Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 966: Look at you!

"I really hope they can start, then there will be a good show." Watching the two teams confront each other, the people nearby became very excited.

"Lu Bai (Black Tiger), do you want to fight?" Hei Hu and Lu Bai shouted at the same time.

"Shut up, don't talk like me." The two shouted at the same time.

"Are you talking about a try?" The two said at the same time, and then stared at each other fiercely, and the players behind them stared at each other fiercely.

"I have something, otherwise you can't take care of yourself if you have to fight today." After the two looked at each other, they said almost at the same time, and they said exactly the same.

The people nearby looked at each other, Xiao Chen looked at this scene and thought of a certain paragraph in his mind.

Xiao Chen leaped, jumped out of the restaurant, came to the side of the Black Tiger Team, and directly shouted at the Bingbing Team, "What are you looking at?"

Then Xiao Chen came to the Bingbing Brigade and shouted at the Black Tiger Brigade: "Look at you."

"You are taking a look."

"Try it!"

Xiao Chen played the second role alone, talking to himself, and the people from the two teams looked at each other.

At this moment, Lei Qianjue looked interesting, and came directly to the opposite of Xiao Chen, and the two shouted at each other.

For some reason, the people of both teams felt very imposing. One of them couldn't help but join the shouting. There were one and two. This scene gradually appeared in front of the Junqing Restaurant.

A hundred people from the Black Tiger Brigade shouted together: "What are you looking at?"

Hundreds of Bingbing brigade shouted together: "Look at you!"

"Take another look!"

"Try it!"

People in the distance, seeing this scene, looked completely dazed, didn't they fight? How does it feel like I'm playing.

The second team shouted more and more vigorously, until a strong breath came out, everyone closed their mouths for an instant, looking at the figure in the air, instantly became respectful.

"What are you doing?" In midair was a middle-aged man, exuding the aura of the immortal emperor.

Heihu and Lu Bai looked at each other, and both of them had forgotten their purpose of coming here.

"Master Qi, we are just playing around." The two shook hands at the same time.

"Play, it's really interesting, then you continue." The middle-aged man said lightly.

Lu Baiheihu looked at each other again, what does this mean?

"Why haven't it started yet?" the middle-aged man smiled.

Heihulu's white complexion changed slightly, and then Heihu led the Black Tiger Brigade and began to shout, and the Bingbing Brigade also shouted.


The next day, Xiao Chen and the others were outside the courtyard, surrounded by more than two hundred people. The leaders were Heihu and Lu Bai. The two looked at Xiao Chen and the others with anger in their eyes.

Yesterday, the two teams shouted for a full afternoon and became the laughing stock of the entire Xuanbing City. Later, they learned from Manghu and Di Qiu that they were beaten by Xiao Chen, and they almost died of anger.

"I heard that you are the Feihua Xueyue team, right? My Black Tiger, in the name of the captain of the Black Tiger Team, challenged the Feihua Xueyue Team to the Xuanbing!" The Black Tiger said viciously, and all the Black Tiger members behind him stared with hatred. With Xiao Chen and others.

"Black Tiger, they are my prey, do you want to grab it with me?" Lu Bai said gloomily.

"Lu Bai, they are my prey. You have already robbed me of several prey. Are you trying to grab one?" Black Tiger said coldly.

"Heihu, don't think I don't know what you are thinking about. Didn't I just fancy some of them. Our Ice Brigade also needs beautiful women. I will definitely not give up on this prey."

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