Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 991: The two married!

Time flies, and a city 100,000 miles away from Xuanbing City, many powerful people have spent less than three days, and many buildings have been built.

The outline of the city has been built, but it is only enough for people to live in. Gao Yang took the many array wizards from the Array Guild and the collected materials, and began to arrange the four-phase array.

The city was named the Star City.

At the same time, the main powerhouses of the five major guilds, the powerhouses on the wild mountain reaching above the immortal emperor, and the Tianyu Pavilion powerhouses are coming towards this Star City.

Ten months later, a city with only a thousand miles and a seemingly primitive city has ushered in many strong people.

Tianyu Pavilion five immortal emperors and one strong, plus more than 20 immortal emperors peak, hundreds of immortal emperors all came.

The five major guilds, the powerhouses of various vice-professionals, all the law protectors also arrived.

The four monsters, with the raging fire wolf, the raging mad, and the blood evil ancestors all arrived.

It is worth mentioning that the blood demon ancestors and others have already subdued and eliminated all the branches of the blood demon sect outside the ancient battlefield. At present, the blood demon sect only has one of the eight ancient cities, the blood demon city.

In addition, for the large number of alien races killed by Xiao Chen and others, their bounty hunter level has also reached platinum level, and the bounty hunting group has also reached gold level. With this, Chu Yan'er also brought a lot of resources.

After half a month, Gao Yang informed Xiao Chen that the formation was completed. As long as she activated the formation in her hand, the formation could kill the enemy. Moreover, because the area of ​​the Star City was much smaller and the materials were numerous, the four-phase formation The power of the law is much stronger than previously said, and the power below the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor can't break it at all.

Within half a month, Xiao Chen and others were not idle. Xiao Chen used the sword of good fortune and the lotus of creation to continuously improve the strength of his subordinates, and many of the powerful immortal emperors, headed by the four monsters, all took the emperor pill and broke through. Emperor Yizhong, and then each equipped with an imperial weapon, and besides this, some powerhouses who have not yet reached the peak of the immortal emperor have obtained an immortal talisman and have the opportunity to use the immortal emperor's attack.

At this point, there were nearly 80 immortal emperors in the Star City, and many immortal emperor masters, Yu Guang brought many immortal beasts to the Guild of Controlling Beasts, all of which changed and their strength greatly increased.

On this day, a piece of news spread to all the ancient cities, and everyone was very excited. The ice and snow goddess Chu Yunmeng of Xuanbing City and Lu Yucheng First Tianjiao will hold their wedding.

Everyone was excited by the news.

Lu Yucheng is the base camp of the Lu family. Lu Yucheng is magnificent and magnificent.

On this day, Lu Yu City was very lively, countless powerful people, the powers carried generous gifts, and they rushed in madly. All other ancient cities sent powerful people to come.

All to witness this scene.

In the middle martial arts field of Lu Yucheng, many powerful people from the Lu family and Chu family are in the first place, and on both sides are powerful people from other ancient cities.

The Leng Family, the Heavenly Family, the Chen Family, the Tianyang League, the Dongfang Family, and the Blood Fiend Sect all sent strong people to come. In addition, the Yin Corpse Sect, one of the nine major forces of the Immortal Domain Alliance, also sent strong people.

At the same time, representatives of various forces also appeared.

Outside Lu Yu city, Xiao Chen showed up here with Xu Xiaoyun, Chu Yan'er and Luo Qingwu.

Xiao Chen originally only wanted to bring Xu Xiaojun and Luo Qingwu here. After all, Xu Xiaojun was Chu Yunmeng’s apprentice, so naturally he would be there, but Chu Yaner had to follow her, her purpose was to watch the Chu family get beaten up Look like.

As for Luo Qingwu, it was because of Luo Qingwu's bloodline supernatural power, Xiao Chen needed it.

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