Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 950: Unbeaten in the East!

Just when Tian Xuan and Chen Kun were riding a tiger, there was a loud laughter, and then a majestic middle-aged man stepped forward, with a violent breath emerging from his body, suppressing the Quartet.

"The East is unbeaten!"

Seeing the people coming, all three of them stared at the middle-aged man with solemn expressions.

"The East is undefeated, you don't stay in your nest, why are you running here to join in the fun?"

Seeing the person coming, Tian Xuan said gloomily.

"Tianxuan, are you itchy and want someone to help you move around? Where does the emperor go, I use you to talk more!" The middle-aged man, known as the Invincible Dongfang, said directly to Tianxuan. A little respect for the old and the young.

After being stunned by Dongfang Invincible, Tian Xuan's face turned black, and he was about to go back, but he heard Xiao Feng's efforts to suppress laughter behind him.

For an instant, the eyes of the four of them all looked over.

And it was Xiao Chen who was still laughing.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?" Tian Xuan asked calmly.

"The East is invincible, this name is too domineering." Xiao Chen ignored the gazes of the four people and said dumbly. The East was invincible. This is a good name. If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace. I don't know what the strong man in front of me is. Will take this name.

"Boy, you are so acquainted, this name was taken by the emperor himself, isn't it domineering." Hearing this, Dongfang Unbeaten laughed directly, obviously proud of his name.

"Domineering, very domineering." Xiao Chenqiang said with a smile in his heart.

"Hahaha, boy, although what you said is correct, don't you want to explain to someone who killed my Eastern family?"

Although the front side of the undefeated East was smiling, the back side was full of coldness.

"Speaking of which, the people of the Heavenly Family have killed the most. The Chen family’s innocent slaughter of my Star Sect disciples has become a deadly enemy. Only your Eastern family’s sect is the most optimistic. If the blood of the madman in your body can be stimulated, it is definitely A strong army, how about it, do you want to mix with this sect, this sect promises you will not regret it."

Xiao Chen didn't seem to see the coldness in Dongfang Undefeated's eyes, but smiled and solicited.

As soon as this remark came out, the four of them felt extremely absurd, and Long Hao and others who were always concerned about the situation here were completely dumbfounded.

Xiao Chen faintly looked at Dongfang Undefeated, while the sword of good fortune was constantly repairing his damaged soul.

"Boy, are you crazy, you want to recruit us?" Dongfang Invincible has a ridiculous feeling. He clearly came to kill him, but the other party proposed to recruit him, which is very strange.

"This sect is very sober, the Heavenly Star Sect is about to dominate the Immortal Realm, and the Heavenly Chen Family will be destroyed. If the Eastern Family can surrender to the Heavenly Star Sect, your future achievements will be bright." Xiao Chen stood up slowly and said faintly, although his voice was calm. , But loudly.

Everyone was stunned by Xiao Chen's rhetoric.

"The Heavenly Star Sect is about to dominate the Immortal Realm? The Heavenly Family Chen Family must be destroyed? This is the best joke this emperor has heard for so long. It seems that this kid is very sick, Xiao Feng, but you are determined to fight us for this kid In the end!" Tian Xuan said coldly, staring at Xiao Chen with disdain.

"What kind of trash power is the Star Sect, this emperor has never heard of it, and dare to pretend to dominate the fairyland, boy, do you know what power is really dominating the fairyland?" Chen Kun sneered.

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