Chapter 102: Question and answer exam!

Ling style fight! It is one of Lingjia’s exclusive fighting techniques. Why does it appear in this task space? Ling Lan’s heart was full of doubts. If he said that he did not pay much attention to this mission at the beginning, Ling Lan had to pay attention to it when he saw this set of fighting.

Ling Lan did not hesitate, followed by the figure and punched the Ling style to perfection. Since childhood, Da Linglan has been fighting with the Ling family, and it has long been known to the chest.

When Ling Lan perfected the whole set of fights, the gray figure dissipated again, while Ling Lan felt that the fog in front of him was decreasing and disappeared. Soon, she saw the scenery in front of her eyes.

She is standing on a green lawn, in the distance, the mountains are undulating, the clouds are lingering, the vicinity, the stream is clear, the birds and flowers are fragrant, and a beautiful and tranquil valley appears in front of Ling Lan.

Ling Lan has never seen such a beautiful scenery, so that her heart is very quiet. At this moment, a piece of white paper suddenly fell from the sky, swaying in front of Ling Lan, and then floated magically in front of her eyes, automatically spread out.

There is a line above, it is a question: This is a beautiful valley, but unfortunately it does not have its name yet, please give it a nice name now.

Ling Lan’s eyes just finished sweeping the line, and a small and delicate brush appeared on the side of the white paper.

Strange, why are such old things happening in such advanced places?

Ling Lan's brow was locked, and the line of sight was drawn by the brush. Then the more I saw it, the more I felt that something was wrong, because the style of the brush made her feel familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

school? Ling Lan shook his head and directly ruled out this possibility. The college is too advanced. If there are some surreal things in it, Ling Lan will believe it, but it is almost impossible to have a brush that is almost invisible.

Well, the only possibility is that she has seen it at home.

So when and where did she see a similar brush at home? Generally, the place where the writing brush will appear is the study room. However, the study room of Lingjia Old House used to be the father's, so each brush inside is very simple and airy. There is no such delicate and delicate brush. At first glance, it is known to be used by women. ......

woman? study? Ling Lan suddenly remembered one thing. It was that she had just started learning literacy. She was caught in her study by her mother to practice writing calligraphy. It is said that this is the tradition of Lingjia. Every descendant of Lingjia must learn This hand. Ling Lan was very sad at that time. The little hand couldn't hold the big brush used by his father. In the end, he could only pretend that he was innocent and ignorant.

Lan Luofeng saw Ling Lan’s look, and she was happy, but she also knew that she was negligent. She did not give Ling Lan a small brush suitable for her. Finally, in order to let Ling Lan have the correct pen, she took out herself very much. Cherish a small brush and let Ling Lan use it first. Also smugly told Ling Lan, this is her father Ling Xiao gave her a credit.

I remember that she was directly vomiting at the time, and her father was too screaming, and the mother was too good to cheat. Let Lan Luofeng knock her a head and laugh. Not enough because the little brush is too delicate and beautiful, so Ling Lan curiously played. But the next day, this little brush was once again sealed by the blue Luofeng into the bottom of the box, replacing it with a very ordinary small fine brush. Since then, Ling Lan has never seen the only brush.

The time has passed for almost five years, so Ling Lan almost forgot those things, and the pen.

Linglan was very excited to pick up the exquisite brush in front of her eyes. She put it in the palm of her hand and rotated it in the palm of her hand. She carved a phoenix with flying feathers on the pen, as seen at that time. The same, it really is the pen in memory.

Is this inheritance related to Lingjia? Related to her father? Or is it his father?

Ling Lan feels that he must be crazy, otherwise how can there be such a thought? Inheritance missions must be capable of being released by the strongmen above the king level, and the strongmen above the king level are all horrible, almost undead representatives. How could my short-lived dad be?

But what if it is true? Ling Lan’s heart violently beats...

At this time, a blank line suddenly appeared again on the white paper: "You still have a minute to consider the time, the countdown starts 60, 59, 58..."

by! Ling Lan’s excitement ran out of light and began to think about the name. At this time, Ling Lan regretted that her mind had been hooked up by the brush and could not use the time to think about it.

"Beautiful valley, exquisite brush? Inherited the task, what do you want to tell me with this picture?" The cpu in Ling Lan's head is running at full strength, trying to find the hint inside.

Is the brush a mother's token? So will this beautiful valley have a relationship with the mother? Ling Lan began to try to recall the dialogue between her mother and her, hoping to find some clues.

43, 42, 41... Time slipped away a little bit, Ling Lan's forehead turned out to sweat out: Damn, if the little four is just fine.

"Boss, find me?" The consciousness of the sea really sounded the voice of the small four, Ling Lan was shocked: "Little four, are you?"

"Well, I have been watching it, but I was imprisoned by a force. I can't contact you. But when you think about me, the power to ban me will disappear." Xiaosi replied.

"Don't say it, there are still more than 30 seconds. Help me think. When my mom and I chatted with me, haven't you said such a place?" Ling Lan was in a hurry and directly threw the problem out.

"The amount of information is a bit big, can you give me some more hints?" Xiaosi is also nervous, and the core chip is also overloaded.

"What kind of dating appointment, marriage place or honeymoon, or particularly impressive, come back to the dream home?" Ling Lan casually said a few, and now can only fight.

"Dating place, except the old house is the military camp, your father is really not romantic!" Xiaosi said, how is the blue mother so easily caught up? "Affirmation? Proposal? Marriage? Honeymoon? Well? Old? Military camp? Hey, is your father only knowing that the old house camp is running at two o'clock? Have you ever thought about going to other places?"

Xiaosi is really angry, check it out, Ling Yu and Lan Luofeng's love history in addition to the military camp is Lingjia old house, and there is no relationship with this beautiful valley.

"So dreams, dreams, my mother does not have the most places to go?" Ling Lan looked at the number of white paper directly from the ten to everyone, could not help but shouted.

"With, yes! Blue mom wants to go..." Xiaosi finally found the place where Lan Luofeng missed.

At this time, the countdown has reached 3, Ling Lan no longer hesitate, directly wrote, when the last f is finished, the countdown time is exactly zero.

Ling Lan looked at her answer. She didn't know where it was. She didn't know if Xiaosi found this answer, but she did her best.

The writing on the white paper began to fade away, including Ling Lan's answer. The white paper really turned into a piece of white paper, and Ling Lan took a deep breath and waited for the final judgment of the mission.

qualified! Two vigorous and powerful characters gradually appeared on the white paper. Ling Lan saw these two characters, and my heart was loose, but soon, she felt exhausted. At that minute, the nervous pressure made her heart consume a lot.

The two characters disappeared again, and new problems appeared, but they were not difficult, because it was obviously a self-introduction.

"Name: Ling Lan!"

"Father: Ling Xiao!"

"Mother: Lan Luofeng!"

"Age: 7 years old!"

"What is your father's favorite?" The fifth question made Ling Lan stunned, began to stop the brush in his hand, and began to recall the words of Lan Luofeng.

"Ling Lan baby, do you know what your father's hobby is?" Lan Luofeng held Ling Lan, picked up her photo with Ling Xiao, and asked with a smile.

Ling Lan secretly turned a blind eye, her mother did not say it again, how she knows.

"Your father likes armor very much. It can even be said that in addition to mech and mech in his life. Mom sometimes eats his armor vinegar, but your father is the most handsome when driving the mech, no one. It’s better than him.” Blue mother started to make a flower idiot, and looked intoxicated, so that Xiao Linglan, who was only one year old, took a bright smile in the photo with a small hand.

"Bad water!" Ling Lan whispered, once she talked about her father, her mother would not be able to settle.

"However, your father's favorite is me, do you know? Your father told me that if I had to make a choice between me and me, he would not hesitate to give up the mech and choose me." When Lan Luofeng said this, his face was red and awkward. "When I see him, I will let him give up the mech, always accompany me... he promised."

Ling Lan felt a faint sorrow Love to the depths, so can not accept the other's death, Lan Luofeng every time talking about Ling Xiao, it is as if he traveled in the distance, did not really leave.

Dad's favorite is mother, isn't it? This is also the hope of my mother. Ling Lan sighed and wrote the words of Lan Luofeng directly after his father liked it.

However, the next question has made Ling Lan a headache. How to pass on the task is so weird?

"Your mother's sleep habits?" This question, Ling Ling could not help but pumping his face, and the words of the teeth were not hesitate to write up.

After Ling Lan wrote the pen, the last question appeared on the white paper: "Do you need to change the answer?"

Ling Lan wrote off whether or not, when the last cross was finished, Ling Lan’s brush instantly turned into black fog and disappeared, and the text on the paper disappeared again.

Then, a new line of writing appeared on the white paper.

"Congratulations on entering the next level!" rs! ~! ()

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