Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 212 Going to Los Santos

The contract signing with Guangding Entertainment went very smoothly.

The two parties agreed that at a price of 30 million per year, Guangding Entertainment will obtain the agency rights of Gods and Gods in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. At the same time, it will cooperate with Moyu Company in all game-related planning activities and organize competitions. Before the Lunar New Year, at least two B-level events and one A-level or above event will be held.

And an event organization department was established to prepare for the establishment of an event system in the future.

The contract must be good, word got out quickly.

Neither Chen Ou nor Wei Lei expected that Mo Yu would choose Guangding Entertainment in the end. They were upset, sighing that they had made a mistake, and feeling envious that Guangding had gotten such a big project.

Many game manufacturers in Southeast Asia are very concerned about this matter, because although Gods and Gods does not have a Southeast Asian server, the popularity of the game in China has already been noticed by overseas players.

Especially in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, many players have already jumped over the wall and entered the Chinese server to play, but they are always separated by a wall. Now as soon as the news spread, they immediately rushed to tell each other and started celebrating online. They couldn't wait.

Anyway, according to the game backend IP address statistics, there are at least tens of thousands of accounts in these three places!

Won the agency in Southeast Asia.

The E3 exhibition is also imminent.

This annual game event has been known as the Spring Festival Gala of the game industry since its inception. It is the largest and most influential interactive entertainment trade exhibition for computer and video games and related products in the world. It has a high status in the entertainment industry and is also known as the Oscar in the electronic entertainment industry.

There are many manufacturers participating in the exhibition, not only tourists, but also many businessmen from various countries. It is more like a large-scale product exhibition!

Many manufacturers will display their company's new products at exhibitions to attract interested businessmen to cooperate, gain media attention, and build momentum for new products.

It’s just that in the previous life, after three years of great epidemics and various show-related manipulations, E3 gradually declined. In addition, as the Internet became more and more developed, many manufacturers had their own online publishing platforms and no longer needed offline exhibitions. A press conference was held to release new products, so in 2023, several major manufacturers announced that they would no longer participate in the exhibition, and the exhibition organizers had no choice but to simply cancel the exhibition that year.

But that was a previous life. In this world, E3 is still the most influential exhibition!

Now that the review application has been approved, Moyu Company has obtained the qualification to host the exhibition, and paid a large amount of money to get a barely acceptable booth location.

Mo Yu attached great importance to this exhibition. He prepared a lot of things in advance and arranged many exhibition matters with everyone. After being fully prepared, he transferred from Jingzhou, passed through the Magic City, and flew directly to the United States.

In addition to himself, the exhibitors include Yang Qiu, who is responsible for on-site organization; Xu Changming, who is responsible for Racial Hegemony; Tian Weiwei, who serves as the host; and Ren Dong, the Immortal Grip, who is also on-site. The host, there is also Aunt Yu Shuang, the female host, and several newly recruited English commentators.

This group of people are all newly recruited personnel in the competition field, and they all belong to the competition organization department led by Yang Qiu.

In addition, there are several staff members of Moyu Live, who will broadcast the game live to attract popularity. The rest are other staff and translators.

Finally, when I arrived in the United States, I had to hire part-time workers, models, etc.

It can be said to be huge in scale.

At the same time, during this exhibition, the progress of the three major cup competitions will be broadcast live.

In order to gather popularity and build fame, there are only two days of rest between the three major cup competitions, which is very compact, in order to bring them all together to form a super event that lasts for several months.


While the main competition of the Xiaofeng Cup is being held, the audition stage of the Lao Gan Daddy Cup has also begun. Non-promoted teams can continue to participate in the auditions, and the promoted teams will automatically be invited to the next level of competition.


During the E3 exhibition, it happened to be the Xiaofeng Cup finals and the subsequent Lao Ganba Cup group stage.

Mo Yu wants to use the live broadcast of the cup game to attract visitors to the exhibition, and then use a few newcomers who have been trained to commentate in English, using the same tone as explaining the NBA to explain the event, create a stadium atmosphere in the venue, so as to attract popularity, and finally use the high popularity to impress For exhibitors, it is best to win an award.

Europeans and Americans also like to watch the excitement, and young people also like to play. Now that something as new as e-sports competitions appears at the exhibition, if it can't catch the attention of tourists, Mo Yu's name will be written upside down!

Such a multi-pronged approach can attract agents from all over the world to the maximum extent and win over agents in major regions in one fell swoop.

Downstairs of the company.

There is already a bus waiting.

Mo Yu was followed by dozens of people, many of whom had never been abroad.

At this time in 2008, going abroad was still a very high-profile thing, and these staff members cherished this opportunity very much.

Looking across the audience, Mo Yu raised his arms and shouted.

Set off!

Carrying large and small bags, everyone rushed into the car one by one and headed straight to the airport.

On the plane.

Mr. Mo, the E3 exhibition is divided into five venues in total, the South Hall, the West Hall, the North Hall, the Concourse Hall, and the Petree Hall. The most important one is the South Hall. Many major manufacturers are concentrated here, such as Microsoft and EA. , Capcom, etc., it is also the largest exhibition area.”

The West Pavilion is the second largest exhibition area. Nintendo and Sony are here, accounting for almost half of the entire pavilion.

The North Hall is the exhibition hall with the highest density of on-site manufacturers. Many game manufacturers from Europe and Asia are concentrated here, and our company is also here.

The remaining two venues are less important exhibition areas.

Yang Qiuhui reports.

Mo Yu sighed after hearing this: Even though we are already considered a big manufacturer in China, we still don't have much reputation internationally, so we are actually placed in the North Pavilion.

There is no way. Yang Qiu shook his head: The South and West Halls are both world-renowned manufacturers. These people make games, computers, and software. They are all super leaders in the electronics industry. Compared with giants, our company still has a long way to go.”

Besides, maybe we have a greater advantage in the North Hall.

Large factories are highly competitive, and tourists used to be attracted by them. There is no way for small factories to survive. On the contrary, the North Pavilion is full of small factories, and we have a better chance of making a blockbuster success!

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this and said: Listening to your analysis, do we have a huge advantage? Haha, this can be considered a good psychological comfort.

Yang Qiu shook his head and sighed: It's just fun in the midst of suffering!

To find joy in suffering is to find joy in suffering. Mo Yu waved his hand and said: Things are planned by people, and accomplished by God. We have done what we can do, and the rest depends on God's will! If God wants me to win, I will win, God's will If you want me to lose, then there’s no such thing as God’s will! My fate is up to me and I can’t help it!”

Yang Qiu was stunned when he heard this.

Mo Yu laughed loudly: God's will? I want man to conquer heaven!

After dozens of hours of sailing.

The plane finally landed in Los Santos.

The employees who had been dispatched in advance had contacted the vehicles and hotels and were waiting outside the airport. As soon as everyone landed, they would immediately take them to the hotel to rest, get rid of jet lag, and get acclimated.

After such a long voyage, everyone who had been in high spirits before departure was very tired. At this time, everyone was dragging their suitcases behind them and walking feebly.

This kind of fatigue is not physical, but mental.

Mo Yu didn't say much when he saw this, and immediately asked someone to arrange the departure.

Before departure.

In the distance, another group of people walked out of the airport. Under the light, Mo Yu always felt that the leader was a bit familiar.

Do you recognize that person?

He pointed into the distance and motioned Yang Qiu to look.

Yang Qiu didn't pay attention at first, but now that he reminded him, he followed his gaze and couldn't help but said in surprise: It's him? Duan Yuanfeng, Penguin's game director!

In real life, E3 had a scandal in 0708, and ordinary tourists were not allowed to enter. This made many manufacturers unhappy and did not participate at all in those two years. In addition, the North Pavilion was originally called the Knenti Pavilion. It was too troublesome to type in English, so it was simply written as Bei. Pavilion; thirdly, Penguin did not participate in E3 until 2018, but a wave of plots were arranged here, so there were some modifications.

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