Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 210 Quotation

Incredible, really incredible! Wang Tianding sighed repeatedly: This is the first time I have seen a game competition on such a huge scale. It is unheard of and breathtaking! From this we can know that the game Gods and Gods How hot is it!”

Speaking of which, Mr. Mo, does the 180,000 number in the upper right corner mean the number of viewers?

Wang Tian pointed at the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, where a number of 180,000 was constantly beating.

Mo Yu heard this and said in the elevator: Well, what is displayed there is the current number of people in the live broadcast room.

That means there are 180,000 people watching the game like us right now? Wang Tianding exclaimed, Is it true or false?

Of course it's true. Mo Yu nodded without hesitation: The statistics of each live broadcast room of Moyu Live are absolutely true, and there is no fraud!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several people present were straightened.

Zhou Xigu and Fu Bangzhi looked at each other, each with a certain look in their eyes, apparently more determined to continue sponsoring e-sports competitions.

Chen Ou and Wei Lei had a look of amazement on their faces.

Wang Tianding was the most enthusiastic: Awesome! This is the first time I have seen this kind of gameplay in my life. It seems that the game Gods and Gods is really extraordinary.

This is natural. Mo Yu nodded slightly: Gods and Gods is definitely the most popular game in China right now!

His eyes swept over several people, carefully observing the changes in their expressions, and found that they all showed a look of approval on their faces.

In an instant, he knew that it was the Xiaofeng Cup live broadcast that had moved several people. No matter what they thought originally, they must have rejected them all now and had new ideas, and wanted to compete for the agency in Southeast Asia.

No way, Gods and Gods performed too well.

All kinds of data were laid out clearly and unmistakably in front of them through the live broadcast.

The data cited by Mo Yu before were not proven, and they may not believe it yet, but seeing this live broadcast is believing. For a game with 180,000 people watching the game, how many real players are behind it?

It’s simply hard to estimate!

Tapping his fingers on the table, Mo Yu decided to speak directly and clarify his purpose.

Mr. Chen, Mr. Wei, and Mr. Wang, I won't say any more. I think you all know why we are all gathered together today. I can guarantee that there is no fraud in the data of this live broadcast. Gao Feng The number of spectators during the game exceeds 100,000.”

If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself!

The popularity of Gods and Gods in China is absolutely unique. Even in the world, there are few games that can reach such heights.

I believe there are many things that I have investigated and have a good idea of. I won't say anything redundant. I have ideas for Southeast Asia and I hope to reach cooperation with one of the three of you!

It was late at night when the banquet dispersed.

Mo Yu thought that he had definitely impressed the three of them tonight. As long as they were not stupid, the agency matter would definitely be discussed.

“I just don’t know who it would be best to cooperate with.”

After spitting out the smell of alcohol in his belly, Mo Yu took a sip of water and slowly fell asleep.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, while Mo Yu was still sleeping, he heard a knock on the door from his men.

What's up?

After Mo Yu washed up, he let the person in.

The assistant reported softly: Mr. Wei from Raya Games is here.


Mo Yu frowned, feeling a little strange.

After last night's live broadcast, he knew that he didn't need to visit one by one. Someone would definitely come to him, but he didn't expect that Wei Lei would come first. After all, Wang Tianding's performance last night was too enthusiastic.

Forget it, the buyer has no idea. I, the door-to-door salesman, have lost my value. Let's see what Wei Lei has to say first.

Mo Yu was convinced and said to his assistant: Let Mr. Wei come in.

A few minutes later, Wei Lei pushed the door open and entered.

Mr. Mo!

Wei Lei was smiling, and Mo Yu invited him to take a seat.

The two exchanged a few simple pleasantries and quickly got down to business.

The Southeast Asian market has huge potential. Mr. Wei, I won't hide it from you. Gods and Gods will definitely spread all over the world in the future. I believe that after what happened last night, you have also made a judgment in your mind whether it is worth doing. You might as well be more direct. Mo Yu said.

Mr. Mo is quick to speak. Well, I won't be polite. Wei Lei put away his smile and said sternly: Although I am far away in Taiwan, I have heard about the game Gods and Gods, but I still have it in my heart. I don’t have much of an impression, but after last night, it was an eye-opener.”

Twenty-five million a year, one signing every five years, this is the price I offer!

Mo Yu frowned when he heard this.

The price was far from what he thought.

In his mind, the game market in Southeast Asia is no worse than South Korea. Even South Korea signed a contract for 40 million, and the price is still floating. The 25 million in Southeast Asia really cannot tempt him.

Coupled with the team's investigation report on Wei Lei, it is even more impossible for Mo Yu to accept it.

Let's take a look at this report.

After thinking about it, Mo Yu stood up and picked up a data report from the table.

The data in the report is various detailed data on the national server and Korean server of Gods and Gods in the past year. They are all the latest statistics that are kept secret. The above data are all true. I think Mr. Wei must have seen them. I’ll have new ideas after I finish.”

Then I'd like to see it.

Wei Lei took the information with great interest.

After a moment, he slowly put it down, frowning and thinking carefully.

When Mo Yu saw this, he didn't bother him and walked to the side to have breakfast.

The statistics in the data report he gave to Wei Lei were all top-secret information, including revenue, daily active users, total users, number of people online at the same time, number of games, competition system, etc.

The content in it can be said to be all-inclusive, including all statistics on all aspects of Gods and Gods.

25 million wants to get this kind of data in the game, it can only be said that Wei Lei is fanciful.

ten minutes later.

After Mo Yu finished breakfast, he looked at Wei Lei again. At this time, the other person obviously had a new idea.

Mr. Wei, how are you? Mo Yu leaned on the sofa and sipped the boiled water.

I was drunk last night, my throat was dry, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

Wei Lei heard the question, thought for a few seconds, and then offered a new price.

With 30 million, I can cooperate with Moyu Company to build an e-sports system in Southeast Asia!

No! Mo Yu flatly refused: Han Guo's authorized agency fee for Gods and Gods is 40 million a year, and I want to win 30 million in Southeast Asia. I can only say sorry!

This price is completely unattractive. If Mr. Wei cannot offer a higher price, I think this cooperation may not be concluded.

Feel sorry!

Mo Yu shook his head.

Wei Lei argued: Raya Games has been operating in the Southeast Asian market for many years and has a lot of experience. Although Gods and Gods performed well in China and South Korea, no game can be popular with everyone. I am also very worried about the price of 30 million. Big risk.”

Mr. Mo, if you want to eat meat, you have to leave some soup for Rhea, right?

With 30 million, Rhea will get more than just soup. Even if it is doubled, he will still have meat to eat. Mo Yu said with a smile: I won't talk about the domestic revenue of Gods and Gods last year, just talk about South Korea. , it’s been less than a year since it went online, and it’s already filled with food, not to mention the soup, and the meat is filling up your stomach!”

And I can guarantee that the game Gods and Gods will never be acclimated to any local environment. It will be welcomed by users in any region!

Wei Lei asked: Where does Mr. Mo get his confidence?

Mo Yu smiled slightly and pointed to the data report: The data gives me confidence!

In addition, the memory of his previous life also gave him confidence!

But of course it’s hard to say this.

Wei Lei was stunned when he heard the words and didn't know how to refute.

In terms of data, the various data of Gods and Gods are really good. The annual revenue of the Chinese server is more than one billion. Just one game is comparable to more than a dozen games from other companies, and it is also available in the Korean server. 20 billion Korean won, converted into soft sister coins, is equal to more than a small target.

With an agency price of 40 million, Kim Tae-ho wakes up with a smile every day, and the chaebol group behind him is even more applauded.

With the capabilities of the Southeast Asian game market, if the operation is done well, it will only be more than the Korean server, not less than him!

Mr. Wei, the real data are before you. You can go and investigate. If there is even half a discrepancy, I will unconditionally accept your offer. I will stay on the island for a while. If you change your mind, then I will How about getting in touch again?”

Mo Yu stood up to see off the guests.

Seeing this, Wei Lei also knew that there would be no negotiation today, and sighed slightly: The potential of Gods and Gods is really unlimited. I like it very much, but there is nothing I can do if I can't agree on the price. I'm sorry to bother you.

It's okay. Mo Yu said with a smile: Buying and selling are all voluntary. I hope Mr. Wei can figure it out in the end!

Wei Lei shook his head and stood up to say goodbye.

After seeing him off, Mo Yu sat back in the room.

We can tell from Wei Lei's attitude that he is really optimistic about Gods and Gods. He came to the door in person after just one night, which can be said to be full of sincerity, but the price is too low, so Mo Yu might as well make it himself.

In the past life in Southeast Asia, although many major game companies released their games through agents, there were also many small companies that were not competitive in the country and came here and were still doing well.

Moreover, in Southeast Asia, there are many Chinese people. There are also Chinese people in power in various countries. Their culture is deeply influenced by the country. In addition, in today's modern society, the massacre cannot happen again. It is really not possible. It is not possible to set up a branch of Moyu Game. It's not impossible.

If the three companies can't negotiate, we can simply set up a branch in New Country or Vietnam and send people to run it ourselves. Anyway, this place is very close to China and is far less difficult to get along with than in Europe and the United States!

Mo Yu thought to himself.

Three days later.

We walked around the island a few times, visited several tourist attractions, and then went to Huajia to chat with Zhou Xigu and Fu Bangzhi about future e-sports competitions. The bald Wang Tianding didn't know why, but he never came. It was Chen Ou, whom Mo Yu was more optimistic about, who finally came.

As soon as Chen Ou came, he offered a price that far exceeded Rhea.

45 million a year, signed once every three years, but I have a condition. I hope Moyu Game can give up ownership in the event!

New January, nightmare begins! Subscribe and tell me that no one likes the plot about being an agent, so subscriptions dropped sharply! Well, I'll wrap it up as soon as possible, and then the first World Finals will come!

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