Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 211: Recruitment methods

Shen Meng is trying to recruit Ising as an elite monster ... other guilds and other passersby are trying to do the same thing.

Players are actually very chicken thieves. They do n’t need Jiangqiao to make any announcements to remind them. They understand that they are copying the law-stealer ’s ruins ... not for leveling or for better equipment, but to grab people. of.

The grabbing here is not really a hard grab.

Because players know that there are two options for the law thief to become an NPC in the talent market. The first is to give the law thief as a prisoner to Eloy played by Queen Mey.

With this option, thieves have a chance to be converted into recruitable targets in the talent market.

But in this way, the player who got this law stealer back to complete the task was rewarded with only the little fish or meat done by Miss Cat. This law stealer would not belong to the player.

So most players choose the second option, which is to bring the law-stealer to Daddy Downer. After identifying his qualifications, Daddy will give priority to the players brought back to hire them.

This is the case of the two Dragon Whisper sisters.

But the second option has a premise that the law stealers must be voluntary!

So when the players of the mechanism are fighting the law stealers ... like pop-up windows of some software, crazy and law stealers are forcing job advertisements.

Now Jiangqiao has a glance at his current channel, which is even more lively than the World Channel ... The channels are refreshing the advertisements of various guilds, and Jiangqiao's ears are screaming one after another ... as if walking into a crowded dish market.

"Nanfeng is roaring in the front row! Brother Xiong! Our sister is more than three times that of other guilds. Are you interested in adding one?"

"I'm afraid it's not all shemales."

"Holy Spirit! What do you mean by the shemale?"

"Shemale? I ’m here to explain it to you, Big Bear Brother, and I ’ve explained everything to you. Do n’t fight!"

While Jiang Qiao directed his fire spirit and wind spirit to meet the three elite law stealers, he listened to the applause from other players.

At this moment ... Jiang Qiao really wanted to mute the game before playing, because Jiang Qiao was really annoying.

The same annoyance is not limited to the Jiangqiao, almost all law-stealers in the entire battlefield have entered a violent state.

The reason why players say so hard is because they almost popped up a translucent window when they were fighting the law stealers.

Each of the three options in the window has an option to try to recruit, but the probability of this option is very small without exception, up to no more than three percent.

In fact, this probability is the possibility that Jiang Qiao wants to try, that is, whether there are any people who are willing to leave Dunhills' control among the group of law stealers loyal to Dunhills.

But as things stand now, the odds are zero ...

"Damn demon! I won't let you destroy our city!"

A voice sounded near Jiangqiao's ears. A tall law-stealer suddenly rushed to Jiangqiao. The power he copied was the power of the Exorcist's Four Gods, but he seemed to use a power Exorcist.

So when Jiang Qiao looked up, he saw a big axe knocking at his head.

Why is it me again?

This question mark appeared in Jiang Qiao's head. Jiang Qiao's output in the team was not high, and it was not conspicuous. He was purely a bastard, but why did these monsters stare at themselves and kill?

The earth spirit appeared in front of Jiangqiao, but the axe directly knocked the earth spirit of Jiangqiao into fragments, but this axe did not hit Jiangqiao, because Mo Shi returned!

Mo Shigui began to move when the thief waved his axe. When he broke through the line of defense and arrived at the rear mage camp, Mo Shigui also arrived at the same time.

The giant axe struck Mo Shigui's shield heavily, and the ground veins under Mo Shigui's feet could not bear the huge force breaking apart ...

"His blood is running low! Keep up with the output!" Mo Shigui shouted into the guild channel.

Some highly charming players in the Raiders group are also trying to recruit these law stealers, but in Mo Shi ’s opinion, it is too small to look at the probability.

The explosion of flames and laser cannons erupted behind the thief. He was just an elite monster with less than 20,000 blood left.

He stepped forward with a sting, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground.

But the arm of the thief's left hand ... has grown a crystallized barb.

"Second stage? Is this the skill of the law stealer?" The first time I saw a change in the appearance of a black pot cooker.

"None of that profession ..." Mo Shigui watched the law-stealing man who was gradually becoming violent and shouted "Fish White! Wake up!"

Yu Bai is a Sanda player who jumps into the nucleus, and his sense of existence is relatively weak ... but now he directly kicked to the law stealer elite who was about to enter the second stage.

Valkyrie kick! The strongest single output skill in the Holy Spirit.

A 34,000 injury jumped from the thief's head, and he was only kicked a few steps forward and stopped as if nothing had happened.

But he has only the last 103 points of his health ... which also shows that he is unable to continue fighting.

The thief's huge body fell to the ground ... Mo Shi returned to him and glanced at his name.

‘Malker, the thief elite. ’

Mo Shigui pointed the sword-stealer with his sword ... He fell to the ground without even the power to get up, but UU reading still stared at Mo Shigui with fierce eyes.

"President, I think he should persuade the fluffy rabbit?" The black pot cooker scratched his head and scratched his head. The strong man stealer was their main recruit, but no matter how the black pot cooker forced him, he Neither responded to black pot cooking.


Mo Shigui took back his weapon and walked towards the distant city wall, but the step-stealer caught Mo Shigui's ankle just after taking a step.

"I won't let you destroy the walls!"

He seemed to really want to protect his compatriots behind the wall.

But the moment he returned to his ankle when he grabbed Mo, there was a sudden thundering sound in the distance, and at the same time, something broke into a residue.

Under the desperate gaze of the law-stealer ... After the smoke cleared, a huge empty gap appeared in the far wall.

"Is the wall so explosive? I thought it would be destroyed by us like a battle of gods."

"Did it trigger the plot?"

The people beating the nucleus were also very surprised by the sudden collapse of the city wall.

But the accident came by accident ... Other members of the guild also realized that these law thieves as combatants were not so convincing! But the law-stealing civilians inside are different!

Mo Shigui glanced at the elite monster who fell to the ground and held his ankle. A dialog box popped up in front of his eyes. There was an option in the dialog box ... Mo Shigui liked it ... that is ...

"When you can stand up again, try to stop me."

Mo Shigui kicked away the law stealer in the way of the option, and signaled that the members of his guild would directly attack the law stealer town behind the city wall.

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