an illusion, but also a speed peak The illusion that will appear.

I haven't waited for Ling Lan to return to God, I heard a continuous snoring, a total of nine. With this sound, Ling Xiao suddenly stopped his finger movements. At this time, Ling Lan felt his eyes tingling, tears slamming, trying to see the speed beyond the limit too much, finally turned back.

Finally, Ling Lan felt comfortable, and then opened his eyes, and saw Ling Xiao standing in front of her with a smile, his right hand was a fist.

"I am fine." Ling Lan was embarrassed, she concentrated her attention on Ling Xiao's right hand.

Ling Xiao slowly spread his right palm, and the original solid and round crystal beads in the palm of his hand have become a powder. Ling Xiao gently shakes his fingers, and the fine sand is scattered from his fingers and slowly falls to the ground. Under the refraction of the lights, these powders have reflected countless sparkling flashes, giving people a feeling of being in a magical way. . Rs()

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