Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 975: Trigger the task, clear!

"Chu Kuang, forget it, do you know who her master is?" Chu Yan'er pulled Lu Yao over at this moment, and said Chu Kuang disdainfully.

"Cousin, you are not staying in the bounty union, what are you doing here?" Chu Kuang looked at Chu Yan'er helplessly.

"You are stupid, I am a member of Feihua Xueyue, of course I have to go with the big army." Chu Yan'er gave Chu Kuang a blank look, and then looked at the two old men Chu Sheng and said: "You two are immortal, physically not bad."

Chu Sheng and the other person turned dark, then the two turned left and the other right, and did not talk to Chu Yan'er.

"Cut, it's really meaningless." Chu Yan'er curled her lips, then pulled Lu Yao over and pointed at Xu Xiaojun and said, "This is my junior sister, and you will be your junior uncle in the future, you know?"

"Yes, Lu Yao met Master Uncle." Lu Yao was a little excited at this time. She is the Lu family, but she is not welcome in the family, so they came to Xuanbing City together with their brothers and sisters, and they did not expect to meet The strong immortal emperor of the Chu family accepted her as a disciple, and she didn't care about calling someone who was not as powerful as her uncle.

Xu Xiaojun nodded lightly to Lu Yao.

"Cousin, she is your junior sister, what's going on?" Chu Kuang asked in surprise. Chu Yan'er is a strong immortal emperor. How could she suddenly approve of a teacher, and there is also a senior immortal sister.

"A little kid knows what so much." Chu Yan'er looked much younger than Chu Kuang, and this little kid immediately plunged the surrounding into silence.

Chu Kuang opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan'er and Lu Yao introduced Shishu everywhere, except for Xiao Chen, all the others changed.

Later, the two teams were arranged by Qi Yu, Qi Chang and others and began to accept them formally, while Xiao Chen left Xuanbing City with ten apprentices.

He has not forgotten his purpose of coming to the frontline battlefield. It was only an accident to subdue the two brigades.

The main place for aliens’ activities is the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves. As the name suggests, Ten Thousand Ghost Caves have intricate terrain, just like ten thousand ghosts opened up a cave.

Alien races multiply fast and their strengths increase very quickly.

Moreover, the alien race mainly cultivates the flesh, and the power and speed are much stronger than that of the human. The overall strength is much stronger than that of the human. If it weren't for the shock of the eight ancient cities and the goddess of ice and snow, the ancient battlefield would have long become a world of aliens.

Under the leadership of Qi Nishang and others, it took three days before Xiao Chen and others stepped onto the edge of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave.

As soon as he stepped in, a reminder sounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the mission "Clear"."

"Task requirements: kill alien races and orcs!"

"Task description: Kill a certain number of aliens and orcs in a certain state, and get corresponding rewards. The rewards include the power of each attribute spirit, the bloodline of each super **** beast, the power shards of each attribute rule, a large number of pits and killings point."

"There is no time limit, and you can get rewards for killing immortal soldiers. This is a task of sending warmth." Xiao Chen smiled brightly.

From the perspective of the task, it is a bit like a restricted task, but there is no time limit. The reward is very rich. Adding the rewards from the kill itself, this is a big task.

Moreover, the number of alien races is basically endless, and there is another thing that surprises Xiao Chen, and that is the reminder of the team mode in his mind.

In other words, he is not fighting alone.

Xiao Chen looked down, and said with excitement like the outline of a mountain range hidden in the mist, "Is this the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave?"

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