Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 999: Heavenly powerhouse!

Listening to the conversation between the two, whether it was Chu Yan'er or Xiao Chen, they all looked gloomy.

"You two old sticks shut up, what do you think of as my wife? Is it your bargaining chip? Chu Yunmeng is my Xiao Chen’s wife and has nothing to do with your two families. Lei Qianjue is my disciple. It's even more impossible to be loyal to you, let me hear you talk about my wife, I will do whatever it takes to cut your two old sticks!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were full of chills, these two old guys were nothing short of a thing, and I was really afraid of them!

"Boy, you're looking for death, you really think that there is an Immortal Emperor Eightfold next to you, so you can fight our two families?"

Lu Beishan's eyes showed fierce light, and the strong figure of the Lu family behind him moved slightly, and his body exuded a terrifying aura.

"Boy, let that kid be loyal to the Chu family, you and Chu Yunmeng will return to the Chu family, you can become my Chu family's son-in-law, otherwise the old man won't mind ruining you!"

Chu Wantu's expression was cold, and the powerful Chu family behind him also exuded a terrifying aura.

After feeling this terrifying aura, the strong under the Star City, who were planning to join the Star City, all fled, because they had already recognized that the people came from the two ancient clans, the Lu family and the Chu family. , And they are all strong immortal emperors.

Looking at Chu Wantu and Lu Beishan, Xiao Chen really wanted to laugh. A group of people only knew that they were lying in their nests, but they huddled in the ancient city and did not dare to go out. Xiao Chen really doubted whether they would be true when they attacked. withstand.

Xiao Chen looked at the shameless faces of the two of them and did not speak. If the other party pushed them too hard, Xiao Chen wouldn't mind killing them. In that case, the strength of several apprentices might be improved.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, Chu Wantu and Lu Beishan also stared at Xiao Chen coldly. At this moment, there was another sound of breaking air towards Sky Star City.

Man is so artificial, there is a strong breath approaching.

Soon, a group of people appeared in front of everyone. The leader was a middle-aged person, but there was a strong pressure coming from him.

"Tian Family Patriarch, Tian Shuheng, what are you doing here?"

Chu Wantu frowned after seeing the incoming person, and asked in a deep voice.

"I have seen two seniors!"

When Tian Shuheng saw Chu Wantu and Lu Beishan, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said, "Enlighten the two seniors, Xiao Chen has killed many immortal emperor masters in my heavenly family, I'm here to get him!"

With that, the Heavenly Book Heng swept across Xiao Chen, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes. Several Tianjiao and many Immortal Emperor powerhouses died in the hands of this kid. The Heavenly Family has been looking for him for a long time, and finally let him find it. .

Hearing what Tian Shuheng said, Chu Wantu and Lu Beishan were also slightly startled. Although the Heavenly Family did not look at them, the strength of the Heavenly Family was pretty good. If he could persecute this kid, maybe he would agree to let the Immortal Emperor. Yae's kid is loyal to them.

"Xiao Chen, you kill the many powerful people in my heavenly family, and you won't be able to capture them before you stop!"

Tian Shuheng stared at Xiao Chen with cold eyes!

His words shocked other people again, and he didn't expect that the city lord of Star City would even have enemies with the Heavenly Family.

"Catch it with your hands? What kind of thing is your heavenly family? This sect gives you a chance. Get out now, and this sect can spare your life!"

Hearing this, the heavenly book is stunned!

Not only him, but Chu Wantu and Lu Beishan were also taken aback.

He had already offended the Chu Family and the Lu Family, but now he is so rude, isn't he offending the Heavenly Family to death?

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