“What should we do next?”

After Sankara thought for a while, he had a preliminary idea in his mind, and then he said:

“The FNL suddenly retreated across the board. Due to lack of intelligence, we don’t know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourd. Under normal circumstances, we really shouldn’t rush to attack the areas they control.

However, this is not normal! Due to the existence of the anti-government coalition, for the sake of overall stability, we cannot deal with Claude and the others immediately.

If they are allowed to idle, with the current resources in their hands, the strength of their subordinates will definitely expand unprecedentedly during this period, and it will only be more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, we cannot let them idle. We should order them to immediately launch an attack on the areas controlled by the FNL and regain their lost ground.

In this case, we can not only continue to weaken Claude and the others, but also figure out what kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd of the FNL. ”

Sankara’s method is essentially the same as that of Jean-Claude and others who defended the FNL attack in Nigeria.

But precisely because there was no difference, Claude and the others would not refuse due to inertial thinking.

This is the so-called “everyone is dead”, “everyone is here”, “older for the New Year”, “children are still young”, Claude and his brains would actually think the same thing before they reacted.


After listening to Sankara’s ideas, Catele also thought of a way. He was a little excited and said as if he was making up for his mistakes:

“President, we can’t directly issue promotion orders to Claude and the others, but can we issue promotion orders to those officers and soldiers under their command who fought bravely?

The combat effectiveness of the old-style army was supported by these backbones. Most of the rest were just fishers in troubled waters. They could run faster than anyone with the wind, and they could also run faster with the wind.

As long as we remove these backbones, their troops may not have much fighting power left! ”

Hearing what Carter said.

Sankara’s eyes lit up instantly.

This is indeed a good idea!

It can only be said that Cartel’s mind is indeed not stupid, but very smart. It’s just that sometimes he fails to turn around, or as mentioned before, he habitually thinks in a martial way.

So Sankara immediately replied:

“This method is indeed possible! But we should not issue too many promotion orders at one time. If we transfer too many at one time, Claude and the others will definitely object.

We would select three or four at a time and use blunt knives to cut the flesh, just dozens more times. In this way, even if Claude and the others knew our purpose, they would not be able to directly object and would have to be slowly cut to death by us.

As for these transferred officers and soldiers, let them all join the Army Senior Officer School. They are all rare talents and cannot be wasted! ”

Army Academy.

After Sankara came to power, he asked the Ministry of Defense to take the lead in establishing a military school to train officers for the army.

The investment is huge, close to two billion North African CFA francs.

Originally, the Ministry of National Defense wanted five billion, but the Ministry of Finance rejected it outright.

Nearly half of the funds were used to hire instructors from the Soviet Union, and the remaining funds were used to build teaching facilities.

So far, the foundation has been laid, but it may still take half a year before it is officially repaired!

During the past six months, all trainees admitted to the Army Senior Officers School were placed by the Ministry of National Defense in a military camp to attend classes.

Currently, 98 trainees drawn from all over the country are learning the most advanced military concepts in the world under the guidance of Soviet instructors.

Moreover, Sankara was also planning to send the top ten students of each session to study abroad in the Soviet Union at a huge expense.

If possible, he would also like to send him to a certain eastern country to study.

For some well-known reasons, the army of the great eastern country is recognized as the strongest light infantry in the world!

It’s the soldiers of the Confederate States of America. They have nightmares when they see it!

Before Catele could answer, Sankara spoke again:

“Forget it, how many good ideas can we think of? Go and call all the staff from the Ministry of National Defense. Let’s brainstorm together and try to come up with a practical plan before tomorrow!”

“Yes, President!”

at the same time.

France fourthRepublic, Alice Palace.

North African OSS.

It’s still that familiar conference room.

Those same familiar intelligence officers.

However, the warm air blown by the expensive air conditioners in the luxurious conference room warmed the bodies of these intelligence officers, but it could not warm their hearts.

At this moment.

All of them have a cold heart!

It’s like being thrown to the North Pole or Antarctica, where it freezes into blocks of ice that can’t be broken!

“Who can tell me? Why is this happening?”

The director sitting in the main seat asked.

It could be seen from his eyes that he was a little broken at this time, but he was more angry.


All the intelligence officers lowered their heads, and no one was willing to stand up and answer.

The huge conference room, after the director’s words fell, was as quiet as a ghost, which made people feel a little creepy.

Seeing that no one was willing to answer, the director pointed to someone casually and said:

“You! Just you, stand up and answer my question!”


The intelligence officer hesitated and hesitated for a long time, and finally stood up.

But looking at him, he looked like a condemned prisoner rushing to the execution ground, ready to lose his head.

The intelligence officer sorted out the words in his mind and answered carefully:

“The intelligence we have received so far is that because we could not withstand such huge casualties every day, the mercenaries we sent to the FNL, in a fit of anger, killed the senior officials of the FNL who opposed the retreat, and then retreated with the FNL. ”


The director felt that he was mentally prepared for everything, but when he heard these words from the intelligence officer, he suddenly realized that he might not be ready yet.

The forces he supported were all killed by the people he sent because he resolutely carried out his orders?

How could something so outrageous happen in this world! ?

It’s true that only movies and novels need logic, reality doesn’t need logic at all! ?

Now, his heart is not only feeling cold and cold.

And I started to feel cramping pain, as if someone pinched me suddenly with my hand.

“Such huge casualties every day? To put it bluntly, how many people die and how many people are injured every day will make the people we send unable to bear it, and even mutiny!”

the director asked angrily.

“According to the information we have received so far, the FNL has been killing an average of 150 to 200 people and injuring about 400 people every day in the past few days. And the mercenaries we sent have been killing an average of more than 40 people every day. More than 150 people were injured.”


Upon hearing this data, the director was completely stunned.

Are you sure they are hitting an African country?

If he wasn’t the leader behind everything, he would have thought that he was fighting against some industrial country with a strong military power!

Is this still the Republic of Burkina he remembers?

Could it be that I haven’t woken up yet and am actually still in a dream? ?

“How could there be such a large number of casualties? Are you sure the data you got is true? It’s not something the guys below are hiding, right?”

The director had doubts about life for a long time, but in the end he was still unwilling to believe this data.


The intelligence officer hesitated for a moment, and finally answered helplessly:

“We didn’t want to believe it at first, but the people we sent to verify told us the data was even more outrageous than this.”

“…” Director.

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