Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 978: Rockets!

"Are the aliens preparing to attack?" Lei Qianjue couldn't help asking.

"Impossible, I feel that there is only one aura in the foreign race army that reaches the fifth level of the immortal emperor, and it is impossible for them to break the ancient city." Qi Nishang said.

"How many immortal emperors are there in the foreign race?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"One immortal emperor has five layers, two immortal emperors have three layers, and three immortal emperors have one layer." Qi Nishang said.

Hearing Qi Nishang's words, everyone was shocked. Although they also had two immortal emperors, at most they could hold the other two. If the foreign race randomly produced an immortal emperor, they could be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen also cut off the idea of ​​anti-killing.

"Daddy Xiao Chen, I heard that sister Tian Kuier gave you four fairy puppets as gifts, and I also want to give you gifts."

Tian Yi'er's voice suddenly rang.

"Gift?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. Tian Yi'er wanted to give him a gift?

Immediately afterwards, as Tian Yi'er said, Xiao Chen's face was suddenly full of surprises.

"Yi'er, thank you." Xiao Chen's face was full of surprises. Tian Yi'er was a refiner, and he didn't expect his refinement skills to be so high.

"Daddy Xiao Chen, protect my sister, and improve my strength as soon as possible. I'm going to find other sisters. See you in the fairy world."

Tian Yi'er's voice fell and disappeared directly into the pet space.

Tian Yi'er has been with Tian Xing'er these days, and they have exchanged a lot. Xiao Chen once said that there are many thermal weapons on the earth, and Tian Yi'er left Xiao Chen as a gift, which is eleven, portable rocket launchers. .

"Ten of you, listen to me." Xiao Chen said to the others, explaining how to use the rocket launcher and how to activate it.

"With such a powerful power, can the immortal emperor be killed?" After hearing Xiao Chen's words, everyone was shocked, but Chu Yan'er frowned and asked.

It's no wonder that she didn't believe in Xiao Chen's words, the magic weapon that could kill the Immortal Emperor, even the Leng Family could not do it. You must know that the Immortal Emperor could use the power of rules to protect his body, and even the Emperor-level magic weapon could barely cause damage.

"Trust me." Xiao Chen said. According to Tian Yi'er, the rocket can directly kill the strong below the second level of the Immortal Emperor, even the third level of the Immortal Emperor can be injured.

"Well, let's try!" Chu Yan'er nodded.

The eleven Xiao Chen stopped directly, and then Xiao Chen distributed the rocket launcher to others.

Xiao Chen and the others stopped, but the group of strong men behind chased them.

"Why did you stop, the foreign army is here!"

"Leave them alone, let's run."

"Yes, run!"

Xiao Chen glanced at it. In addition, there were more than two hundred people in Chen Ben's brigade. Almost all of them were immortal emperor strong, and from their clothes, it could be seen that they were not the same team.

They watched Xiao Chen and the others stop. They didn't stop at all. They ran fast, even if Chen Ben saw everyone, he left without saying a word.

Soon, the foreign race army came in front of Xiao Chen and others, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming, even Xiao Chen felt depressed.

"Prepare!" Xiao Chen solemnly said.

The next moment, a rocket launcher appeared on the shoulders of eleven people, and then they simultaneously opened a slot under the rocket launcher, and then a piece of fairy crystal was stuffed in by everyone.

To activate the rocket launcher, you need the best spirit stone. Although Xiao Chen does not have the best spirit stone, he still has the best spirit stone.

As the Xianjing stuffed in, runes lit up on the rocket launcher, with golden light shining, and then everyone urged Yinjue, Xianyuan surged, and suddenly slapped it on the hand.

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