Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 936: Heavenly Star Sect, Xiao Chen!

The fifth elder looked surprised, and turned his head hurriedly, only to find that the other party slapped a palm, including the strongest guard, who were all beaten and flew out, and fell to the ground embarrassedly, wailing constantly.

"I'm saying it again, if I only want his life, those who stand against me will die!" Xiao Chen took another step, one sword at a time, and everyone present was a little breathless.

The Fifth Elder looked a little shocked, and overturned so many guards with one palm, even he could not do it.

"Why is this person a little familiar?" The Fifth Elder's expression suddenly changed. Qi Bao Pavilion not only possessed a large number of Qi Bao, but also an intelligence office.

"Who are you on earth?" the Fifth Elder asked sternly.

"Sky Star Sect, Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, his sword pointed towards Luo Lang, and said: "He has offended my Sky Star Sect Master. No matter who it is, he can't save his life."

Such overbearing and indifferent words not only caused a chill in the hearts of the onlookers, but even the five elders trembled in their hearts.

"Heaven Star Sect, this sect has never heard of it, but the name Xiao Chen is a bit familiar." Five elders said, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, looking at Xiao Chen and said: "Back then First, and now the first name on the Immortal Respect List is Xiao Chen, between you..."

"It's me." Xiao Chen said.

"Aren't you from the Demon God Sect?" The Fifth Elder was taken aback.

"This sect is both the Sect Master of the Demon God Sect and the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect, can't it?" Xiao Chen asked back.

The fifth elder was taken aback, it seemed that it was not impossible, but the next moment, he suddenly remembered something, looked at Xiao Chen like a ghost, and said questioningly: "If I am not mistaken, the immortal is the first Xiao Chen, it should be only the peak of Xianjun, and you are the peak of Xianzun, you cannot be the same person at all."

"You idiot, I broke through." Xiao Chen said silently, then glanced at Luo Lang, who was receding, and said coldly: "Where do you want to escape?"

Xiao Chen's icy voice made Luo Lang's body preparing to escape suddenly stop in place.

The five elders were completely shocked and became the top of the Immortal Venerable Ranking. In less than two months, he had already broken through from the peak of the Immortal Monarch to the peak of the Immortal Venerable. How could this be possible? He lived for so long, even if those powerful There has never been such an example in the forces.

Xiao Chen looked at Luo Lang and took another step.

Seeing this, Luo Lang flashed a hint of horror on his face, and hurriedly shouted: "Fifth Elder, stop him!"

The Fifth Elder finally recovered, with a hint of shock in his eyes. He looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Sir Xiao Chen, is there any misunderstanding between this? Let's sit down and talk about it, why fight and kill."

The Fifth Elder said very politely, whether it is based on Xianjun Xiu who dominates the top of the Immortal Venerable List, or he broke through from the Xianjun to the peak of the Immortal Venerable in less than two months, and he knew that Xiao Chen was chased and killed by the heavens. He passed, but he stood here intact, no matter from which aspect, it proved that the young man in front of him was extremely extraordinary and could not be easily offended.

"There is no misunderstanding, he must die, you let go, don't take your life for an irrelevant person!"

The other party spoke very politely, and Xiao Chen was not aggressive either.

The Fifth Elder's expression was a bit ugly, he just wanted to be a peaceful old man, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen's attitude to be so determined, and he didn't know how that kid got him.

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