Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 218 Winning Europe and the United States, the five major competition areas

After the first time and the second time, Xu Changming had completely let go.

After winning two awards in a row, the game Racial Hegemony would instantly become the darling of all media. He didn't dare to imagine how popular it would be when he returned.

Recommendations on the official platform, numerous positive comments from players, and all kinds of foreseeable pictures came to him, almost instantly going to his head, and he couldn't help but stand up, clenched his fists, and shouted.

The major overseas manufacturers present did not expect that a small company that they considered unknown could win two awards in a row. They couldn't help but become curious and cast curious glances.

The agents who were originally interested in representing Racial Hegemony are now laughing from ear to ear, and are mentally evaluating the price increase.

However, this is just the beginning.

Today, the name of Moyu Company is destined to be resounding in the sky.

Next, will be the last award today, and the most important award. After 56 judges combined various performances, in the end, the best game of the year is

Gods and Gods!


The venue was in an uproar.

The award that attracted the most attention from tourists at E3, the jewel with the highest Game Critics Award, was once again won by Moyu Company, and it was also a Chinese company!

This is the first time since E3!

The scene exploded instantly.

The cameras in the hands of various media outlets kept flashing, and countless players were inquiring about the situation.

They never thought that a game from China could break through countless 3A masterpieces and win the 2008 Best Game Award!

Reporters from domestic gaming media have already started writing articles.

Maybe in just ten minutes, the latest news will arrive on the Internet.

The names of these two games, Gods and Gods and Racial Hegemony, will be known to countless players, and Moyu Company also showed its fangs in the world for the first time.

The penguins are in the audience.

Duan Yuanfeng sighed.


I didn't expect that I actually won the best game. Once I get this award, it will be extremely difficult for Peak of Glory to get ahead.

“Is it true that MOBA games are so fat that they can’t even take a bite?”

Although he did not have a direct conversation with Mo Yu, Duan Yuanfeng knew that he lost during E3.

One of his plans was to participate in E3 and win the award. He wanted to take advantage of the award to launch the game and attract a wave of users.

Although there were some twists and turns, the purpose of the plan was achieved.

But he never expected it.

Opponents get more and better prizes!

I wasted so much energy just to win one award, but in the end, I won three simply based on my strength!

The popularity of Peak of Glory has been suppressed. Now that it is launched, the effect will be greatly reduced!


Time is destiny!

Duan Yuanfeng let out a long sigh.

For a moment, he couldn't think of a better way. It was imminent to launch Peak of Glory online, but now that something like this has happened, all the attention has been sucked away. Whether it can achieve the expected goal is difficult to predict!

The awards were announced not long ago.

On the same day, many on-site reports were released in domestic news media.

E3 is originally the largest exhibition in the industry, and the Game Critics Award is also the most authoritative award in the industry. Now that three games have won the award, it has quickly caused an uproar.

Many professionals personally participated in the evaluation and ultimately gave very high evaluations.

Discussions also started among players.

The final result can be imagined.

The game Peak of Glory is unknown overseas, but domestic players know it very well. Even if Penguin spends money to vigorously promote it, it will not have much effect, and players will not believe it at all.

Everyone knows it was copied.

In addition, in recent days, some articles about suspected plagiarism of Penguin games have been circulated on the Internet, and the majority of netizens will not buy it.

On the contrary, the number of users of Gods and Gods has once again experienced a huge surge, with the total number of registered users increasing by hundreds of thousands every day!

As for Racial Hegemony, the news of winning the award has also spread, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Chen Rucheng, who was left behind in China, made a prompt decision and immediately went online after asking Mo Yu for instructions.

In just one hour, the 80 yuan game sold 20,000 copies, which directly exceeded the sales volume in the months before the remake. It even sold more than 150,000 copies on the same day, and subsequent sales continued to rise.

The comment section received rave reviews.

Unique gameplay, choices of war strategies, matching tactics of various races, exciting single-player battles, exciting ladders, plus several TD, defense, RPG and other maps, it is an instant hit.

Even the high selling price cannot resist the enthusiasm of players to buy it.

On the official platform's stand-alone game sales statistics list, Racial Hegemony has been soaring all the way up, and its growth continues!


Inside a Michelin three-star restaurant.

Mo Yu is entertaining two distinguished guests.

One is Thomas, the European agent distributor of Gods and Gods, responsible for the agent distribution in all countries in Western Europe, with a price of 15 million US dollars per year.

One is named Li An, an agent distributor in North America, responsible for all operations and maintenance of the game in North America, with a price of US$18 million per year.

In addition, the two also acted as agents for the sales of Racial Hegemony in two regions, and the prices were also high.

In these two regions alone, the two games will bring hundreds of millions of net income to Moyu every year.

After drinking and eating for a while, the three of them sipped red wine and talked about business.

Two, let's celebrate our cooperation. Mo Yu raised his glass and smiled.

The two also raised their glasses.

After taking a sip, Mo Yu put down the glass.

Now that we have signed a contract, some of the terms in the contract must be clear. As long as you can cooperate with the headquarters to establish a competition system, the future of the game will be far more than this, and the revenue it brings every year will far exceed the current level.

Of course, I firmly agree with your point of view, Mr. Mo. Thomas said: The performance at the exhibition has proven everything. E-sports competitions will bring GAG to a terrifying height.

Ryan also said: GAG will be the most popular game in the world in the future. It is precisely because I always believe that that I am willing to do whatever it takes.

40 million in South Korea and 30 million in Southeast Asia. The units are all soft currency.

Although Europe and North America have more developed economies, the price of more than 10 million US dollars is far beyond that, and even more than that. The agency fees will change every year even during the contract period. Of the money earned, 25% of the net profit needs to be distributed to the fishing company every year.

In South Korea and Southeast Asia, it is even higher, with an annual share of 35%!

Don't think this number is high.

The previous World of Warcraft spent a total of nearly 70 million U.S. dollars during the 4-year period in Ninetowns, but it earned more than 2 billion soft sister coins. During NetEase, it was rumored that Ding Sanshi spent as much as 280 million U.S. dollars on this, and the profit The share is also above 20%!

Now that Gods and Gods has reached the first place in popularity in China, this price is really a conscientious price.

That's good! Mo Yu nodded: Now we are all in the same boat. For the common interests, I hope you can abide by the headquarters' decision.

No problem, if the headquarters has any requests, just ask!

Both of them expressed their opinions.

very good.

Mo Yu was deeply satisfied.

Among all the agents, Thomas and Ryan's bids were not the highest, but their attitude was definitely the most sincere.

For the planning of the competition system, I divided the world into five major competition areas, namely the Chinese competition area, the Korean competition area, the North American competition area, the European competition area, and the Southeast Asian competition area. In addition, other small competition areas will be established based on the game agent situation.

As for the five major competition areas, I will send people to guide the agents in each competition area to jointly establish a competition system.

The company's current requirements for the five major regions are to hold as many competitions as possible and cultivate professional teams. We strive to develop at least 2-3 regular teams with e-sports as a position or composed of five fixed players before this year.

Now that we have reached a cooperation agreement, I won't lie to you. The planning of the competition system in the five major competition areas is much more than this. However, the current situation is not suitable for a deeper competition system. The (three sounds) reform must be started from scratch. !”

Then how should we set up a competition system and cultivate professional teams? Thomas asked.

Mo Yu said: This involves the cup competition system that is currently tentatively implemented! That is, the three levels of ABC competitions will be hosted by the agent or organized by the agent itself! However, at this stage, except for those recognized by the head office, no one can No authorization is allowed, only agents in each competition area are allowed to organize it themselves!

Organize it yourself?

Both of them looked a bit ugly. They also knew about the cup system. Each level of competition has rigid regulations and costs a lot of money. Now that the agency fees have been spent a lot, and there is a competition to be held, who will pay for it?

Of course Mo Yu saw the difficulties the two of them had, but he had already thought of a way.

Don't worry, I know it costs a lot to set up the competition. Considering the actual situation, except for the prize money, all other conditions of the competition can be simplified, and there is no requirement to meet the prescribed amount of competition expenses.

There is no online live broadcast in Europe and the United States, and it is not that easy to get live broadcasts of e-sports competitions on TV. The reputation has not yet been established, and sponsors will definitely not see it. Therefore, as long as the bonus is reached, Mo Yu can relax his requirements on other aspects.

There are no requirements for professional competition venues, professional stages, no spectators, and no requirements for food and accommodation. In addition to meeting the bonus, you can even hold the competition in an Internet cafe!

Anyway, the prize money is in place, and the players participating in the competition don't really care about those things, at most they are a little simple!

in addition.

You can find a way to invite people from the TV channel to live broadcast. If you can do it, it will be very good for promoting the event!

And my live broadcast platform will also provide a broadcast fee. At the same time, you can also think of ways to sponsor the competition. As long as it is not a criminal advertiser that affects the reputation of the event, the company will not stop it!

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