Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 968: Xuanbing challenge!

"What are you laughing at?" someone around asked suspiciously at a laughing person.

"I don't know, anyway, I just want to laugh." Hearing the question, the man said, the next moment, he couldn't help but laugh again.

The questioner looked dumbfounded. He listened to the bursts of laughter, and slowly he was also affected and joined the laughter.

The laughter spread farther and farther, and more and more people joined the laughter, even though they didn't know why.

So a strange scene appeared in Xuanbing City.

"Why are you laughing?"

"do not know?"

"I wonder if you still laugh?"

"Can't stop!"

Xiao Chen and the others didn’t know that because of their laughter, everyone in Xuanbing City was laughing. Of course, there were two exceptions. They were Heihu and Lu Bai. They were the only ones who looked stupidly at the people who kept laughing. .


"Shut up, don't laugh anymore!"

"Shut up, don't laugh anymore!"

Suddenly, two voices sounded in Xuanbing City, and two old men appeared beside Chu Kuang, both of whom were strong immortal emperors.

"Chu Kuang, don't laugh!" one of the old men shouted at Chu Kuang.

Hearing this, Chu Kuang looked at the old man, and suddenly he let out a spit on his face.

"Elder, I'm sorry, I can't help it, hahaha." Chu Kuang smiled and apologized.

The old man wiped the saliva from his face and looked at Chu Kuang with a sullen look. With Xianyuan's encouragement, his voice spread throughout Xuanbing City.

"Old man Chu Sheng, whoever dared to laugh, the old man killed him!"

However, his threat didn't work at all, instead it made Chu laugh happily.

The expression on Chu Sheng's face could no longer be described as iron blue, and just as he was about to shout again, snowflakes floated in Xuanbing City.

After seeing the snowflakes falling on their bodies, everyone was in a daze, and the laughter slowly stopped, even Chu Kuang stopped laughing.

"She made the move." The old man behind Chu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, but Chu Sheng looked at Chu Kuang with an iron face and said, "What happened?"

Hearing this, Chu Kuang pointed to the black tiger and Lu Bai below, and said, "I blame this pair of friends. It's so funny, I didn't hold it back for a while."

When Lu Bai and Heihu heard what Chu Kuang said, they looked aggrieved.

"Participate in the great elder, the second elder." The two hurriedly saluted the two elders.

"What are your two brigade doing here?" Chu Sheng asked gloomily when the three of them fell.

The two looked at each other, and pointed at Xiao Chen and others and said: "We are here to challenge Feihua Xueyue team to Xuanbing."

"Puff!" Chu Kuang couldn't help laughing again.

Chu Sheng glared at Chu Kuang, then looked at Xiao Chen and others, his eyes narrowed slightly, Chu Yan'er had already avoided at this moment, Qi Nishang couldn't see his strength at all, only Qi Chang was the pinnacle of the fairy emperor. , The other strongest is the Xianhuang Fourfold, and there are even several Xianzun.

"Which team do you challenge?"

"We (us)!" The two said in the same voice again.

Chu Kuang laughed again, and Chu Sheng was also speechless.

"Since you all have to challenge, the Feihuaxueyue team chooses the target. They choose which team to challenge. The other team is not allowed to have any opinions, understand?"

Chu Kuang looked at Errendao.

"Yes." The two nodded, without any comment.

"Who is your Captain Feihua Xueyue, come out and choose a team to challenge Xuanbing."

Chu Sheng said, and his eyes were mainly on Qi Chang. In his opinion, only Qi Chang had the highest strength and should be their captain.

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