Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 970: Who will lose!

"Now, the two teams have decided on the candidates." Chu Sheng said lightly.

Feihua Xueyue chose Xiao Chen, Li Yuanba, Shang Qiuyu, and finally Luo Qingwu and Xu Xiaoyun.

On the Black Tiger Brigade, with the exception of Black Tiger, the two deputy captains Shahu and Madhu, the remaining two people are the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

Chu Sheng glanced at the two teams of contestants, waved his hand and pinched a seal, a light gate appeared in the alien space, and the five members of the Black Tiger Group rushed in. Xiao Chen and others rushed in as well.

After rushing in, the individual directly landed on the starting place, and the five Feihua Xueyue all slumped on the ground. The alien space was beyond their imagination. Not only could they not use the immortal yuan, but there was also a strong gravity,

The members of the Black Tiger Team had obviously participated, so they all stood tall and laughed at Xiao Chen and others.

Even the audience roared with laughter.

"Isn't it clear that Black Tiger Brigade is bullying? There are only two immortal emperors on the other side."

"Yes, needless to say, Heihu must have taken a fancy to those beauties."

Lu Bai looked at the black tiger in the alien space with an unwilling look on his face. If Feihua Xueyue could choose them, it would be great.

The five Xiao Chen tried their best to adapt to the environment here, and slowly they finally managed to stand up, and at this moment, Chu Sheng's voice resounded directly.

Luo Qingwu, who was at the top of the bar, and a senior immortal emperor ran directly.

"Beauty, do you want my brother to wait for you?" The strong man walked out a few meters, turned his head and looked at Luo Qingwu who was moving step by step, and said mockingly.

Luo Qingwu didn't speak, but moved with difficulty. Every step he took seemed to have passed a century, his legs seemed to be tied to several sandbags.

"Beauty, our Black Tiger team welcomes beauties like you very much, why should you stay in a small team?" This strong man walked backwards without delay, and harassed Luo Qingwu from time to time.

Luo Qingwu didn't seem to have this person, so she ignored it at all, but she was a little happy in her heart. The more the opposite, the more time she has to adapt to the bad environment here, and the environment here also has the power of her bloodline. A great help.

"Come on Qingwu!" Xiao Chen encouraged, he was the second, and next to him was the crazy tiger of the Black Tiger Brigade, who was looking at Xiao Chen disdainfully.

"You are guaranteed to lose, but we won't want you men in our team, we only want women."

Crazy Tiger put his hands on his chest and looked at Xiao Chen disdainfully.

Xiao Chen didn't care about the mad tiger either. Although Alien Space had sealed the Xian Yuan, it was unable to seal the power of the bloodline. In addition, it had no effect on Xiao Chen at all, and they would never lose in this match.

Kuanghu found that Xiao Chen ignored him, so he sneered and ignored him.

After walking a certain distance, Luo Qingwu was finally able to walk upright, but compared with the people of the Black Tiger Brigade, it was still much worse, but it was also because that person had been watching Luo Qingwu jokingly, and the two of them were also Did not open much distance.

Ten minutes later, Luo Qingwu finally handed over with Xiao Chen, and Mad Tiger had already walked half of the distance, and glanced at Xiao Chen, who had just had a match, with disdain in his eyes.

Five or six minutes later, Kuanghu came to Shahu and said with a sneer: "They are determined to lose, a group of overpowering guys."

But Shahu looked at Madhu with a pale face.

"What's the matter?" Crazy Tiger looked at Shahu suspiciously.

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